Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies
Powerful Papa With Triplet Babies Chapter 393

Chapter 393

Tommy already knew who was calling judging from the look on her face. With no intention to walk away, he asked, “Are you going to answer that?”

Anne could not understand why Anthony had called her, considering the fact that he had just sent her home earlier that afternoon.

“What else does he want?’

Her heart threatened to jump out of her chest as she wondered if he was already on the fifth floor and was calling because he could not find her.

"Why are you so frightened? He's going to get suspicious any time now if you don't pick up,” he reminded.

She shot him a cold glare and turned to walk into her room, but Tommy grabbed her by her sleeve. "Answer it right here.”

Frustrated, she shoved his hand off. “Enough, Tommy.”

The next instant, Tommy snatched the phone from her hand and answered it on speaker phone. Anne held her breath.

“Where are you?” Anthony asked impatiently.

"...At my apartment.” She tried her best to sound normal.

"Why did it take so long for you to answer the phone?”

She felt as though the air had frozen over at the sound of his cold voice. “I'm in a bad mood,” she said, knowing that Anthony knew exactly why she would be in a bad mood.

As expected, Anthony remained quiet. Not knowing what he was thinking about, Anne's heart dropped as she wondered if she had offended him again, or if Anthony had somehow sensed Tommy's presence through the phone.

She tensed in fear that Anthony would notice something or that Tommy would start speaking. “I will come by to pick up my clothes and will stay for dinner,” he said, before hanging up.

Anne snatched the phone back from Tommy and sighed a breath of relief after confirming that the call had indeed ended. She looked up and found Tommy still standing there. “Why are you still here? Want me to invite you to dinner or something?”

“Yeah, that's what I have in mind.”

She tensed once again. “Stop it already, Tommy Marwood!”

He narrowed his eyes coldly. “I shouldn't have let Anthony live. This sucks.”

She scowled. "He doesn't die that easily. It's already weird that he let Lilian go. Don't pick a fight with him now. Stay in your line and wait for your chance.”

“Are you worried about me?”

“Yes. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you,” she said calmly.

The cold expression on Tommy's face slowly melted away as he shot her a look. “Alright, I won't overstay my welcome. Make sure that dinner doesn't last too long, though, or I might get upset and decide to give you a call.”

Anne listened to his threat with confusion. Though Anthony was troublesome, Tommy was no better and the two had been extremely bothersome.

Tommy had been acting odd recently as he had never seemed to care about what happened between Anne and Sebastian. 1

Though she guessed that what happened in the casino might have created some twisted thoughts within him, Anne did not want to think too deeply into it.

Dealing with Anthony was her top priority at the moment. She checked her phone for the time and realized that it was already five, so she probably would not be able to dine with her children.

The door opened and a few heads popped up from the gap.

“Mama, did that strange uncle leave?” Chloe asked.

“Did he bully you, Mama?” Charlie asked.

“We came to help!” Chris said.

She patted their heads with a smile. “Help? It's not that bad. He is just a friend of mine.’

After all, Tommy was indeed their uncle by blood.

“I need to go and do something, so I can't stay and eat with you. I will try my best to get everything done and come back to tug you in, okay?” “Okay...” The triplets looked down in disappointment.

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