Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies
Powerful Papa With Triplet Babies Chapter 382

Chapter 382

Eventually, he let her go and Anne panted blankly, feeling as though all the air in her lungs were squeezed out.

“This guy is an insatiable beast!’ She thought, before asking, “Can I...can I get up now?”

“There's no hurry.” He stared at her like a hungry animal.

"Are you trying to kill me?” Unable to stand it any longer, she questioned angrily at how boundless Anthony's lust was.

Anthony lifted her face by the chin forcefully. “Relax. I'll let you live.”

The phone outside rang, and Anthony got off of her to answer the phone.

Anne hurried out of bed, knowing very well that it was far too dangerous for her to stay and that she needed to leave.

She noticed the phone on the coffee table since her last visit. Nowadays, no one would own a landline phone anymore as everyone has their own smartphone.

Even for a place as enormous as the Royal Mansion, all the servants were using their phones as well So who could possibly be the one who called the landline phone instead of Anthony's personal number?

Anthony picked up the phone and Oliver's voice came through the line. “Ms. Vallois is currently thought to be missing right now. Master Tommy searched the entire casino last night and was livid when he didn't find her.”

Anthony remained silent.

“Ms. Vallois was with Master Tommy when she ran into you, Mr. Marwood. I heard that he was the one who rescued her. There were a few men by the pool who were harassing her, so I felt that something wasn't right,” Oliver continued.

"How can it be right when she’s drugged?” He narrowed his eyes coldly. “Look into it.”


Anthony set the phone down and turned to stare at Anne, who had already stepped out of the bedroom.

Feeling like he was staring right through her, Anne pursed her lips.

She had heard every single word from the conversation. She knew that she was drugged, but did not know who it was.

“Anthony is looking into it?" She thought to herself. 'Why..."

The next day, Anne did not show up for word in the Marwood Group.

Damian was worried sick and called Xander a few times in a row, but Anne never appeared in

the office.

In the end, he found himself in Xander's office in search for a solution. “If Anne really went missing, I have nothing to do with it,” Damian said, “Anne seemed to have too much to drink, so I took her to rest by the pool. She said she wanted to be alone, so I left.”

Xander listened seriously. “I believe you, and that's why I didn’t go after Anne at the time. If you are responsible for her going missing, so am I.”

“No, this has nothing to do with you. It's my fault,” Damian said, before continuing in confusion, "how can a person just vanish into the air like that? Tommy left no stone unturned in the entire casino and she was nowhere to be found.”

“Yeah. It's not going to be good if we can't find her.”

"What do you mean?” Damian straightened his back

“Don’t you know that a certain someone would be upset is something happens to Anne Vallois? Damian was about to question why Anthony would care when he was already engaged, but immediately held back on his words and chuckled at Xander, both knew by heart what was truly happening “Anthony is probably searching for her as well, right? If he can't find her, there's no way we can,” Damian said.

“There's something you might not be aware of,” Xander said in a mysterious tone.


"Anne was drugged before she went missing. Someone inside the room did it. I think Tommy knows about this. Has he not told you?” Xander stared at Damian unblinkingly.

Damian gaped at him. “Who...who drugged her? Tommy didn’t say anything! Everyone inside that room was employees of this company, so why would anyone drug her? What's going on?” “Actually, I thought that it was you. After all, you were the one who organized the dinner and proposed that we all go to the casino afterward.” “What? Mr. Clayton, don’t point a blaming finger at just anyone. I had somets that I needed to ask Anne about, but I didn’t need to drug her for that. I won't be able to get any answer from her if I do.”

Seeing how shocked Damian was, Xander smiled in relief. “I was just suspecting, but that wouldn't make sense as well as you would be the first person anyone suspects.”

“That's right, Mr. Clayton,” Damian said earnestly, “I swear that I haven't done anything like that!" “Even if I trust you, there's no point. You have to convince Anthony.”

“I know. You have to talk to Anthony for me.”

“You are his uncle. It's better if you talk to him in private,” Xander suggested. “Of course, I would, but if you help me out as well, it would just act like insurance. I appreciate it. I'll buy you drinks next time!” Damian said.

Xander listened casually. Damian headed out of the office with a dark expression and proceeded to call Tommy as soon as he returned to his own office. “What is wrong with you? Why didn’t you tell me Anne was drugged?” “Did you do it?” Tommy asked.

"Of course, not! Everyone seems to think that I did it, though!” Damian refused to be accused of something he did not do.

“Don’t panic. I think Anthony might have taken Anne away with him.”

“Him?” Damian stopped pacing for a moment. “Are you sure?”

“You can keep searching if you don’t believe me.” Tommy hung up rudely, as he was in a terrible mood.

Anthony had taken Anne away while she was drugged; Anne did not return to her own apartment, nor had her name appeared in any hospital, so it was obvious what those two had gone off to do. Tommy wanted to call the Faye family and leak the information to Bianca, but his contempt for Bianca prevented him from doing so.

Even if Bianca found out that Anthony was sleeping around, she would only try to hurt Anne in secret

He gave up, but narrowed his eyes fiercely, determined to find out what had happened on his own.

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