Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies
Powerful Papa With Triplet Babies Chapter 439

Chapter 439 Anne's body was stiff, and the beating of her heart was heavy and uneasy. Just when she was about to suffocate, she heard the voice of Anthony, “Pour me a cup of coffee.”

Anne was stunned. Was he speaking to her? Ah yes, she and Anthony were the only ones in the office, and Anthony would never do such a thing himself. “I'm... not professional.”

“Then find a way to make it professional,” Anthony said ruthlessly. Anne turned around and left the office to pour him coffee.

She was no stranger to the pantry.

She had used it before.

There were water dispensers and a variety of tea, coffee, and coffee machines.

There were ground coffee beans in the refrigerator.

Anne had not made coffee herself, but she had seen her coworkers make coffee many times before. Filtering the coffee, adding creamers and sugar, and finally stirring. She sniffed the edge of the cup with her nose. It was quite fragrant.

When she went to the office with coffee, Anne turned her head to the left and then to the right, but she did not see Xander.

Where was he taking his phone call?

Was he back?

After knocking on the door and entering the office, she noticed Anthony was still alone inside. She carefully placed the coffee in front of Anthony and stood aside. Watching Anthony take a sip, he heard him say, “Disgusting.” Anne pursed her lips. “Then I'll find someone to make another cup for you, shall 17”

“No need for that.” Anthony took another sip. “I thought you couldn“t drink coffee? I heard that people with a bad stomach can't drink coffee...” Anne asked. When Anthony looked at her with sharp and deep eyes, she said, “I'm sorry, I'm being nosy.” “Don’t you think it's a bad idea to care about other men, especially when you're about to get married?” Anthony put down the coffee cup and stared at her with black eyes. He looked very aggressive.

Anne became nervous when he said that.

She did not mean that.

“Mr. Marwood misunderstands me. I only had good intentions, nothing else,” Anne explained Anthony asked, “A misunderstanding? Are you talking about the fact that you are going to get married or the fact that you care about other men?” “I don't understand what you mean...” Anne pretended not to understand.

Anthony snorted. “Being cheeky?”

Anne's breathing was unsteady. She knew that Anthony knew her extremely well, and she felt as if her thoughts could be seen through by him.

She took the chance to express her doubts. “If... If I marry someone, will you object?”

“l won't."

Anne's pupils trembled slightly. She did not expect this answer.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she did not hear Anthony continue speaking.

So, everything was fine, right?

Anthony did not want to control her anymore...

"My ID card.” Anne said.

“It can be used in Luton now.” Anthony's dark eyes were unfathomable.

Anne thought this was great! She could not ask for more, for fear that she might trigger Anthony. He was quite easily offended

“Thank you.” He was the one who detained her ID card, but she had to thank him.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Xander finally came back.

The atmosphere in the office went back into rigorous work mode.

After work, Anthony left. Anne followed Xander back to the department.

“Mr. Clayton, what took you so long?” “The bank called me. Why?"

Anne initially thought he deliberately took a long time to take the call. Was it okay to ignore Anthony for a long time just to answer the phone?

It may have been with Anthony's permission.

“Nothing...” She could only speculate without any evidence.

However, after Anthony said she was free, she felt disoriented.

Was he going to let go of her?

Although she could not leave Luton yet, she could marry other men and find happiness, which was great.

Anne was still very happy. Maybe it was Bianca who influenced him! For the next two days, Anthony did not say anything to her, as if what he said was final. Anne was working in the office. When she was about to get off work, she received a call from Nigel. She answered the call outside. “Dad...” She subconsciously looked at the dark CCTV above, trying to ignore the weird feeling inside her heart. “Do you need to work overtime today? It's not the end of the month, so you shouldn“t be busy, right?” Nigel asked.

“I'm not busy. I'll be working overtime almost every day next week, though!” Anne complained to her father on the phone. Nigel felt distressed when he heard that. “If you feel tired, you can resign and come to Dad's company.” “No, I'll be tired for only a week. After that, I'll be very relaxed. Don't worry about me.” Anne felt that if she really went to her father's company, Dorothy and Bianca would have a lot to say about that. “What's the matter?” “I've arranged for you to dine with Lucas today.”

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