Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 73

Demon Lord Samael cursed loudly in annoyance and disbelief. He was so enraged and a murderous aura envelope around him. A loud, terrifying roar echoed throughout the place as he growled furiously with a murderous intent. He couldn't believe that Yael abandoned him during the war. He will find the demon beast and kill him!

What a cowardly bastard beast!

Now that the tables had turned, he had no choice but to use his secret weapon early. He can't afford to lose this war!

"You may be the Goddess of Change, daughter of Selene, but using my secret weapon, no one can change my fate. I will exterminate the sextuplets in this world!"

Like what Alice did, Samael used his demonic power to absorb all the demon’s energy and formed it above him like a giant dark cloud opposite to Alice. He called all the demons to stay behind him. "Demonic Energy Absorption Magic Incantation!” he chanted, and the ritual began. A terror scream of the demons echoed in the entire place as their power was being absorbed.

However, the Demon Lord fears no one. Whatever obstacles come in his way, he will finish them all and leave no one. No matter how strong his opponents are, they are no match for him because he already experienced death. It means no one can defeat him, not even the Gods. Because he was born to rule the entire universe!


The sisters are quickly alerted because their enemies use a powerful spell. Demonise looked up and noticed the light and dark energy fighting for dominance. “Alice, be careful.” she whispered, then stared at Samael. Who would have thought that Samael showed his trump card so early? Does it mean he smells he was at a disadvantage when Yael abandoned him?

Demonise smirked and took out her weapon, but stopped when the ground shook.

Suddenly, a magic circle appeared under Val, Damona, Demonise, Helix, and Drelix. They grunted when their energy was being absorbed.


The sudden attacks stunned Azrael. He's the only one who avoided the dark magic circle because of his three high-ranking spirits, who sense the danger coming after them, and the Mystic Eagle breaks the magic circle before it absorbs Azrael energy. “Everyone! Don't worry, I'll save you!” Azrael shouted. He was riding the Divine Wolf in the air.

The giant dragon's loud roar echoed throughout the entire place. There's also a huge magic circle surrounding the giant dragon. Its energy was also being absorbed!

"Azrael! Protect Alice!” Demonise yelled and gritted her teeth while trying to fight the dark magic circle surrounding her. She wasn't expecting the attack, so it surprised her. But the more she resists, the more her energy drains!

“Damn, my energy got drained!” Val uttered weakly and knelt on the ground as her legs turned wobbly.

“We have to do something!” Drelix muttered while cursing under his breath. He glared daggers at his evil father, despising him from the depths of his soul.

"We're trapped!” Demonise said and examine the magic circle as it glows. They couldn't even use their magic diamonds!

“Mystic Eagle! Break the dark magic circle!” Azrael commanded the spirit and without complaints, the mystic eagle released loud sound waves, causing everyone to cover their ears. The Mystic Eagle flew around and released a ray of light through its mouth. In just a blink of their eyes, the dark magic circle surrounding the sisters and the black dragon break but not the magic circle surrounding Helix and Drelix.

Meanwhile, Demon Lord Samael saw the happening and laughed loudly, then cast a spell to trap his beloved traitor sons. “Demonic Cursed Chain Full Control! Demonic Mind Control! Demonic Power Full Control!”

“Helix!” Damona called out and tried to help Helix get out from the magic circle, but the force was too strong and it would take a while to get her energy back. She felt too weak and gritted her teeth in frustration.

“Mona, it's no use. Please stop wasting your remaining energy. Save it.” Helix said as he felt his body get numb. He smiled at Damona. He knew it would be his last time seeing Damona in his sane self. Because he knew his father so well and this is his fate, to serve his father until the end. They still wrapped the chains that connect him and his brothers to their father around their body. No one could break the curse except their father. And their father is the one to decide whether they'll live or die.

“Helix...” Damona gasped while shaking her head. She knew something was going to happen the way Helix looked at her. And she doesn't like the feeling!

A bad feeling like she will lose him!

“Mona, always remember that you are my life. I love you so much. And I'm willing to sacrifice everything just—" Damona cut off his sentence and glared at him.

“Bullshit, Helix! I didn't ask you to sacrifice yourself! To hell with it!" Damona said angrily, and a strong force rushed through her veins. Little by little, her energy returned, becoming a lot stronger. She despises the demon lord for making her mate suffer. And she will never forgive him! She will kill him!

Helix shook his head. “It's the only way, Mona. This is my fate, and the moment I choose my love for you rather than obeying my father, death is the price for defying my destiny. Kill me, Mona, before I turn into a monster.” Helix begged, but his voice filled with regrets and despair. Because he was just an experiment to his father and now the time has come. The chains that connect him to his father are being pulled little by little.

“No! Please Helix, don't let me do the things I don't want to!” Damona declined as tears formed in the corner of her eyes

“Mona, you're fated to kill me in this war,” Helix said calmly, but deep inside him yearns the opposite. He wanted to live! He wanted to be with Damona for the rest of his life!

Damona’s expression darkened, “Then you have to kill me too.” she let out and looked at Helix with a serious expression.

“I can't do that.” Helix shook his head, baffled at Damona's words.

“It's the same with me,” Damona went closer to Helix while chanting, “Infinity Protection!” Before the magic circle dragged Helix, she kissed him. “I'll bring you back, Helix. Trust me.” she whispered and smiled. Then Helix disappeared from her sight and appeared beside the demon lord.

Meanwhile, Val tried to help Drelix get out from the dark magic circle, but to no avail.

“I'm sorry, Val..." Drelix said while smiling faintly. The moment the magic circle appeared, he knew what would happen next to him and his brother. Their father finally pulled the chains that connected them to him. It was the curse that their father put on them when their birth mother died.

"Drelix! Please fight for me. Fight your own demons! No matter what happens, always believe in yourself. You can do it.” Val said while frowning and gripping Drelix’'s hands tightly. She didn’t know, but she felt scared upon thinking of letting go of his hands. She felt like something bad would happen next.


“You can do it.” Val felt her heart beat again, but this time, her heart beat because of fear and nervousness.

Drelix trembled as he felt the invisible chains on his feet being pulled. “If things get out of hand, please kill me, Val..."

Val felt like crying, “What are you saying, Drelix? I can't do that. You're my mate!”

Drelix gripped her hands tightly and looked in her eyes intently. “I know. But just in case I can't make it, please end me.”

Val shook her head. “You're talking nonsense! I know you can do it because I trust you. And whatever happens, I'll keep you alive no matter what. You're my rival and forever will be. And no one will die between us until I say so. Remember my words, Drelix.”

Drelix smiled and felt the warmth in his heart. The thought that Val trusts him, even though she treats him as her rival, made his stomach do somersaults.

“I love you, Valkyrie...”

"D-Drelix...” Val gasped when Drelix pulled her in and kissed her gently before the darkness took over his consciousness and disappeared from her sight. Before she knew it, Drelix appeared beside the Demon Lord and Helix. The brothers looked like a robot and everyone knew they were under the Demon Lord's control—like a puppet on a string.

Demonise noticed that Zelix was not around, and she couldn't feel his presence. “Could it be that Zelix went to the other land? He didn't go to Willow, right?” she thought, and then frowned.

“But what if Zelix wants to fight, Willow?’

I hope Willow already wakes up.’

She looked at her sisters, who were in a daze because of their mate. Speaking of mates, she hasn't found her mate yet. But what's important right now is to defeat all evils. Her mate can wait. She noticed a man that looked like Vanjoss, who was grinning like an idiot. But she can tell that it wasn't the Vanjoss she knew. She saw this man before in the Demon Kingdom in the mortal world.

As far as she can remember, the name of the man is Damon, King Warrick's son. She didn't see him in the war before. Maybe he's here for revenge. She grinned, and excitement rushed through her veins. Her body absorbed the spiritual energy around her.

Meanwhile, Azrael narrowed his eyes and gaze at the demon lord intently. He could tell that Samael is difficult to defeat. However, he believes the sisters can defeat him.

Azrael closed his eyes and transformed into his angel form, then flew under Alice and prepared for his stance. He knew that all the demons would attack Alice. His three high-ranking spirits and Alice's black dragon also protect Alice.

Alice was almost finished collecting the holy light of faith and hope. She saw the happenings below and her heart throbs for Val and Damona. They had no choice but to fight with their mates. She knew Helix and Drelix were under control because of the cursed chains that wrapped around them. She had known the curse a long time ago and her sisters should be glad because she knew how to lift the curse.

It took her 50 long years to know how to dispel the powerful curse that Samael put into the dark magna trio. Well, it's all thanks to the magical tree. Alice had always known that this day would come because the magical tree had shown her the future before. Amongst her sisters, she’s the most gifted and because of that she became the Goddess of Change.

The magical tree and the Almighty God both blessed her with a powerful power that the other Gods and Goddesses don't have. In fact, she’s more powerful than Jupiter and the others. Eventually, the Gods will discover her true strength and power that she suppressed for a really long time.

When she met her father for the first time, she knew her father transferred something to her. She didn't know that it was the orbs of life and death. Because of it, she became even more powerful than she was already. She kept it a secret even to her sisters because she can't afford the Gods to find out her true powers.

She had planned this for a century and this day has come that she will unmask the real motive of the Gods and Goddesses, including her mother. Because they're expecting this war. Unbeknownst to the Gods, Alice knew their plans from the very beginning. No, it was the day she learned about her father. She saw what happened to her father before the Gods imprisoned him in the forbidden room.

Suddenly, she felt something in her body, a sensation she’s unfamiliar with. She could feel her blood flow irregularly and it's a new feeling to her.

“What is this feeling? This is new to me.’ Alice said in her thoughts. When she fluttered her eyes open, her eyes widened and sparkled in different colors. A lot of colorful orbs surrounded her!

It's the orbs of life and death!

Alice expects that the orbs of life and death are only one or two. But what she sees now was over two. She saw all the colors!

Now she understands why the Gods feared the orbs of life and death and wanted to take it. Because the immense power of each orb was scary! It can compare the combined powers of all the Gods and Goddesses!

In the Promised Land, the Gods and Goddesses felt threatened upon seeing Alice's immense power. It's nerve-wracking!

“Jupiter! Alice had the orbs all along!” Bacchus said while clenching his fist.

The Gods and Goddesses panicked, “Why haven't we noticed it?!” everyone murmured except Jupiter, who had a stoic expression on his face. He had always known that Alice hid something, and now she finally revealed just like what he planned.

“Dalmir tricked us! He transferred the orbs to Alice!” Mars uttered, then slammed his fist to the armrest of his chair.

“But since when?” Minerva said quizzically and looked at Selene.

“Did Dalmir transfer the orbs when we let Alice visit him?" Selene said.

“No. I think it's the time when Alice went to the forbidden room in secret.” Jupiter finally said.

“I wonder how she found out?" Diana uttered.

“I remember one time I went to the forbidden room, but Jupiter saw me and he didn’t let me enter or walk up the stairs. There's a possibility that Alice saw us. She's sneaky and always curious about many things, that's how she found out about the magical tree too.” Selene explained, and now she’s worried for her daughters. She knew Jupiter would do anything to get the orbs. Locking Dalmir was Jupiter's biggest mistake because who would have thought Dalmir transferred the orbs to Alice successfully.

Jupiter and the others stared at Selene intently. “Selene, did you plan it from the very beginning? You let Alice see you for her to get curious and enter the forbidden room. Don't you dare lie to us! Because you are the only one who was against killing Dalmir and suggesting to Jupiter that it's better to lock Dalmir to secure the orbs!” Juno said while glaring daggers at Selene.

Selene sighed and said calmly, “Because my daughters deserved to know that their father is alive. Alice was special and you all know that and I think she’s deserving to hold the powers of the orbs of life and death.”

"And it means it's the end of us all!” Neptune said while clenching his fist. He couldn't accept that Alice was beyond powerful than them.

"You're just too greedy for powers just like the demons!” Selene blurted out in a rage.

“You're a traitor, Selene!” everyone uttered angrily.

"Jupiter, lock her up!” Apollo said while gritting his teeth.

Selene frowned and looked at her fellow Gods and Goddesses in disbelief. She laughed and said confidently, “I just did what is right for the future. In your eyes, I broke one of the divine rules, but for me, I didn't. Because I made the right choice. But I'm certain that all of you broke the divine rule 2000 years ago.”

Everyone was stunned. One of the divine rules set by Almighty God is to not let any residents of the magic realm know that another world exists, which was the mortal world. 2000 years ago, Jupiter and the others, except Selene, wandered into the magic realm and mortal realm. Because of it, the portal has opened and some werewolves, witches, vampires, demons, and other monsters entered the mortal realm. It became chaotic because they conquered some parts of the mortal realm.

And now their numbers grow vigorously because they turned humans into one of them. They became vicious, and all races had the same dreams—to rule the entire world.

Since then, the war in every race never stopped until the first great war happened in the magic realm centuries ago. But the one who can stop the war are the sextuplets and the Gods and Goddesses refuse to acknowledge the sextuplets’ greatness. So they punished the demons more ruthlessly than the other races so that they will retaliate again and now the second great war that the Gods and Goddesses have been waiting for is now happening.

The war is nothing to them but just their pastime and for fun!

That's why they used the sextuplets so that the war will be more exciting! And Selene hated it! After all, it was her daughters that were being used!

"And my sextuplets will be your judgment. Their infinity power is the real threat, not the orbs of life and death. Alice knew that and you better prepare for what's coming next, because Alice learned the truth about their father and the root cause of this war. Remember that, Jupiter.” Selene said and quickly disappeared from their sights.

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