Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 53

Alexandria's POV

I closed my eyes and let my powers flow to my veins and all over my body. The light of the moon struck through my entire body and now my bones started cracking up. As the light of the moon illuminates my whole being, it gives me enormous strength and power. Something inside me exploded, and I felt something grow from my back. It's my angel wings. I flutter my eyes open and stare at King Warrick, which startled him as he stares at my glowing two distinct eyes; my left eye is blue while my right eye is green and both have golden flecks.

My golden-white fur and wings are also glowing. The light illuminated the entire place and everyone looked at me in astonishment. Xandra and I howled while looking up to the moon, and all wolves followed my lead and also howled. Then all the wolves submit to me like I am the Moon Goddess. They believe I am the Moon Goddess because of my glowing fur and wings. They don't know the truth about me, of who I am, but I'll let them think I am the moon goddess for now. But their judgment will change later. I closed my eyes, and the wind moaned. Even with my eyes closed, I can still see all the werewolves shining except for Lucian and Liza. Xandra and I decided to give all werewolf warriors enough strength and protection to fight in this war.

Now, they will witness the rise of the Werewolves Clan. They will see the changes in all werewolves on this battlefield. I looked towards the transparent cube where Layla is and now it was glowing. She's now awake. The cube exploded, and smoke covered around her. Everyone couldn't see her, but I could see her because of my glowing eyes. She had transformed into her wolf form with white fur and glowing white eyes. Like me, she also had wings. The only difference between us is our fur because mine is glowing while hers isn't. We stared at each other and she ran towards me in a flash. I growled when she tackled me to the ground and licked my face. Layla sure misses me so much. “Alex, I can remember now.’ she said, staring straight into my eyes. I nodded while smiling.

“I know. Welcome back. I replied and stood up.

“Hmm, you have a lot of explaining to do after this war. Come on, let's finish this." she said and I hummed.

When the smoke dissipated, everyone gasped as they saw us. King Warrick gathered all his warriors and the beasts behind him, with Vladimir and Lucian beside him, who was clutching a weapon. My eyes narrowed, and I almost gasped when I learned it's a silver sword. I'm right, they will kill me using that silver sword. So Lucian got the sword, I wonder how he will use it towards me because silver can also make him weak and burn. King Warrick and Lucian are talking to each other, but nothing can pass my earshot because I can hear even the tiniest sounds, loud and clear. It is one of my abilities and no one knows it. It's not bad eavesdropping at all if it's the only way to know their plan.

Azrael, Stephen, Sabrina, Lucia, Vorges, and Clinton stepped beside us and we looked at each other. I looked behind me and saw my parents, King Desmond, Cybelle, Michelle, and all the warriors.

I looked back to King Warrick, and he was grinning widely, like saying to me it isn't over yet. That they will win this war and kill me, then offer me to Invictus. I looked up at the sky and two hours from now, the sun will rise. Since I already gave everyone a blessing, I transformed back into my human form, which was covered with an armor suit and a scythe in my right hand.

"What is that?” everyone blurted out while looking toward the fourth mountain. I used my sharp sight, and I gasped at what I saw. There are a lot of pterodactyl beasts, both huge and small. Did Invictus send them all? He's prepared for this war.

King Warrick looked at me while smirking, but I didn't show any emotions.

"EVERYONE PREPARE TO ATTACK!" Papa shouted, and everyone yelled loudly in response. King Warrick did the same and commanded his warriors while glaring daggers at us.

"ATTACKKKKKK!" everyone yelled.

The entire mountain filled with screams and explosions. All werewolves tried their newfound strength and easily defeated some beasts. Meanwhile, I was face to face with the son of the demon. He clenched his jaw while fighting my light. I was using one of his weaknesses, which is—light magic. He can't touch me or else he'll burn himself with my light. He drew his burning sword towards me while I was using my scythe. I smirked as I transferred my magic into my scythe and it's now blazing with light magic

The demon gritted his teeth in anger and charged his attack first. I dodge it quickly as I swung my scythe in every direction like the speed of lightning and he is having a hard time keeping up with my speed. For the second time in my life, I am thrilled. There's no doubt that King Warrick is the descendant of King Helios—the late Demon King that my sisters and I had defeated a long time ago when the first Great War took place in Magic Realm. Unfortunately, Lord Invictus survived and escaped from the war. And now, he’s planning to take over Magic Realm again. That's why I have to gather all the lost diamonds to save the Magic Realm before it's too late because Invictus began sending off a lot of beasts in Magic Realm.

Unbeknownst to Invictus, Magic Realm forces are getting stronger for the past hundred years after the first great war. All magic users survived, trained their powers, and learned a lot of techniques because they knew Invictus would come back and try to conquer the Magic Realm again. History will repeat and the second great war will take place soon in Magic Realm, but not so soon because I'll do everything to stop Invictus.

Suddenly, King Warrick stopped attacking and screamed so loud that almost stung my ears. He was transferring more power into his sword! Veins are now visible in his entire face, and his eyes are getting a darker shade of red. The dark aura surrounding him and the wind blew furiously, almost making me stumble, but I fought the force. Ugh, this demon is really powerful. King Warrick pointed the sword to me and my eyes widened when he was aiming the sword towards my direction. The wind was so strong, and it was keeping me off balance. The small hair at the back of my nape rose and my hearing caught a small sound of a thrown object towards me. A blazing sword at full tilt coming in my direction and before it hit me, I avoided it and teleported at a distance.

"MAMA!" a petrified voice echoed in my head. My heart suddenly beat faster when I heard Cybelle's voice. I scan the entire mountain until my eyes land on Cybelle, who was kneeling beside my mother that was covered with blood and a blazing sword buried in her stomach. I'm too shocked to move my feet at the sight. That sword... it's supposed to hit me and it should be me to feel the pain, not my mother. It's like my world crushed into tiny pieces as I see my mother's pale face and gasping for air.

“Leia!” my father shouted, with a hint of fear in his voice.

“Bwahahaha! You're all going to die!” King Warrick blurted out loudly enough for everyone to hear while laughing evilly. I clenched my fist and quickly teleported towards my mother. I unintentionally shoved Cybelle away and immediately attended to mama's wound. Her breathing became ragged and groaned in pain. Her wounds are so deep and look so bad. I didn’t waste any time and pulled out the buried sword carefully in her stomach. My mother’s cry pains me and tears rolled down my face. After I removed the sword, I put my hands in mama's wound but damn, it will take time to heal her deep wound. I clenched my jaw in anger and I will make sure King Warrick will pay.

“Mama, please hold on.” I let out while trying to calm myself. I heaved a deep breath, stood up, and chanted a spell, “Magic Healing Cube!” It's a magic technique that I rarely use for a situation like this. Mama will be safe while her wounds slowly heal. I doubled the protection of the cube and only I can break the cube.

A beast attacked me, but I quickly avoided it and swung my scythe that killed it right away. “Alexandria! How's mama?” Cybelle asked while fighting the beast.

“She'll be fine. Don't worry, she’s safe now.” I replied and fought some beast that attacked me. “That's a relief. Thank you, Alexandria,” she said, and I just hummed. “Sorry for shoving you earlier,” I said guiltily. She shook her head, “I understand. You're forgiven.” I nodded and looked back to the demon king.

My anger rose and froze every beast that blocked my way. I don't intend to kill them, but I have a plan to exterminate the demon King, to end his wrath, and stop his delusions and impossible ambitions. King Warrick was grinning at me and I'm going to wipe out that grin on his vexing face. It makes my blood boil in irritation. I ran towards the devil and swung my scythe, but he dodged my attack effortlessly. I noticed the changes in King Warrick's appearance; he looked more formidable with a dark, powerful aura overflowed around his entire body. That energy that is emitted from his body gives strength to the demons.

With one swing of my scythe, I teleported in front of the demon King and attacked him. I gave him a hard blow, and he flew away but quickly recovered and attacked me using his dark power. We kept exchanging attacks with each other incessantly until we were both catching our breath.

Hours passed, the sun slowly rose, but it was still full of snow and fog all over the mountain. But the moon didn't disappear even when the sun rose. The war continued and a lot of dead bodies are lying in the snow and blood has dried up. Everybody's exhausted and yet no one is backing out. How long will this war end? How can I stop this chaos?

“Alex, use the Hardening Metal Magic Cube to trap the demon, King.’ Willow said, and the others agreed.

“That's a good idea! Thanks, Willow!" I said, and she hummed.

Now the only problem is, I can't use the spell Willow suggested because King Warrick uses his dark power to attack me. To execute the magic spell perfectly, I should touch King Warrick's body either his arms or neck. The hardening metal magic cube technique will only work upon contact with a being or objects, so I need close contact with the demon king. A grin plastered on my lips when some ideas popped up in my head and I can’t wait to execute them. I'm 100 percent sure my plan would work. Though, I'm still a bit reluctant.

“No. I have some ideas on how to defeat that demon. Alex, you're exhausted. Let me fight." Damona said.

“Let her, Alex. Demonise, Xandra and Val agreed in unison.

“Don’t worry, we will let you back in front again after you regain your lost energy.’ Willow said. I was reluctant to this idea. A demon versus demon?

“Okay, but finish him because we have no time.’ I agreed after a moment of hesitation. Damona feels ecstatic and hummed in response.

A familiar strong force pulled me up, and four sets of beautiful eyes greeted me. A smile broke free in my lips and hugged the life out of my sisters because I miss them so much.

Damona’s POV

As I flutter my eyes open, my gaze meets with a devil. I let out my wings and spread them wide open. My long reddish straight hair that almost reached my feet dance with the wind. He looked at me stunned while scanning my appearance. Like him, I have black wings.

"W-What are you?!" the demon King asked, flabbergasted.

“Your biggest nightmare,” I replied and smirked. In a swift movement, I attacked him, which surprised the hell out of him. He was dodging my non-stop attack, but all my blows made him weak. On one last hard blow, he flew away hard on the snowy ground. It will take him time to recover because I kicked his weak spot.

I stayed in my position and looked at all the demon warriors. They were all stunned while looking at me with jaws dropped. Suddenly, screams echoed throughout the entire mountain. Some vampires release a dark aura, stronger than demons. Woah, this is interesting. Did the vampires drink the demon blood? Well, that's the only case since vampires get out of control when they drink demon blood. All the vampires growled and ready to attack everyone but stop when they notice me.

My dark silvery red eyes glowed, and all the demons and vampires stared at my eyes. It didn't take long for them to submit and bow their heads to me. Everyone's faces were priceless and jaws dropped, especially the witches. I hissed and let out my fangs. Well, Val let me use her power. “What's going on?” some warriors murmured. I walked in front of the demons and vampires while my eyes were still glowing. “Sleep tight, my warriors..." I whispered, and my words traveled towards the demons and vampires. Slowly, they closed their eyes and slammed shut into the snowy ground. Now they are under my possession.

“All of you! Leave the beasts!” I command and it startles all the warriors. They quickly left, and I flew in front of the beasts. I still didn't dim my glowing eyes, and all the beasts that stared at my eyes stopped moving. I used Demonise’s power and started chanting a spell, and the wind blew furiously while a circular motion appeared at the back of the beasts—a portal to another world where the beasts must dwell and not in the mortal world. This is my plan, to send all the beasts to where they belong because of Alice. I watched as the portal absorbed all the beasts. They were all growling and fighting the force. But it is so strong to get out.

When the beasts were all gone, the portal also disappeared. I turned my gaze to the remaining enemies, the witches. They are all trembling in fear except for a few that went on Vladimir and Lucian’s side. Some witches surrendered and asked for an apology from their real Queen, Sabrina. King Warrick already recovered and glaring daggers at me. “Don’t give me that look, a descendant of King Helios.” he looked at me in shock.

“What?” he blurted out, and I smirked.

“Do you know who defeated him in the previous great war?” I said cockily.

He clenched his jaw, and I looked at him blankly, “Remember this, my name is... Damona, the one who defeated King Helios” as my name rolled out my tongue, he gasped while staring at me wide- eyed.

“D-D-Damona??” he stuttered and gulped. I guess he remembers my name.

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