Chapter 471

However... Tommy subconsciously denied this outcome.

How could Anne be dead?

She was only missing.

Without cuffs on her hand, Anne tried to get up.

The injuries on her back were much better, and it was no longer a problem for her to get up and walk around, as long as it was not a big movement.

Anthony did not appear the whole day.

She wanted to leave, but she could not do so without Anthony's permission.

Every time Kathryn left, she would lock the door up too.

Anne was pretty sure that Anthony had asked her to do so.

She stood before Julie's portrait and asked, "Can you please ask your son to release me? Appear in his dreams if you can... How long should this go on for?"

Anthony pushed his work away and asked Oliver to come in and clean up. He then left.

Oliver saw the messy office and knew that it was done by the kids.

However, Mr. Marwood only asked him to clean up but did not say anything about not allowing the kids in there again.

Oliver was observant enough to pick this up but did not say anything about it.

Anthony left the office on his private ride.

Naturally, Tommy followed, only to find that Anthony was headed to Bianca's residence.

Anne was staying alone in the condo, and her meals were all delivered by Kathryn.

Anthony had not shown up for two days.

She did not ask Kathryn about him either.

Kathryn was only his personal physician. How would she know his whereabouts?

In the morning, Anne called Anthony, and soon, the call was connected.

"My wounds are almost recovered. Now can I go out already? My dad would be so worried. Please, will you only be happy after driving me crazy?" Anne's tone was sorrowful.

Anthony did not say anything. She could not even hear his breathing.

However, Anne was certain that he was listening. "Or... Should I jump off the balcony?"

"Are you threatening me?" Anthony's voice was tense.

"How would I dare to? Do you not know? A person under prolonged detention would lose their mind? I have already reflected on the issue. I will not be with any other man. I only have you, okay? I will gladly be your mistress, I... Ahh!" Anne asked him.

Anthony jumped. "Anne?"

It was dead silence on the other end.

The call could not be connected anymore.

Anthony, who was in a meeting with the senior management team, suddenly stood up, shocking every attendee around him.

"Adjourned. Let's speak when I am back.” He left the office, headed into the lift, and went straight to the basement. He left in his Rolls Loyce.

Why did Anne shriek?

Could she really have jumped?

He did not cuff Anne because he thought she was pretty obedient.

Anthony was tense the whole way as though his breathing was obstructed.

She could not do anything silly without his permission!

The door was banged open.

Anne, who was sitting on the couch, jumped upon his arrival. She looked at Anthony, who barraged in. His face was still tense. She hastily pointed at the balcony. My phone dropped.”

"Anne Vallos, you did this on purpose!” Anthony smelled like he could kill

"I did not..I was standing there talking to you, then the phone slipped,” Anne said with a shaky voice.

Anthony really felt like choking her to death now!

Anne stood up panicky and backed down. She could feel Anthony's thirst for some blood now. "Well... Shall we... have lunch together since you are here?"

"50 you lost your mind and wanted to jump from the balcony, huh?" Anthony's eyes were cold and dark.

"If I say I wanted to trick you here for lunch, will you buy it?" Anne tried to lighten the conversation up. "Don't all mistresses take extreme measures like this?"

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