Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies
Powerful Papa With Triplet Babies Chapter 402

Chapter 402

Everyone who was present knew that “the other person’ meant Anne Vallois.

Anne lowered her face and lowered her


What Anthony said was right.

He had always treated her that way.

Just like between the original spouse and the mistress, the husband would always stand by his wife's side.

The mistress was just to be toyed around in his spare time, and not someone who deserved to be respected.

“Yeah.” Anne said while holding back a sneer, “Last time, it happened because of drugs, and this kind of think will never happen again. Otherwise, it will be contempt for Bianca, an outright betrayal It's even rude to the Faye family, for such a thing to happen over and over. For those outsiders, they might even think that I'm being favored!

Anthony stared at her coldly. His eagle-like sharp glare pierced through Anne.

The sense of oppression was dangerous.

Bianca looked at Anthony's terrifying face, and she knew that Anne went too far.

Who would ever favor her? How ridiculous!

“In this case, the person who spiked the drinks should be punished,” Nigel looked at Michelle.

"Or choose to call the police.”

“I was wrong. I only did that kind of thing since I was not thinking straight. There will never be another time.”

“Let's forget about calling the police. It's really ugly to make a fuss and expose it to everyone. The Grainger family has some status in Luton, and it's not good to make both family ties awkward.” Bianca said kind words for her, “Previously, Anthony punished her to be unable to enter the entertainment industry. If the punishment is permanent, it will be more than enough for her.” When Michelle heard that, her expression changed.

“Let's go,” Anthony glanced at Anne coldly and gently embraced Bianca, preparing to leave the room.

Anne reminded him, “Take the clothes away.”

Anthony looked at Anne with gloomy black eyes.

Bianca said to Anthony, “I'll go get it."

Bianca held the clothes on the balcony and on the sofa in her arms. During this time, Anthony stared at Anne with his cold eyes.

Then, the two left the place.

Michelle also left hurriedly. When she went outside, she looked at the figures of the two


people who were walking up the stairs in front of her. She deliberately fell behind so that the people in the front were not visible within her sight.

She did not want to run into Anthony and Bianca again!

However, she was unsure if she would really receive that kind of punishment from them.

When would Bianca finally set her free?

In the room, Anne faced Nigel alone. She hung her head low, unable to face him eyes to eyes. When such a thing happened, the only one she could not face was Nigel.

She hoped that in Nigel's eyes, she was a good girl with self-esteem and self-love.

“I know that Anthony forced that on you,” Nigel said as he walked up to her.

Anne was slightly stunned. She raised her face and her eyes went red


Nigel asked, “What happened after you were drugged? Didn't I tell you to call me? Why didn’t you call me? I'm your father. Isn't it right and proper to protect my own daughter? I will only feel more guilty.”

"Dad, I..." Tears fell from Anne's eyes uncontrollably.

She raised her hands to cover her face, but it was too late.

Nigel sighed and touched her head, “Don't worry about troubling me, and you don't have to be too considerate, or you will hurt yourself, which is something I don't want to see.”

“Dad, do you think there will be another time?” Anne asked helplessly.

“I don’t know. That's why you have to call me when it happens again.”

Anne nodded and said nothing.

Even she herself did not know if something like that would happen next time.

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