Chapter 473

If she wanted to live comfortably within the beast's claws, she had to play along.

"Will you go to the office later?" she asked.


"Will you come here tonight?" Anne asked. She looked into Anthony's dark eyes, pursed her lips, and said, "I am bored alone.”

"So you are bored being cuffed?"

Tommy was following Anthony. He did nothing these two days except keep him on the watch. After all, Lucas and Nigel were onto other clues.

He still felt that the most probable person was Anthony.

Based on his understanding of Anthony, he knew that he would not let her go that easily.

This was such big news. How would he be able to sit still?

Anthony's car suddenly left the office, and that caught Tommy's attention.

He followed. The car did not go to The Curve, nor did it go anywhere that he was familiar with.

He followed tightly but kept at a pretty far distance. The cars in front of him at the traffic light were moving a little too slowly that he almost lost sight of him.

"What is this rubbish car!" Tommy threw a tantrum. He slammed the accelerator and squeezed his car right through the middle, scratching the cars next to him.

"What is going on?"

"Is he drunk driving?"

"He wanted to run! Stop him!"

Therefore, Tommy's car was stopped by some people at the junction, causing an accident.

He could finally leave after Lilian came to his rescue.

However, the Rolls Loyce was already nowhere to be found by then.

He slapped his steering wheel angrily.

Nigel came home for dinner. Ever since Anne went missing, he had never been home for dinner. The other time that Anthony came, he even made an excuse to say that he was not free.

Bianca was angry, and she was unhappy about Nigel's behavior.

"Bianca, once we find Anne, we will have dinner with Anthony." Nigel understood how she felt and wanted to make amends.

Bianca suppressed her anger and said, "Dad, don't you know who Anthony is? He is powerful and influential in Luton. He won't just agree to dinner just because you asked to. He is caught up with work every day. I don't even get to see him every day."

"I know. Don't be mad. We will see when he is free again,” Nigel said.

"I will say let's do it tomorrow. Will you be in the mood to do so? If we cannot find Anne forever, will we not be able to do this forever?” Bianca was suddenly pushy.

Nigel did not look too pleased either.

Dorothy tried to resolve it. “There, there. Nothing to be mad about. Please understand your father. We can always have the meal any other time. Anne will be found. She will be.”

After dinner, the mother and daughter had tea in the garden

"He wished to find Anne? Don't dream about it! It has been so long! She probably had already ended up in some fish's stomach!" Dorothy was delighted. She had been in a good mood lately and had called Sarah from time to time, to remind her that Anne was still not found. Do you know how pissed Sarah sounded in the calls? She was desperate, but she could not do anything. Hahaha." Bianca had a good life too. "As long as there is no Anne, even the air smells fresher.”

"Don't be mad at your father anymore. You don't have to stress about it over Anne. You will forget about her in no time. Who would remember a dead person for so long?”

“Luckily, she is dead. Otherwise, I would be panicking.”

Dorothy called the servant to bring some wine.

After the wine was served, they each got a glass of it.

"I just had dinner. I am too full for this," Bianca said.

"If we are toasting to Anne's death, would you still be too full for this?" Dorothy asked.

Bianca immediately raised her glass and grinned.

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