Jason looked into the lovely blue eyes of his ex wife.

He still could not believe that he was seeing her. What was she doing here? He had thought that she would be travelling round the world with her husband Terry, enjoying herself and having the time of her life. He looked round thinking that Terry must be somewhere behind but there was no one.

'Jason, I know that this must have come as a surprise to you, I mean seeing me again and here of all places, but that does not mean that you should not respond to my greetings now does it?' She asked smiling.

That smile had always been able to do things to his system. And he felt the smile drawing his close.

Rebecca was a really beautiful woman with a spell binding shape but why not, she had been a model when he had met and fallen in love with her.

He looked her up and down and Rebecca was glad she had worn the dress she had bought specially for this occasion and that she was looking her absolute best. She had known Jason would be here. He had confirmed from one of her friends and had come prepared to win him back or seduce him back into her life. She had realised that she could not find any that really loved her as much as Jason had done, even to the point of foolishness and extravagance.

His reaction flattered her. She had kept tabs on him and knew that he had not remarried since she left him.

He liked what he saw. Rebecca had not changed one single bit. She was looking even more beautiful and captivating and he knew that he not nearly as immune to her as he had thought.

'Rebecca, is that really you? You are looking really good. You are right you took me by surprise. I was not expecting to see you here, so pardon my bad manners.

How are you doing?'

'Very well thank you. And you do not have to apologise. I realise that I must have to taken you unawares and the shock of seeing me again must have made you speechless but that's okay, you have found you voice now and that's a good thing.I have always loved your deep masculine voice which grew deeper when we are alone in a loving embrace', she said smiling slyly.

Jason was disgusted. This fool would never change. She was coming on to him when she had left him and married his best friend? This was unbelievable. Was this how she had been carrying on behind Terry's back? He felt pity for the poor man stir in his heart and any attraction he had felt at seeing her after she had eloped with his best friend died instantly.

He immediately diverted her from whatever else she had been about to say by asking a question that he had wanted to ask since setting eyes on her.

'Where is your husband?'

'My husband? What do you mean,?' she asked perplexed.

'What do you mean? You got me to divorce so that you could get married to Terry who you loved so much, didn't you? Where is he?'

'You are mistaken. I could not have got put of one marriage only to get trapped into another. I loved Terry but I loved my freedom more and I was never going to get that freedom with you. So I got you to divorce me'.

Jason could not believe what he was hearing. He had obviously been mistaken. It was typical of Rebecca to think only of herself. He was sure that Terry had taken that step with the intension of making Rebecca his wife but must have been disappointed.

Not that it concerned him but he was curious to know where Terry was. But before he could ask Rebecca, someone interrupted.

'There you are Jason darling, I have been wondering where you had gone off to', Phoebe asked placing a hand possessively on his shoulder.

He did not mind one tiny bit that she was being possessive. Rebecca had to know that she no longer have a place in his life.

'Phoebe love, I had wanted to get away from a few of my friends and you were busy speaking to that lady so, I thought that I would come here. But if you are done, we can go home'. he said, linking her arm with his.

'So fast? Won't you at least introduce me to your companion?' Rebecca asked.

'Oh, Phoebe, meet my ex-wife Rebecca. Rebecca, Phoebe is a very close friend of mine'. Jason said.

Rebecca noted the linked arms and

his use of close friend. She knew

that she had no right over him anymore and she could not claim to love him but she still felt slighted. She was not used to that. She was always the centre of attention but she was willing to let this slide.

Both women shook hands, each assessing the other, Rebecca smiled. smugly because she felt that this Phoebe lady was no match for her own ravishing beauty and class. And if Jason really cared for her as he was trying to show, then he would have been with her, being possessive and would never have left her to be alone here. It showed her their type of relationship and that she had nothing to be afraid of from the girl.

Phoebe thought that she had Nancy to contend with and now this beauty had come. Was she going to have to contend with her for Jason's attentions and affections too? And this woman had an edge because Jason had loved her intensely and had been devastated when she had left him. He may still be in love with her and with her looks and shape, who can blame him? Content

'Alright see you around Rebecca and please extend my greetings to Terry', Jason said pulling Phoebe away towards the party where they said their farewells and left.

All through the trip home, they were both silent. Phoebe had hoped that Jason would say something about his wife but he had kept silent and as much as she wanted to ask questions to satisfy her curiosity, she kept silent as well.

One moment there when he had called her his love, she had got a swollen head, thinking that he was beginning to feel more towards her but when he had introduced that woman as his ex wife, she realised he was just using her to make Rebecca jealous.

What did that tell her? That he was still in love with his ex wife? She hoped not because she did not want that kind of complication and why did the woman have to come back now?'

Author's note:

Dear readers,

I am honoured that you find my books worthy of your time. I shall try to endure that you are not disappointed.

Thank you so much for your patronage and compliments of the season.

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