Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies
Powerful Papa With Triplet Babies Chapter 450

Chapter 450 Anne let out a powerless cry in pain. Anthony was so mad that his face was flushed red, his black eyes were like a devil, and his fingertips wiped the sweat from Anne's forehead. “How do you feel now?” “Go to hell...” Anne used up her last bit of strength to squeeze the words through her gritted teeth.

Anthony pinched her pretty chin and smiled wickedly. “You should consider yourself special. If anyone ever said that to me, I would have ensured they died long ago.”

“Let me die then!” Anne shouted in despair. Anthony snorted coldly. “Save your voice. You're going to need it for the crying later on.”

Anne opened her eyes blankly.

There was peace in her ears. It was as if after the world was turned upside down, she was left alone in the world

She was tired.

As soon as she moved, she noticed something was wrong with her wrist.

Raising her hand, she was stunned when she saw the handcuffs on her wrists. The other end of the handcuffs was handcuffed to the bed.

She was so frightened that she pulled hard on the handcuffs, but her efforts were in vain. “Argh...” Anne had tried her best.

Just when she was out of breath, the door of the room opened, and Anthony, in pajamas, walked in with food in his hand.

Anne ignored the food and only cared about the shackles on her wrist. “You... what do you mean by this?” Her voice trembled with anxiety.

“This is made from rubber, tailored specifically for you. Isnt it more interesting than a bracelet? Do you like it?” Anthony asked.

He was a lunatic!

“Untie me!"

"Aren“t you going to seek death?”

Anne understood that because she said she wanted to die, the devil thought of this way to imprison her! She did not want this! She pulled on the shackles on his hands while crying, “Anthony, release me..." “It's a waste of effort.” Anthony placed the dinner plate on the bedside table. “Eat.” Anne was pissed. Without even thinking about it, she swung her hand out, overturning all the plates, and the food spilled onto the ground. “Get out! Get out!”

Anthony stood on the edge of the bed, looking down at her condescendingly and coolly.

Anne felt danger.

The coldness in the air seeped into her blood, forcing her to calm down.

After calming down, fear started to creep in.

The nerves in her body were tensing up.

She was afraid that Anthony would start using violence against her again. Anthony squatted down and picked up the dinner plate.

He even went out and got a mop to clean everything up. Anne looked at Anthony, who was cleaning up, and thought, was he going to hurt her after cleaning?

After all, no one dared to be disrespectful to him.

To her surprise, after Anthony cleaned up, he went straight out and closed the door behind him. There was no movement outside for a long time.

Anne wanted to get out of bed.

"Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies” Daily morwe new latest chapters read it here www.infobagh.com Her feet fell to the ground. Just as she was about to get up, the handcuffs stopped her from moving. Anne broke down and pulled on the handcuffs, calling out to Anthony, “Anthony! Let me go! Anthony!”

Next Chapter Coming Soon...

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