Punished by His Love (FULL book)
Chapter 137 – 138

Read Chapter 137 138 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 137

That can't be!

He wanted to show Suzi how cruel Joan was today, but he was no less than his cousin Arron!

Joan looked at Suzi with a poisonous and sneer expression.

Suzi said with a trembling voice, "I'm sorry, Young Master Ling, I won't do this business. I'm sorry that I was wrong. I shouldn't confess to you. I will never pester you again. Goodbye!"

After speaking, Suzi turned around and left.

It took only two steps to reach the door, only to find that the door couldn't be opened.

Suzi turned his head in horror to look at everyone in the private room with ridicule and hideous faces.

Joan was still smiling: "Do you know what makes it easy to get in and difficult to get out?"

"Really?" Suzi suddenly calmly looked at Joan, and then quickly rushed towards Joan.

"Oh, your mind changed so quickly?" Joan smiled.

Suzi came to Joan in three steps and two steps. Suddenly, there was a needle in her hand.

In the needle tube, shake the whole tube of purple-red blood.

She poked the needle tube to Joan's neck and sneered fiercely: "This kind of game is more fun!"

Joan suddenly lost his voice in fright: "This...what's in it?"

Suzi: "Guess?"

"You... don't mess around!" Joan collapsed on the sofa.

The people next to him also hid in a corner far, far away from him. Several women screamed in fright. "Do you have any blocking medicine?" Suzi asked with a sneer.

Joan: "..."

"No?" Suzi smiled: "That's the best."

Joan: "Don't... Suzi, don't, if you have something to say, I'll give you everything you want, don't you, don't get close to me..."

Suzi burst into tears: "Joan, I always knew that you would definitely not fall in love with me. You just played with me like a gadget but I was still honest with you.

Do you know why?

Because since I was boarding at the Lin family at the age of twelve, I have never received warmth again. No one cared about me. Later I went to jail and Aunt Shanna cared about me.

But Aunt Shanna also died.

You are the only person in this world who really cares about me, helps me and gives me warmth.

I thought, even if I was a begging puppy by your side, I would be willing.

But I didn't expect you to treat me like this.

But it's okay, I don't owe you anything anymore.

Go, ask someone to open the door!

Let me go!"

Joan stammered: "You...you don't want to make money?"

Suzi lifted up the needle tube to pierce it!

"Don't... I'll let you go." Joan screamed immediately, and then said to Sanford who was already frightened: "Lao Ze, twist the door handle three times to the left and seven to the right, and the door opens."

Sanford scrambled to open them, and Suzi quickly left the box with tears on his face holding the needle tube.

Chapter 138

After getting out of the box and walking down the elevator, Suzi almost fell to the ground.

The tears on his face flowed more and more.

Joan was the only trace of warmth in her heart, but she never expected that Joan would play with her like this. Walking to the trash can, she threw a syringe of chicken blood and the needle into the trash can, and then went out desperately.

She felt vomiting as soon as she left the door, and spit up casually on the flowerbed in the shadow.

Just after vomiting, a voice came into her ears inadvertently.

Suzi followed his reputation. It was a black-clothed man in the shadows calling: "Huo, are you sure that the kid surnamed Chu is in the top private room?"

Suzi could not hear what was said on the other end of the phone, but could only hear the man in black saying: "I can open his door within a second. Don't worry, I will definitely make it clean for you. Don't forget it. Be sure to call my account."

Suzi was stunned.

When he saw that the man who had finished the call was still smoking in place, and he sorted his clothes and checked the tools he brought with him, Suzi turned and ran towards the clubhouse, then went up the elevator and went up to the top floor.

When he arrived in the box where Joan was, Suzi knocked on the door desperately: "Open the door, open the door, Mr. Ling open the door!"

At this moment, twenty or thirty men and three women in the box had recovered some calm after the initial shock. One of the men was still laughing at Joan: "Mr. Ling, you were scared just now. How can that kind of blood be so easy to get?

Unless she herself is that kind of disease.

But it's impossible. She stayed in it for two years. If she was really sick in that area, she would have been quarantined long ago! Joan touched it too: "Yes, I was deceived by that local girl!"

As he was talking, there was a knock on the door.

When Joan heard that it was Suzi, he immediately smirked: "This woman often uses the trick of catching and indulging. It was her who was leaving just now, and now she is back! Since she came back to the door, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Sanford frowned: "Mr. Ling!" Joan had already got up to open the door for Suzi. The door opened and he saw Suzi as expected.

Joan said, "I thought you were really a chaste woman!"

"Young Master Ling, follow me, hurry up!" Suzi pulled Joan out and pulled it out.

"What are you doing! I think you are dirty!"

"Follow me, Young Master Ling, it's too late to walk, follow me..." Suzi didn't finish saying a word, and saw that the man in black that she saw outside the gate of the clubhouse had rushed up in the aisle.

The man held a dazzling short-handled dagger in his hand and stabbed Joan in the chest.

"Mr. Ling be careful!" In desperation, Suzi raised his arm to stand in front of the frightened Joan.

Joan escaped.

The blood flow on Suzi's arm instantly.

The man in black missed a hit and hit again. Suzi raised his right arm again and blocked Joan again.

Seeing Joan, who usually spreads his teeth and claws with his mouth full of dirty words, was dumbfounded at this moment. If Suzi's arm had not blocked her twice, he would have died.

Suzi, whose pain was unbearable, still did not forget to remind Joan: "Run Mr. Ling, run!"

Joan ran away.

The target of the man in black was Joan. As soon as Joan ran away, he naturally chased after him. Here, Suzi had fallen to the


"Suzi! Suzi!" Sanford behind him knelt on one knee and hugged Suzi. At this moment, Sanford's tears came out: "Why are you s stupid, silly girl!"

"Xu...Mr. Xu, hurry up, tie my arm, don't... don't let my arm bleed, I'm pregnant, I can't lose blood, or my child won't be able to keep it..." After that, Suzi The pain was dizzy in Sanford's arms.

Sanford turned around and yelled at the stupid person in the private room: "Call the police!"

Then he hugged Suzi and ran out.

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