Chapter 346 The Truth of the Past

“Your mother was beautiful, kind, talented, and when she found out that I was not doing well, she begged the Paisley family to take me away from the alcoholic household.”

“The Paisley family was a well-known wealthy family in Suffolk at that time, and your mother was a natural beauty. When she was eight years old, she was kidnapped once. Pamela Paisley cared a lot about your mother and was afraid that such a thing would happen again in the future, so she made me your mother’s shadow.”

“Your mother’s every move, every frown, every smile, I could imitate perfectly. As time went by, I became more and more like her, but I knew. I was just a shadow.”

“On the day of your mother’s coming-of-age banquet, almost all the young gentlemen from the Selfolk aristocratic family came over.”

“Your mother stunned the entire city that night, countless wealthy gentlemen were infatuated with her, including Zackary and Landon, as well as Isaac.”

“Among a group of suitors, your mother fell in love with Zackary, but the happiness didn’t last long. The Howard family and the Ryan family had an engagement, and when they found out about this, they forced the two to break up.”

“Zackary was a devoted person, he never wanted to let go of your mother’s hand. Despite various obstacles, they still loved each other. They broke off the engagement with the Ryan family and got engaged with your mother. It wasn’t until the Paisley family had an accident, where Pamela’s son and his family died in a plane crash, that the Paisley family was left with only your mother and Pamela. The family



The Truth of the Past

declined from that point on.”

“Pamela, who had white hair, took care of her mother who had black hair. She became extremely agitated and fell ill. The Howard family did not allow any hospital to admit Pamela. Your mother was left. isolated and helpless. Moreover, she was too beautiful, and anyone willing to help her demanded that she exchange her own b*dy.”

“At the time when your mother was desperate, your father Rylan helped her and cured Pamela. With Rylan’s assistance, your mother gradually recovered and realized that there was no future with Zackary, so she broke up with him.”

“Later, your mother married Rylan. On the day of their wedding, Zackary even showed up at the wedding venue to try to steal your mother away. However, she didn’t go with him.”

“Zackary was greatly inspired and before long, he married the daughter of the Ryan family.”

“The most shocking thing was that your mother dated Zackary, broke up with him, and then married Rylan. Landon was the most affected by this, as he couldn’t get your mother’s love, so he brought me into hist life.”

“I have always been your mother’s shadow since I was young, how could I not resent your mother? Landon and I share the same goal, which is to make your mother unhappy, ruin her reputation, and subject her to the scorn of the world!”

Not long after your mother gave birth to you, she came to Seffolk to visit Pamela. Landon and I planned a great scheme. Landon kidnapped. your mother and kept her captive, while I, pretending to be your mother, seduced Zackary and slept with him!

“This incident has caused a great damage to your mother’s reputation!


The Truth w

Landon has completed the first step, so I started implementing the second step with him again. In order to make your mother stay with him forever, your father must know that your mother no longer exists in this world!”

“So after the scandal between me and Zackary spread throughout Seffolk. I went to Cloud City. By that time, your father had already found out about your mother’s aflair. Even the most patient man can lose control sometimes, and when I returned, we had a big argument. I deliberately provoked him, saying that your mother had only ever loved Zackary from the beginning to the end!”

“I used to lock myself in the room all day, creating a false image of suffering from depression. When your father was not paying attention. I would jump into the sea to commit suicide!”

Upon hearing the woman’s recollection. Audrey and Sterling at the door were both stunned.

In the air, there was a sense of deathly silence.

Sterling’s pitch-black pupils contracted violently, his hand gripping the crutch with such force that the veins on the back of his hand bulged.

His chest heaved up and down as he took a few heavy steps towards the room ”

saying that the woman who slept with my father

back then was actually you?”

The woman lifted her head and glanced at Sterling.

Seeing his faint resemblance to Zackary, she understood what had happened. “Are you Zackary’s son?”

“Yes.” Sterling’s jaw tightened, his dark eyes sharp and piercing as if he could see through the woman. “Is you said true?”

The woman felt somewhat guilty towards Zackary. If it weren’t for Chu


Chapter 346 The Truth of the Past

Xin’s deliberate scheme, Zackary, with his character, would not have had any ambiguous relationships with other women during hist


Even though Aurora, whom he deeply loved, would also respect her choice!

“Aurora was the woman deeply loved by your father. He had a small string of words tattooed near his hip bone, ‘It is so lucky that I can meet you.””

“No name was written, but I knew it was meant for Aurora,”

Sterling’s tall b*dy swayed involuntarily as the image of a needle. piercing into his b*dy flashed through his mind, accompanied by the sinister voice of the woman, “It is so lucky that I can meet you. He is tattooed for her, not me, bit ch, b itch!”

Sterling’s mind went blank in an instant, and all his strength seemed to be drained out of him, as if he had been sucked dry by a giant syringe.

His eye sockets were red, as if they were about to burst open at any


So that’s how it was, so that’s how it was!

Audrey didn’t have the mind to care about Sterling’s emotions; she was equally immersed in shock.

She raised her hands and grasped the slender shoulders of the woman, her l*ps trembling slightly as she asked, “Where is my mother now? Is she still being held captive by Landon?”

The woman shook her head, “Your mother was imprisoned by Landon not long ago, and the villa caught fire. Everything inside turned into. ashes.”



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Chapter 346 The Truth of the Past

Audrey’s heart, uncontrollably contracted, and an overwhelming pain surged like a tidal wave!

If it weren’t for Landon, her mother wouldn’t have had to suffer these hardships, and her parents wouldn’t have had such a big

misunderstanding. They could have lived together as a happy family!

As Audrey’s tears fell from her eyes, the woman slowly reached into her clothes and handed Audrey a jade hairpin, saying. “I found this in the weeds outside the room where your mother lived after the villa was burned down.”

Audrey took the jade ring and looked at it. She found that there were some characters engraved inside that she couldn’t understand.

Audrey looked at the woman with confusion.

The woman coughed a few times and slowly said. “At that time, in the room where your mother was imprisoned, indeed, a burned b*dy was found. However, I remember your mother had a fall when she was a child and her left arm bone was reset, but that b*dy was not hers. I think your mother may not have died, but I didn’t tell Landon about this until now. He has always believed that she died!”

Audrey’s heart sank to the bottom, yet a glimmer of hope seemed to reignite.

“Is my mother still alive?”

The woman nodded, her cough becoming more frequent. Weakly, she covered her mouth and said, “It may be related to this jade ring… That’s all I know. Thank you for rescuing me. If I die, please bury me in this place…”

The woman slowly uttered an address and suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, collapsing onto the bed.

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