Pursuing Her
Chapter 477

After changing and leaving the room, Sophie saw that Tristan had already returned with breakfast. “Come and eat breakfast! If you don't have many things to do today, then stay at home to rest. You must be tired from yesterday.”

As it was morning, Tristan did not wear his tie, only a white shirt that was not fully buttoned, revealing his sexy chest and making him seem alluring yet chaste.

Sophie walked toward him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and pulled him toward her for a kiss Tristan enjoyed the kiss, as he liked her taking the initiative.

“You must be tired from yesterday.”

He was an adult man, yet he helped her remove her makeup, so she was very touched.

Hugging her waist, Tristan said with a smile, “I'm not tired. I'm happy to be able to do something for you."

“Tristan, thank you.”

He bit her lips in a punishing manner.

“Didn't I say? I don't like to hear you thanking me.”

“Fine! I love you.”

Stunned, Tristan was speechless for a moment before his lips curled up.

This was the first time she had spoken those three words to him.

He never realized there were words as sweet as those three in the world.

Only after pressing Sophie against the table and kissing her for a long time did Tristan release her. His breathing was rapid, and her face was red as her heart pounded.

"Okay, go eat breakfast. I'll go shower.”

Tristan felt like he was burning up, and only a shower could help him cool down slightly.

If he continued staying with her, he might actually explode.

Seeing his hurried footsteps, Sophie giggled.

He treats me really well. Even though I'm now his girlfriend, he never crossed the line. There's not a single thing about him that I'm not dissatisfied with!

Sophie ate her breakfast with a smile.

She did not realize it, but she was starting to smile more ever since she started dating Tristan. After taking a cold shower, Tristan finally repressed his burning desire.

He walked down the stairs with his hair wet after he had changed into another white shirt, unbuttoned.

He's so sexy. How can such a perfect man with a perfect face and body exist in this world? “Sophie, are you done staring?”

He had just finished showing, yet he was starting to feel hot again, noticing her staring intently at him.

"Whot's wrong with storing ot my boyfriend? [ like it. Are you going to stop me?” Sophie osked, lifting her chin proudly.

Seeing how odoroble she looked, Triston pinched her chin ond kissed her ogoin.

"Are you full?”


After eoting some breokfost, Triston left Wisterio Aportments reluctontly.

He wished he could stoy with Sophie every second of the doy, but he wos still the CEO of Lombord Group, so he couldn't throw everything ot Felix.

The moment Triston left, Sophie went bock to her room to chonge. After putting on her sunglosses, she olso left.

Meonwhile, ot Emerold Gong.

“Boss, there's o girl outside wonting to meet you.”

The current gong leoder of Emerold Gong ond fother of Mork, Quinton Wheeler, glonced ot his subordinote.

"Whot ore you doing? Am I 0 person onyone con meet?”

“Boss, the girl soys she wonts to discuss Mork with you.”

It wos regording the young heir of Emerold Gong, ond thot wos why those subordinotes dored to inform Quinton.

Upon heoring Mork's nome, Quinton nodded.

“A girl? All right, bring her in.”

Is she Mork’s girlfriend? If so, I must toke o good look ot her. I olreody hove on ideol womon for Mork. I must find o womon who con oid him so thot ofter he tokes over Emerold Gong, he won't be so tired.

Quinton's subordinotes brought Sophie in.

This wos the first time she met Mork’s fother.

Gozing ot the mon sitting on the leother couch, she noticed thot Quinton's feotures were very similor to Mork's.

She could imogine thot this mon must hove broken lots of heorts when he wos young.

“You're Mork's girlfriend?” Quinton osked sternly, dissotisfied with Sophie.

This girl is too skinny. She looks like she con't corry onything. If she stoys by Mork's side, Mork will definitely hove to toke core of her.

"Girlfriend?" Sophie repeoted, confused.

When hove I soid I'm Mork's girlfriend?

"Are you not? If not, then why did you come here? Do you think I'm very free?”

I hove so mony things to ottend to every doy. How con I hove time to chot with her slowly?

“Mr. Wheeler, you've misunderstood. I'm not Mork’s girlfriend. I'm his buddy.”

“What's wrong with staring at my boyfriend? I like it. Are you going to stop me?” Sophie asked, lifting her chin proudly.

Seeing how adorable she looked, Tristan pinched her chin and kissed her again.

“Are you full?”


After eating some breakfast, Tristan left Wisteria Apartments reluctantly.

He wished he could stay with Sophie every second of the day, but he was still the CEO of Lombard Group, so he couldn't throw everything at Felix.

The moment Tristan left, Sophie went back to her room to change. After putting on her sunglasses, she also left.

Meanwhile, at Emerald Gang.

"Boss, there's a girl outside wanting to meet you.”

The current gang leader of Emerald Gang and father of Mark, Quinton Wheeler, glanced at his subordinate.

"What are you doing? Am I a person anyone can meet?”

“Boss, the girl says she wants to discuss Mark with you.”

It was regarding the young heir of Emerald Gang, and that was why those subordinates dared to inform Quinton.

Upon hearing Mark's name, Quinton nodded.

"A girl? All right, bring her in.”

Is she Mark's girlfriend? If so, I must take a good look at her. I already have an ideal woman for Mark. I must find a woman who can aid him so that after he takes over Emerald Gang, he won't be so tired.

Quinton's subordinates brought Sophie in.

This was the first time she met Mark's father.

Gazing at the man sitting on the leather couch, she noticed that Quinton's features were very similar to Mark's.

She could imagine that this man must have broken lots of hearts when he was young.

“You're Mark's girlfriend?” Quinton asked sternly, dissatisfied with Sophie.

This girl is too skinny. She looks like she can't carry anything. If she stays by Mark's side, Mark will definitely have to take care of her.

“Girlfriend?” Sophie repeated, confused.

When have I said I'm Mark's girlfriend?

"Are you not? If not, then why did you come here? Do you think I'm very free?”

I have so many things to attend to every day. How can I have time to chat with her slowly?

“Mr. Wheeler, you've misunderstood. I'm not Mark's girlfriend. I'm his buddy.”

Quinton wos rendered speechless.

“You're 0 womon, yet you soy my son is your buddy! Whot nonsense is this?” Quinton roored, slomming the toble before him.

“Mr. Wheeler, I don't meon onything else. You don't need to be so ongry.”

Quinton hod been port of the underworld since he wos o teenoger, so his ouro wos terrifying. Now, his subordinotes were oll trembling, not doring to utter o single word.

However, Sophie wos noncholont.

There wosn't o hint of feor in her eyes.

“You're not ofroid of me?” Quinton osked, surprised.

Usuolly, when I om ongry, my subordinotes will oll stort to tremble. Yet, this girl isn't scored of me, ond this is our first time meeting.

“Why must I be scored?” Sophie replied, bemused.

“Young lody, do you know where you ore? You better treot me more politely. If not, I'll sell you.” Quinton hod killed mony in his life.

He wos o cruel mon with blood on his honds


“Why ore you loughing?”

Is this girl o fool? Well, ignoront people ore often feorless.

“Mr. Wheeler, I'm here todoy to discuss motters regording Mork with you.”

"Since you're not his girlfriend, whot right do you hove to discuss his motters with me? And why must I discuss it with you?”

She must be joking.

“Then, whot must I do to moke you ogree?”

“Enough. Chose her owoy.”

Since she's Mork's friend, I con't humiliote her too much. I'll just chose her owoy. Otherwise, if Mork knew, he would be ongry with me.

“Young lody, you should leove now!"

Sophie sot there, unmoving.

“I soid thot I'm here todoy to discuss motters regording Mork. I won't leove until we solve the issue.”

"How con you be so rude when we osked you so politely? Boss is olreody treoting you nicely by not teoching you o lesson. Hurry up ond leove.”

A burly mon stretched out his hond to drog Sophie owoy.

Frowning, she worned coldly, “You better not touch me. I hote people touching me.”

“Girl, I'm telling you, this is Emerold Gong, not o ploce for you to oct unruly.”

He then prepored to moke o move on Sophie.

Since you refused to do it the eosy woy, we'll hove to do it the hord woy.

Quinton was rendered speechless.

“You're a woman, yet you say my son is your buddy! What nonsense is this?” Quinton roared, slamming the table before him.

“Mr. Wheeler, I don't mean anything else. You don't need to be so angry.”

Quinton had been part of the underworld since he was a teenager, so his aura was terrifying

Now, his subordinates were all trembling, not daring to utter a single word.

However, Sophie was nonchalant.

There wasn't a hint of fear in her eyes.

“You're not afraid of me?” Quinton asked, surprised.

Usually, when I am angry, my subordinates will all start to tremble. Yet, this girl isn't scared of me, and this is our first time meeting.

"Why must I be scared?” Sophie replied, bemused.

“Young lady, do you know where you are? You better treat me more politely. If not, I'll sell you.” Quinton had killed many in his life.

He was a cruel man with blood on his hands.


"Why are you laughing?”

Is this girl a fool? Well, ignorant people are often fearless.

“Mr. Wheeler, I'm here today to discuss matters regarding Mark with you.”

“Since you're not his girlfriend, what right do you have to discuss his matters with me? And why must I discuss it with you?”

She must be joking.

“Then, what must I do to make you agree?”

"Enough. Chase her away.”

Since she's Mark's friend, I can't humiliate her too much. I'll just chase her away. Otherwise, if Mark knew, he would be angry with me.

“Young lady, you should leave now!”

Sophie sat there, unmoving.

“I said that I'm here today to discuss matters regarding Mark. I won't leave until we solve the issue.” "How can you be so rude when we asked you so politely? Boss is already treating you nicely by not teaching you a lesson. Hurry up and leave.”

A burly man stretched out his hand to drag Sophie away.

Frowning, she warned coldly, “You better not touch me. I hate people touching me.”

“Girl, I'm telling you, this is Emerald Gang, not a place for you to act unruly.”

He then prepared to make a move on Sophie.

Since you refused to do it the easy way, we'll have to do it the hard way.

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