Reclaiming the CEO's Heart
Chapter 97 The Call

Chapter 97 The Call

In the present moment, Layla was playing with the two children in the warm room. They were fraternal twins. The elder brother, Ethan Hill, had a name personally chosen by Jacob, while the younger sister was named Cynthia Hill by Layla.

"Cynthia, come to Mommy."

Cynthia, physically weaker than Ethan, couldn't walk as steadily as him. Over the past few days, Ethan had already been able to walk on his own without any problem, but Cynthia had to move slowly with the support of the sofa.

She called out "mom" like a baby bird.

"You're such a good girl. Mommy will give you a hug."

Layla then looked at Ethan. "Ethan, come to mommy too."

Ethan glanced at her momentarily, then quickly looked away, showing no intention of coming over. The indifference in his eyes mirrored that of Jacob.

Ever since Jacob sent him back, this child would always look outside, ignoring everyone around him. He became even more introverted, and even though he would occasionally call out "mom" when he fell asleep, no amount of snacks could coax him to say it when he woke up.

Doubts arose in Layla's heart. This child seemed to have no affection for her from the beginning.

Even though they came from the same womb, their personalities were completely different.

Layla's gaze fell on him, lost in thought when her assistant walked in. "Miss, everything has been taken care of. I used my connections to expedite the approval process, and it should go through soon." Layla handed the children over to the nanny, opened a bottle of red wine, and watched the dark red liquid flow into the glass. Her lips curled up slightly. "I want to see how long she can keep her composure." "Miss, in fact, Mr. Hill and Avery have already divorced. Mr. Hill is completely devoted to you. Why go through all this trouble?" the assistant said.

Layla coldly glared at the assistant. "What do you understand?"

The assistant trembled in fear and quickly lowered her head. "Yes, I spoke out of turn."

Layla knew well that Jacob's kindness towards her had nothing to do with love but was merely out of a sense of duty. She initially thought that Grace's death would make him completely disgusted with Avery, but after they divorced, his feelings towards Avery seemed even stranger.

As long as Avery remained, Layla could not find peace.

She had waited for several days but couldn't wait for Avery to walk into the trap herself. She didn't believe that Avery could still feel settled after turning the Adams Mansion into a slaughterhouse. Soon enough, Avery's number appeared on her phone screen, just as she expected.

Layla lazily answered the call. "Hello."

"It's me, Avery." Avery's voice sounded slightly annoyed.

"What business do you have with me?"

"Layla, it's obvious to everyone what you want. Why pretend to be ignorant?"

"In that case, no need for small talk. I'll be waiting for you at Willowbrook. Oh, and bring Isabella together."

After saying that, Layla hung up the phone directly. Avery's expression darkened. Layla was clearly looking to humiliate her further. Last time, Isabella stood up to her, and now Layla was waiting to settle the score together.

Avery looked at Isabella, who was currently making soup in the kitchen, humming a tune, completely unaware of what was going on.

"Bella, I'm going to the supermarket. I'll be back soon."

"Do you want me to accompany you?"

"No need, I just need some fresh air."

Considering Avery hadn't been involved in any entertainment activities lately and focused solely on taking care of her health, Isabella didn't suspect anything. "Then come back early. I made soup for you tonight."


Avery smiled and nodded, grabbing her hat and scarf, fully wrapped up, and hailed a taxi to leave.

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