Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies
Powerful Papa With Triplet Babies By Pink Dolphin Chapter 58

Chapter 58 Anne had no interest in Anthony or Michelle, so long as they did not hurt her or the people she loved.

She lowered her head.

She had hidden her phone under the passenger seat inside Anthony's car earlier. Anne could not help but wonder if her mother would keep waiting for her at the airport. She looked up again and could not bring herself to move when she spotted the bodyguards not far away from her.

She started regretting not standing at the corner instead.

However, Anne did tell Cheyenne to go home if she did not show up within three hours.

Anne had never imagined that her escape plan would be ruined at the hands of Tommy. Her heart ached at the thought of his concern for her, the time he barged into the Royal Mansion to help her and the time he drove through a wall to stop Anthony from hurting her...was it all just for fun?

She had to admit that he was a wasted talent to not become an actor.

Anne found it unbelievable . She had originally thought that Anthony was the only sociopath in the family, only

to find out that Tommy was just as twisted and she was lucky’ enough to run into the two of them. After standing outside for some time, she started to feel rain drop on the tip of her nose.

The rain gradually grew heavier and she looked up at the dark sky. Through the lights on the street, she could see the rain as it fell onto her face, her hair and her body.

Soon, Anne was soaking wet.

A dark, towering figure stood before the window inside the mansion

Anthony twirled the wine glass around between his fingers as he stared broodingly at the slim figure standing under the street light and took in her discomfited state in the rain.

Michelle approached him sheepishly with a wine glass in her hand and said, “see? It really started raining. Even the gods are upset with her. Anthony, do you feel better now?

Anthony gulped down on his wine and stared at the woman standing in rain like a beast locking onto its prey. “You can go now.”

"What? Anthony...” Michelle was reluctant to leave, hoping that she could interact more with Anthony. She even dressed seductively before coming to Royal Mansion, and yet he had not looked at her properly for


“What's so fun looking at how drenched Anne is?!" She thought. “Do you want me to repeat myself?” Anthony's voice deepened in an intimidating manner.

Instantly, it was as though the temperature in the entire Royal Mansion had dropped and no fabric on Michelle was enough to shield her from it. “I...I guess I will come again next time...” She said before running back to her car. She glared at Anne as she started the engine and stepped onto the accelerator hard as she drove past Anne. “Splash!”

Startled, Anne took a step back, but was still splashed by the water on the ground. She wiped her face with the back of her hand briefly, before continuing to stand without an expression.

Drenched from head to toe, her clothes stuck onto her skin and outlined her perfect figure, though she seemed discomfited in the rain, it did not change how seductive she looked at the same time. The bodyguard walked over to her and said, “Ms. Vallois, Mr. Marwood would like to see you.” Anne did not have the courage to move. She would rather

stand in the rain than to face that devil...

“You don’t want to keep him waiting,” the bodyguard reminded.

Knowing that she had nowhere to run, she dragged her feet towards the mansion while shivering. As she stepped into the living room, she left poodles behind her with each step she took, tainting the clean floor.

When she spotted the figure sitting on the couch, her blood ran cold.

"Come here.” Anthony was still holding onto the wine glass lazily, but his eyes were as ferocious as a hungry beast.

She took a few steps forward. “Can...can I go now? Are... are you not angry n... Ugh!”

Before she could finish, she was dragged and tossed onto the couch.

The wine glass fell beside the couch, tainting the beige carpet with such crimson red that it looked almost like blood.

Anne was seeing stars from the impact, but the shadow that loomed over her forced her to sober up. “Wh-what are you doing?” “I told you not to run, and you never seem to listen. You had three chances and you deserve this...” He grabbed onto her collar and pulled.

Instantly, her clothes were torn into shreds.

“Ah!” She screamed, “No...”

Anthony was still holding onto the fabric he had torn off as though it was human flesh. “You are going to end up like this by the end of tonight.”

Shivering, she shook her head frantically in tears and closed her eyes. “At least...let me go take a shower...”

"Why bother?” He continued his assault.

“No! I...please! This...this is my first time. I'm scared...” Anne knew that this day was coming, but she was still terrified of being torn apart.

Anthony's expression darkened as he sneered, “First time? How will you explain that night from two years ago, then?”

Anne's mind instantly went blank as she stared dazedly at him. “You...you knew...!

He knew that she was the woman from that night all along

He clamped his fingers around her jaw forcefully and stared into her eyes darkly. “Explain yourself!” “I... 1 went to...get surgery...” She stuttered as she glanced at his face, “If you had mentioned this earlier, I wouldn't have...”


She would not have gone through the trouble.

His icy glare reminded her of a hellhound as he spat, “You brought it onto yourself.”

Inside the living room, the silence maximized all sounds and Anne's screams were loud and clear like a deer that had been preyed on, and swallowed alive while wandering in the woods.

No one could save her...


Anne was tossed into the bathtub. The lukewarm water did not soothe her and stimulated the wounds on her body. She trembled and grabbed onto the edge of the bathtub as she saw Anthony's legs taking steps toward her.

She lifted her chin timidly with water dripping off her hair as she looked at him warily.

“You didn’t think that was it, did you?” Like a demon, his glare alone could tear her apart.

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