Rejecting My Lycan Mate: Finding My Wolf (Three Lycan Kingdoms Series Book 2)
Rejecting My Lycan Mate: Finding My Wolf: Chapter 63

Dimitri’s POV

“I will be back soon, princess,” I said as I kissed her softly.

I didn’t want to leave her, but I had to go back to the reception. I could tell that she felt better when I was with her. I could tell that she didn’t want me to leave her.

“I can come with you,” she said, but I saw how tired she was.

I wasn’t surprised. If I was right and she could really read people’s minds, that must have been exhausting.

“No, love,” I said, giving her a small smile. “Stay here and rest. I will be back soon and we will go to our room.”

I didn’t get a chance to grab her stuff, but she would be okay for a night. She could sleep in my shirt and I had everything she could possibly need.

“Keep her safe,” I said as I looked at Will. “Mind-link me if anything happens.”

He nodded and gave me a small smile.

“Don’t worry,” Will said. “She will be okay.”

I kissed her forehead and reluctantly let her go. She looked at me and gave me a small smile. It didn’t reach her eyes, though.

“I will be right back, okay?” I said, trying to stop myself from pulling her back to me.

I would never leave if I did.

She nodded and I started walking out of the room. I had to leave before I changed my mind and stayed.

I closed the door behind me and felt my heart tugging to go back to her. I really, really hated leaving her alone. Not being able to see her and touch her was driving me crazy.

I took a deep breath and rushed downstairs. The sooner I got everything done, the sooner I could go back to her.

“Dimitri!” I heard Mike’s voice as soon as I walked back into the reception.

I looked at him and he waved me over to where he and my mother were standing.

“Where is Maddie?” Mike asked as soon as I approached them. “We wanted to congratulate her.”

“You want to congratulate her,” my mother mumbled angrily.

I looked at her and tightened my jaw. I really had enough of the way she was behaving.

“Enough, Mother,” I said angrily. “She is my mate and you will have to accept that.”

My mother rolled her eyes and the anger exploded inside me.

“What do you have against her?” I asked, trying to stop myself from growling. “What did she ever do to you?”

My mother clenched her fists and narrowed her eyes at me.

“She isn’t made to be the Queen,” she said angrily. “She isn’t made to be the Luna of my pack. She is just some poor, orphan girl who deserves to be cast aside.”

My eyes widened. Skol started thrashing and growling. I wanted to scream at her, but Mike beat me to it.

“Janet!” he exclaimed angrily. “Take that back! That is my daughter you are talking about!”

My mother snickered and looked at Mike.

“Your daughter?” she mocked. “The one you left? You knew all those years ago that she wasn’t worth your time. Maybe you could talk some sense into my son.”

Oh, I saw fucking red.

I didn’t have time to react, though. Mike growled and his canines elongated. He grabbed my mother’s arm and started pulling her away.

Dimitri! My mother mind-linked me, but I ignored her.

Deal with her, Mike. I mind-linked him instead of her. Do not come back to the reception. I don’t want to make a scene.

Mike turned around and gave me a small nod. I could see how pissed he was.

I was angry too, but my pack members were all around us and I really didn’t want them to witness me strangling my mother.

“Alpha,” I heard Kendrick’s voice behind me.

I turned around and saw him smiling at me. His smile, just like everything he did and said, was fake.

“Kendrick,” I said politely. “Are you enjoying the party?”

“Very much so, Alpha,” he said, bowing his head a little. “I would enjoy it even more if your beautiful Luna was here.”

I tightened my jaw and gulped. I had to fight so hard to keep a smile on my face.

“She asked to be excused,” I said calmly. “She had a really big day and she is a bit tired.”

Kendrick smiled and my stomach turned. He always gave me chills and that feeling intensified now that I had a mate. He was a man in his mid-forties. He was bald, pale, and he always looked sweaty. He was overweight and he actually looked a lot older than he was. Every time I saw him he was wearing royal robes. I wondered if he had any other clothes in his closet.

“Oh, that is such a shame,” Kendrick said, sighing quietly. “She is a real beauty and I think that I will enjoy spending time with her. Please let her know that I am looking forward to seeing her again.”

The anger intensified and I had a really hard time keeping a smile on my face. I wished that I could somehow stop him from seeing her, but I knew it wasn’t possible. She was a Queen and she had to work with the council members.

“I will let her know,” I said, trying to sound calm. “Thank you, Kendrick.”

He gave me another fake smile, bowed a little, and walked away.

I clenched my fists and wished that I could strangle him. I didn’t like any member of the council, but I fucking hated Kendrick. There was something about him that made my skin crawl.

I took a deep breath and started walking through the crowd. I stopped to talk to some of my pack members. Everyone asked about Maddie and it made me happy. They already liked her and cared about her.

Is everything okay? I mind-linked Will.

Yes. He responded. We are talking and getting to know each other. Will you come back soon?

Yes. I said. I just need to say goodbye to everyone.

Good. Will said. I think that your presence helps her with the voices. She has been struggling ever since you left.

My heart raced and my need to protect Maddie exploded inside me.

I will be right there. I said as I hurried to the stage.

I already missed her anyway. I wanted to go back to her as soon as possible.

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