Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 87

[Alice’ POV]

28 days later.

Today, we will all head back to the central kingdom.

During these 28 days, I contacted all my sisters to know their situation and how many orbs they already found. Then I gathered everyone to meet us in the pyramid mountains, when I learned they completed their tasks. Only two orbs of death are missing, where I know Yael has them.

And for the other two infinite diamonds left, who knows that tracking them took us long enough to get? The most stubborn diamonds were the green and brown that belonged to Willow and Damona because they changed location every 5 seconds around the magic realm. It's almost impossible to catch them, but in the end we worked together to trap the diamonds and successfully took them in the end, but it took us almost three weeks.

And now, because of the diamonds and orbs, the magic realm was dazzling, full of crystal clear lights coming from magical flowers, plants, and trees. It's such a fantastic view, and it was all thanks to the green and brown infinite diamonds.

The only things that are lacking in the magic realm are the structures. And everyone is still working on the infrastructure. I guess it will take some time to finish.

This felt like a whole new world. However, we can only live in peace after I settled the score with Yael.

No one knew except my father and me about what Yael wanted to negotiate with me. That's why Yael uses the orbs of death as a bargain.

Two days from now, we will have a negotiation. I can’t wait for everything to be over, especially the case of the council of the gods. Because their fate lies in me and the fate of the entire universe. However, someone controls my fate and I have yet to find out who. That is my task from Almighty God—to find that mysterious being called destiny, who disguised as one of us. In order for me to be free from the curse thread of fate that binds me from the eternal darkness and light, all I need to do is to find that mysterious being to bring me to the eternal unknown or the place where all are void, just filled with unending gravity and the power of everything, that only the chosen can enter. Actually, I have an idea who the destiny was. I'm hoping my guess is right.

So these past few days, I make sure to spend time with everyone, especially my Azrael. My sisters and the others also shared their amazing adventures with us when we found a time to chat. It makes me happy knowing they are having a good time throughout this journey.

And with the half-fox triplets around, our stay in the pyramid mountains became lively, and we even built a castle to mark our territory. This castle is a gift for the triplets, though.

However, deep inside, I was struggling to keep my facade. I contemplated whether to let my sisters know about my situation. But I know I can't tell them because I don’t want to ruin their happiness just because of me. All this time, I have been lying to them. No one noticed it because everyone was busy like I had planned.

The truth is, in order to keep the balance of both worlds, restore the magic realm, and to use the full power of the orbs and diamonds all at once, I have to sacrifice myself and... the seeds inside me, which I just found out secretly a few days ago.

This sadness loomed over me, breaking my heart into pieces. But I have no other choice but to remain strong. It's hard to make a decision, but this sacrifice is also for my sisters and my freedom. If I do not do this, they will force me and my sisters to rule the promised land, and that is not what we wanted.

It pulled me out of my trance when Sabrina’s voice echoed.

"Everyone ready?”

Everyone beamed a smile and nodded.

I looked around the castle with sad eyes. We will surely miss our time here together. This is the place where we nurture the half-fox triplets and Blue. And this place holds a special place in my heart because I spent the last few days with everyone without worrying about the future, even though it's just temporary.

The memories we shared will always be imprinted in my mind forever...

I know my sisters will hate me after this. Although Azrael's feelings bothered me the most. I know I will hurt him mercilessly this time. But I just hope he will understand me or... wait for me... if I manage to come back.

“Dang it!"

Thinking about leaving him made my heart throbbed excruciatingly’

“Ugh. I will miss this place...” Val pouted sadly.

“The longer we stay, the more it will attach us to this place. So come on, let's go!” Demonise said and walked out the magical castle first. Echo and Giga followed her, and we had no choice but to step out of the castle, too.

I looked at Giga's back, and until now, I still can’t believe she’s a shapeshifter snake. Her desire must be so strong that the red diamond granted her wish. And from a blank slate, she's now slowly adopting her surroundings because of the help from everyone. She can now move by herself without fear.

Azrael held my hand with a smile, and I smiled back. We are the last one to leave the castle, hand in hand.

I saw the half-fox triplets and the kids, together with Blue, ran excitedly towards the four dragons who were waiting for us patiently. Seeing the cute little triplets running still fascinates me. Who would have thought they could walk and run after a few days before we raised them?

I halted and looked back at the castle one more time before I dragged Azrael towards Darius, where Alexia, Luke, and Eros were already riding Darius happily. These past few days, the triplets and the kids enjoy riding the dragons in a race. We let them be as we were busy tracking the diamonds.

I look at Xandra, who was hugging Ariya, looking so adorable because the little thing can't stay put. I chuckled at how troubled Xandra looked. Yeah, Ariya gives her a headache sometimes because that little thing likes to walk and run on her own and only Cybelle could stop her. And when Ariya saw Cybelle behind Xandra's back, she stopped struggling. I smiled because they look like a family. When Lucia and Cyn saw me glancing at them, they smiled at me, and I smiled back.

Then I saw Azel leaning at Damona and Helix hugged them both. They also look like a family. Meanwhile, Blue sat between Michelle and Layla with a puppy look. He's looking at me pleadingly and I just chuckled. Well, the two sisters didn't let him go when they first saw him. Blue is so cute and the sisters couldn't get enough of his cuteness. Poor thing. Hehe.

From the other side, Willow and Zelix were exchanging banters again. I guess their relationship had improved over time. Their bickering is all nonsense and Willow is still giving Zelix a hard time, but I know Willow enjoyed pissing Zelix more. That's her way of getting to know him better—through bickering. Uh, my sister is weird. Haha

Meanwhile, Demonise and Echo are also bickering at each other, with Giga listening intently, trying to decipher their useless banters. I shook my head while giggling as I jumped at Darius’ back. Azrael quickly snakes his arms around my waist that made me smile.

I saw Sabrina, Vorges, Val, and Drelix talking with each other seriously. I wonder what they are talking about. And I caught them taking glances at me. When they saw me looking at them, their eyes widened slightly and looked away quickly. Hm, their actions seemed suspicious to me.

As I tilted my head to the other side, I saw Liza looking at us and when I caught her staring; she froze like a deer caught in a headlight and then looked away quickly with a flushed face. I chuckled and then signaled the four dragons to set off in the air when everyone settled in.

Now, looking at everyone made my heart throbbed, but I imprinted this scenario in my memory. I will cherish our memories together until eternity.

I closed my eyes and leaned my back on Azrael, as I felt a little dizzy. These past few days, I didn't feel good and felt irritated at nothing in particular. I just hope no one notices my symptoms or else I'm busted.

“Are you okay?" Azrael whispered.

“I'm fine.” I just answered. He hummed and rested his chin on my shoulder, then tightened his embrace around my waist.

“What's wrong? You look grumpy these days. Are you feeling dizzy again? You ate little this morning.” he asked worriedly.


'Did he notice something?’

I sighed. “I don't know. My stomach twisted whenever I see a lot of food on the table.”

He frowned. “That's strange. Because as far as I remember, you always eat a lot.”

"Did 1?” I feigned I didn't notice the changes in me. He hummed and planted a soft kiss on my cheeks, which made me smile and feel warm..

I closed my eyes as Azrael's warmth soothes my body. As much as I wanted this moment to last, I know it will end soon.

“Big sister, will I see mommy and daddy?” Luke suddenly asked.

“Soon, Luke. You'll see them soon.” I said reassuringly, while patting his head.


The children uttered as soon as we landed in the wide plaza of Central Kingdom. My four dragons automatically returned inside me and became a tattoo on my wrist.

Just as what mother said, the kingdom was nearly complete with its infrastructure. They surely made the kingdom too splendid, and the view is fascinating with the huge water fountain in the center with six statues floating above using the magical stone. The statues were my sisters and I.

Wow, they really outdid themselves with the design. The entire kingdom is so fabulous.

The gods and goddesses with my mother and father greeted us all. We bowed at each other as a sign of respect. Looking at them now, it's obvious that they worked hard to do good deeds. I saw all of it and that's why I stopped assessing them, because I already decided what to do next.

Mother and father hugged me and my sisters tightly, and their embrace was full of love. They really miss us a lot.

Surprisingly, the council members and mother were looking at me strangely. Did they notice something?

I sighed. I know I can't hide my condition from them.

“Please meet me in the conference room later at 9:00 pm.’ I told them using telepathy without my sisters suspecting our silent stares. They all agreed without asking anything.

“Ahh, I want to see our rooms!” Val and Damona exclaimed excitedly, then rushed inside.

We all followed while chuckling. As we entered, I couldn't help but praise the gods and goddesses’ works. They really outdid themselves. I felt like I was back in promised land. The ambiance and scenery was a replica of our castle in promised land. I can't wait to go to the garden later.

“Alice, are we back in promised land?” my sisters asked in unison with jaws dropped. They only realized it now.

I, along with the councils and mother and father, laughed at their reactions. Actually, this is what I requested from my mother and the council before we left a month ago. They didn't know the reason behind this, though. I requested this for my sisters because I want them to remember our memories together in promised land

My sisters ran upstairs to check their rooms. I just giggled. They never changed.

Seeing my sister's action, the half-fox triplets followed them and Azrael chased after them while chuckling. The others followed, leaving Sabrina, Vorges, and the two kids with me. Meanwhile, the council, together with mother and father, walked outside the castle to do their unfinished business. “Big sister, where's mommy?” Luke asked as he tugged on my dress. He was frowning while looking around. Oh, he was looking for Allia and Clinton.

I turned to Sabrina, and she quickly walked towards us and bent down to level Luke.

“Luke, we will bring you to mommy later, okay?”


"Yes, Luke. I promise.” Sabrina patted Luke's head with a smile.

“How about Eros mommy?” Luke asked curiously.

"Oh, don't worry, Luke. I will bring Eros to his mommy." I said with a smile.

He beamed a smile while nodding his head. I ruffled his hair, and he just giggled.

I turned to Sabrina when she stood up.

"Are you going now, Sabrina?”

"Yes, Alice. The little boy surely missed his mom and Allia was so excited to see him, too.”

"Okay. Take care always, Sabrina. Just know that I love you.” I said and gave her a tight hug.

“I love you too, Alice. But why do I feel like you are leaving? You've been telling that to everyone every day.” She asked with a frown and narrowed her eyes..

“You're hallucinating, Sabrina.” I giggled. She just stared at me with eyebrows knitted together. Wow, does she see through me?

She sighed. “Well, we're going then.” she said reluctantly. I can tell that she was debating in her mind and was contemplating to confront me whether her assumptions were right.

I nodded with a smile. Then she grabbed Luke's hand and walked towards Vorges. Her hesitation to leave was clear the way she walked. The vampire smiled at me while holding Sabrina’s hand.

“Bye, Eros!”

“L-Luke! Don't leave!” Eros cried and ran towards Luke while choking on his tears. Luke hugged the poor little boy and patted his head.

“I'll see my mommy and you will see your mommy too. I promise I will visit you!” Luke said with a smile. Eros frowned and just nodded when Luke whispered something to him.

"I'll be back tomorrow, Alice!" Sabrina said. I gave her a smile and waved my hand before I teleported them to their destination. With power limitations, they can't use their power as much as they like anymore.

In the entire magic realm, I am the most powerful because I have the orbs of life and death and the six infinite diamonds with me. That's right, I borrowed the diamonds from my sisters. But they didn't know the reason why. Well, even without the infinite diamond, they are still more powerful than the rest.

I held Eros’ hand, and we walked upstairs to follow Azrael and the others.

While walking in the wide hallway, Eros tugged at my dress, which made me halt and look at him. "Will I see you again?" he asked out of the blue. I couldn't help but feel surprised.

"Of course. Make sure you'll remember me, okay?" I said with a half-smile. He nodded and beamed. "I will marry you when I become big!" he said confidently while gesturing his hand upward and I just chuckled.

"That won't happen, baby boy! Alice will marry me!" Azrael interrupts with a wide grin. My face flushed red at his words.

Eros frowned and then pouted. Then I heard the triplets’ laughter in my sister's bedroom. Oh, they're having fun.

Azrael held my hand and asked, “Love, where's your room?”

“It's with the silver blue door.” I answered.

"Oh, that's beside Willow!"

I nodded. “By the way, I came here to tell you I will bring Eros now to his family. I will return after I visit Mama Leia and Papa Alexander.” I said when he was about to pull me towards my room.

He stopped and looked at me. “Do you want me to accompany you?"

I smiled. “No need. Just take care of the triplets. I will not take long.”

He sighed

"Okay. Be safe.”

I nodded and smiled. He gave me a tight hug and a smack on my lips before letting me go. I giggled and then carried Eros. He watched us teleport out of his sight.

When we appeared so suddenly at the werewolves’ base, they leaped out of their seats in shock. “Lady Alice!” they exclaimed in surprise.

“Where's Stephen?” I asked and put Eros down.

“This way, Lady Alice...”

The man led us towards the unfinished big castle and I saw Stephen commanding his people doing the construction. He spun around and our gaze met. His eyes widened when he realized it's me. “Alice!”


We hugged, and then he looked at the little boy beside me.

"Oh, Eros!”

Eros’ face lit up upon recognizing Stephen. “Uncle!” he called and jumped towards Stephen. “Mommy! I want to see mommy!” Eros uttered with excitement.

"Eros! My baby!” a beautiful woman called while running towards us with tears rolling down her face.

Oh, it's Eros’ mother, Olivia Craig.

She took Eros from Stephen's arms and hugged the little boy tightly while giving the little boy a lot of kisses on the cheeks. They knew Eros had been in my care these past few days and they patiently waited for our return. “Mommy, I'm home!” Eros said and gave kisses to his mother's cheeks, too. "Aww, my baby is so adorable!” Then the woman turned to me with a grateful smile. “Thank you so much for finding our baby, Lady Alice. Please tell me how do I repay you?”

I smiled while shaking my head slightly. “It's nothing. Eros is such a good boy and we enjoy having him around. I apologize for not returning early. I know you missed him.”

"Oh, you don't have to apologize, Lady Alice! We understand!”

I nodded and turned to Stephen. “By the way, Layla may come back here tomorrow or the next day. She's busy fantasizing about her new room in the castle.”

Stephen chuckled while shaking his head in amusement. “Please tell her I miss her so much. And don't make me wait for much longer.”

“Haha. I will.”

After our little chat, I bid them goodbye and teleported to Moonlight Kingdom in the south. There's something I wanted to give to my other parents before I leave.

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