Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies
Powerful Papa With Triplet Babies Chapter 444

Chapter 444 Anne went to the hotel to try the temporary ID card that she had obtained before, and it really worked.

Anthony really set her free... She had not told Sarah about her and Lucas. Having said that, the feeling of not being able to return here must feel very bad.

Maybe she should give her a call.

After getting off work, Anne took the subway home. When she got downstairs, she received a call from Lucas.

While answering the call, she went upstairs.

Anne asked, “I've just got home. How about you? When will the work end? Is everything okay?

“I had dinner with the people from the Education Bureau and got out to give you a call.” Anne smiled. “What a hardworking principal you are.” “I'll see you when it's over.” “Don’t, go home early and go to bed when it's over, don't overwork yourself.” Anne sat on the sofa with her legs stretched out.

Lucas chuckled. “Got it."

The two of them chatted for a while and then hung up.

Anne lay on the sofa and stretched, not wanting to move.

Thinking of the three little kids upstairs waiting to be fed, she felt extremely satisfied.

Did that mean that everything was going to change for the better?

A knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Anne looked up at the door. Who was it?

She got up and went to open the door without thinking. When the door opened and she saw Anthony, Anne“s heart stopped, and her face turned pale. Anthony put one hand in his pocket, ignoring Anne's frightened expression, and approached her.

Anne stepped back, her legs almost giving way beneath her. “You..what are you doing?” “Are you really going to marry Lucas?” Anthony's black eyes were fierce, and his whole body was shrouded in gloom. “You don't know me as well as I hoped you did, apparently.” “..What do you mean? You lied to me?” Anne's hope burst like a bubble in an instant. “How could you do this to me? Why... no, I won't let you control me again! Who I marry is my business. It doesn't matter if I ... ah!”

Before she could finish speaking, Anthony's hands closed around her neck. The door was slammed shut, and Anne was slammed onto the sofa. “Ah!” Anne's head was dazed by the hit, and she saw the shadow of Anthony looming above her, like a dark cloud covering the sun, making her panic. "Anthony, what are you trying to


“What do you think?” Anthony's face was grim.

“No... No, since you don't want me, why do this to me?” Anne was trembling with fright.

She pushed Anthony with her hand, but she was simply not strong enough to compete with his strength. Anthony's hand was tightened around her neck like an iron collar. “Cancel the dinner,” Anthony ordered.

Anne knew what he meant. Even though she knew the man in front of her was dangerous and was like a cheetah who wanted to tear her apart at any time, she was so broken down, so helpless, so hysterical that she wanted to fight him.

How long had she been controlled by Anthony?

All her fear and resentment exploded at that instant.

“I will not cancel the wedding.”

"What?" Anthony subconsciously tightened his fingers around her neck. “Say it again!” “How could you promise me something and then immediately go back on what you promised? I'm not your property, I have a soul, and you do not control me!” Anne seemed to have used up all her energy after roaring at Anthony

There were tears in her eyes, waiting for what would happen next.

Fear, nervousness, and anxiety filled her every nerve...

Anthony looked down at her. The hand on his neck did not move.

The air seemed dead silent. Every mouthful of air she took in was chilling. “Rebellious, aren't you?” Anthony released her neck. Anne gasped for breath. She thought Anthony would strangle her directly. Even if he did not strangle her, the movement of Anthony's hand still made her nervous. All over the body, only her eyes dared to move.

Anthony's eyes were cold and fierce, his hands were tense. He snorted, and the clothes on her upper body were torn to shreds.

"Ah! What are you doing, don't...” “Don’t?” Anthony grabbed her chin and forced her to face him. “1 wonder if he still wants to marry you if he sees all these marks on your body.” Anne's pupils trembled, and tears slid out of the corners of her eyes. “Why do you do this?

Why... Anthony, let me go! I would rather die than let you touch me.” “Threatening me with death? Huh?” Anthony's grip became stronger. “What about the woman in Santa Nila? Does it matter if she dies?” Anne bit her lip. In this situation, was there any reason for her to keep fighting? Absolutely! Otherwise, her status quo would never change!

She had to let Anthony know that he could not control her every move!

"Yes, it doesn't matter, kill her if you want to, no big deal...I'l die with her if you choose to do


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