Reclaiming the CEO's Heart
Chapter 32 Tears Streaming Down Her Face

Chapter 32 Tears Streaming Down Her Face

Counting the days, he would spend New Year's Eve with her. Avery, just like in the past, extended her pinky finger. "It's a deal."

Jacob hesitated momentarily, and Layla, on the side, twisted her body and pouted unhappily, "Jacob."

Jacob didn't look at her. He slowly extended his finger and hooked it with Avery's pinky. "It's a deal."

This condition was accepted.

It was the only solution Avery could think of. He would accompany her for a month, and in return, she would bless his life with her death.

Layla said with dissatisfaction, "Jacob, I'm not rushing you for the divorce. It's just that the children's household registration..."

Seeing Layla's coy behavior, Avery felt slightly uncomfortable in her stomach. "I'm going to the bathroom."

Jacob was a good man in many aspects, except for his eye for women.

While Layla had been his neighbor, he did not need to involve someone like her in their affairs. Standing next to Layla made Avery feel diminished. Or perhaps Jacob fell for this act?

As Avery walked to the bathroom, she pondered this question. It seemed that men couldn't resist a bit of coyness.

In the past, when she acted coy, Jacob would get her everything she wanted.

One month.

Well, he could spend one more month with her.

Avery knelt by the toilet and vomited heavily. Indeed, she jinxed it again. She thought her stomach had improved, but her condition soon deteriorated.

The mixture of bright red blood and other substances was shocking every time she saw it.

But luckily, she didn't have to endure this much longer.

She wiped her mouth, rinsed her mouth, and prepared to leave when she felt her down jacket's hem being gently tugged by someone.

Avery lowered her head and saw a child who bore some resemblance to Jacob. He held onto the bathroom sink with one hand and tugged at her clothes with the other. His mouth was still drooling, and calling out incoherently, "Ah, mommy..."

This kid resulted from Jacob and Layla's union, and Avery should have felt nothing but disgust towards him.

However, it seemed that her brief experience as a mother in the past made it impossible for her to summon any hatred for this kid.

Avery squatted down and used her fingertip to tap the child's nose, speaking sternly, "You brat, when you grow up, you can't bully girls like your lousy daddy does."

Ethan opened his arms and eagerly lunged towards Avery, saying, "Hug, hug..."

Avery made a funny face to scare him, "I'm a bad guy. I'll take you to the deep mountains and make you someone's foster child. Are you scared?"

Ethan wasn't scared at all; he even giggled.

The nanny pushing the stroller hurried over, her face filled with panic. She exclaimed, "Oh my goodness, Mr. Ethan! How did you end up here?"

When she saw Avery, she quickly pulled the child back. Ethan, who had been laughing a second ago, suddenly had a face full of grievance and said, "Mommy, hug..."

"Mr. Ethan, you can't just call anyone 'mommy'; she's not your mother."

With that, the nanny hastily left with the child. Avery watched his chubby, tearful face and felt a pang of sympathy. She stared at the chubby little hands waving towards her and the child calling her "Mommy" in an unclear voice.

When John found her, Avery was standing at the entrance of the women's restroom with tears streaming down her face.

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