Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies
Powerful Papa With Triplet Babies Chapter 386

Chapter 386 Anne swallowed hard and moved away from the fist and Anthony's shadow that loomed over her, before running out of the apartment.

She came close to falling onto the ground when she entered the elevator when she was once again reminded of what a twisted psychopath Anthony was. She felt that she narrowly escaped hell, but at the same time, was impressed by herself for daring to say such a thing to him. She should consider herself lucky that she managed to get out alive, if she did not provoke Anthony and remained in that apartment, she could not imagine what would happen when Nigel found out about it.

Anthony went into the bathroom and glanced at the wound and blood on his fist, before grabbing a towel to wipe the blood away with a dark expression.

He should have tortured her to death the night before. He had been too merciful

Oliver knew that Anthony needed to view certain documents, so he knocked on the office door upon Anthony's return and handed the documents over. When he spotted the wound on the back of Anthony's hand, he questioned nervously, “Mr. Marwood, your hand...”

“It's fine,” Anthony said coldly.

He could still move so it was merely a wound on the surface, but it looked like a self-inflicted wound, as no one would dare to pick a fight with Anthony.

As a capable secretary, Oliver knew when to stop and did not ask any more questions, though he knew that the wound must have something to do with Anne.

Anne dragged her exhausted body toward the Marwood Group and knocked on Xander's office door, before walking in. Xander smiled at her. “Here you are. Here are your things.” He handed her purse to her.” There are missed calls on your phone. Take a look.” “Thank you, Mr. Clayton. Can I take leave for today?” “Of course. Go home. Don't force yourself when you're not feeling well,” he said sincerely.

Feeling uncomfortable, she grabbed her purse and left, wondering how Xanuer did not even ask her about what happened back in the private room

Anne was not certain if Damian was the one who dragged her, but ran into him as soon as she went to the elevator.

"Come to my office.”

“Can't you say what you have to say here?” Anne did not see the point in going to Damian's office, since there was no one next to them. She did not know that Damian was afraid of Anthony, as the Archduke Group had full control over the surveillance cameras in the Marwood Group, and though there was no audio recording, Damian didn't feel secure. “This is the office, so what can I do to you? I just want to ask you about what happened in the private room.”

She hesitated, before following Damian.

Damian's expression shifted as soon as they entered his office and he said sarcastically. “You were messing around with Anthony, weren't you? You won't be here at this time otherwise

"All thanks to the drug you gave me last night, Mr. Marwood!” She retorted.

“I didn’t drug you. Don’t blame me for it!"

“That's odd. Who else would do such a thing, then?”

“I don't care who did it. I didn’t! I only called you here to make sure that you understand what you shouldn't say in front of Anthony.” Damian was concerned that he might lose his position in the company. His father had passed away, his brother was sent away and his own son had no ambition at all, so there was no one else he could rely on.

“If you didn't do it, there's nothing you should be worried about,” she said, before leaving.

Once she was inside the elevator, she stared at the floor display inside the elevator as it descended. In truth, she did not think that Damian was the one who drugged her as well. If he was behind it, Tommy would not have come to her rescue as that would mean he was going against his father’s command

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