Chapter 455

"Nigel, are you hiding something from me? Are your wife and daughter bullying Anne, but you're not telling me about that?" Sarah doubted.

"Anne is also my daughter. T love her very much. It's not what you think. The child works late at night and has to go to work during the day. She said that she always feels tired, she is afraid that you will be worried and will call you after work is done.”

"Okay, there are two days left. If she still doesn't call me, I'll go crazy.”

Nigel knew she was in a hurry, but now he could only comfort her.

He was very anxious.

He did not know where Anne was now, and he did not even know if she was safe.

He was a failure as her father.

"Hey, did you see the picture of the night scene I took for you?" Sarah asked.

"1 did, it's beautiful.”

"I'm so bored here, no one to chat with me, no one to play poker with..." Sarah sighed.

"I... have friends over there. I can ask their family members to contact you," Nigel said

"Actually, you can come and accompany me occasionally. When are you coming? Let's watch some night scenes together.”

Nigel hesitated. "I recently..."

Before he could finish speaking, there was a knock on the door, and then Dorothy came in with the tea she had just brewed.

Seeing that he was on the phone, Dorothy placed the teacup on the table without making a sound. Sarah over there still heard the noise. "Was that your wife?"


"Okay, I won't talk to you. I'll stay here alone!" After speaking, Sarah hung up the phone.

Nigel put the phone aside and sat down on the office chair, "why haven't you slept yet?"

"Who called just now? It's so late. Is it someone from work?" Dorothy pretended to be nonchalant. "It's about Anne." Nigel took a sip of tea, frowning

Dorothy walked behind him, put both hands on his shoulders, and massaged them. "Don’t worry, Anne is a very lucky child. Nothing will happen to her.”

In her heart, she wished that Anne would disappear forever.


"I'm your wife. You don't have to be so polite to me." Dorothy looked at the phone in front of Nigel absentmindedly as she spoke.

Was it really a call about Anne?

Nigel did not say who was calling

"You've also slept in the study for a long time, why don’t you go back to your room to rest earlier?" Dorothy suggested.

Nigel did not want to. "I can't sleep well because of Anne, and I don't want to disturb your sleep.” "We are husband and wife. If you can't sleep well, how could 1? I feel so uneasy. And Bianca sleeps at home at night, don't make her think we're in a bad relationship,” Dorothy said.

"Bianca is coming back?"

"That's right.” Dorothy had just finished speaking when she heard the sound of a car outside. "That should be Bianca."

When Bianca entered the room, she saw her parents, who were not sleeping. "Were you waiting for me?"

"Yeah, your dad had been waiting for you since he heard that you were coming back today." Dorothy was like a good wife and mother.

Last time, Bianca and Nigel argued over Anne, and now the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

"Why are you back so late? Are you tired?" Nigel was concerned.

"It's okay. I had dinner with Anthony. He was busy with the Archduke Group. I went to the studio and came back," Bianca said.

As soon as Anthony started working, he would forget about the time, and he might not even return home.

So she simply stayed at home.

"You didn’t accompany Anthony?" Dorothy asked.

"He had a meeting with several high-level executives in the office. I stayed for a while before leaving.” Bianca rubbed her tired neck.

Dorothy took Nigel's arm. "Hubby, go back to your room first. I'll accompany Bianca."

"Sleep early, okay?" Nigel instructed before going upstairs.

After Nigel left, Dorothy hurriedly said to Bianca, “The more Anthony is busy with work, the more you should stay there and let him see how good his wife is.”

"Not necessarily.” Bianca disagreed with her mother's idea.

If she had really listened to her mother, her marriage might end up like hers, which was not something she wanted.

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