Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies
Powerful Papa With Triplet Babies Chapter 379

Chapter 379

“Ah!” Anne was shoved through a door with a gigantic pool but no guest inside.

“What do you think you are doing?”

“I'm asking you if Anthony killed my father.”

“What?” She scowled. "How would I know?”

Anne was amazed by how spot-on Damian's guess was.

“Then I will ask you about something you do know. Why did Ron surrender half his share to Sarah?” She looked away. “Your son came asking, and now you are doing the same. I told him that my mom annoyed Ron into giving her that!”

“You might be able to fool Tommy, but you won't fool me, understand?”

“I really don't know!” Annoyed, her throat began to feel dry, and her temperature rose. She considered for a moment if that was what being drunk felt like, but had a feeling that

something was wrong...

“Let me leave!” She turned to head for the door, but Damian shoved her, and she fell to the ground. "What good will it do you to play against me?” Damian crouched. “Just tell the truth, and I'll leave you alone.”

“I don't know..." Anne's sight began to blur.

Seeing how she refused to speak despite all the drinks she had taken, he realized that she might not be drunk enough. “Fine, don't say anything then. Go back to the room later. Otherwise, the CFO will be worried,” he said mockingly and left.

Anne sighed a breath of relief and tried to crawl up, only to fall back onto the ground.

The pool next to her was like a mirror, but she could not see her own reflection. All Anne could think of was how much she wanted to jump inside to cool down.

Sensing her temperature rising, she wondered why she would feel this way with merely a few glasses of drinks

She gritted her teeth and tried to back on her feet when a few smug-looking men walked inside. When they spotted Anne on the ground, they walked over with grins on their faces. ” What a beauty. You look cute with those rosy cheeks.”

“The casino probably stationed her here for us!”

"Well, let's dig in, then!”


One of the men went to hug Anne, and Anne slapped his hand aside after standing up stumbling backward. “You have the wrong person. I don't work here...”

They stood in her way.

“No? Well, you are now.”

“Don’t worry. We promise we will be gentle.” “Come here and give me a hug!” Anne struggled to get away, but a man grabbed her from behind and listed her up.

"Ah! Let me go!” She struggled with all her might. “Call me darling, and I will let you go,” the man said evilly.

Naturally, Anne was not about to comply.

"We've reserved this room for ourselves, so you can yell all you want, but no one will come to help you, so you might as well just obey us!” “Get away.” Anne came close to letting a whimper escape at the heat she felt within her.

“Call me darling, or I'll throw you in there,” the man threatened.

“I said, let me go! I don't work here. I am going to call the police!” Anne fought back in disgust “Off you go!” The man tossed her into the pool.

"Ah!" Her scream was soon drowned by the water. Unable to swim, she sank like a piece of rock. The men chuckled as they got ready to go inside and swim with the beautiful woman before them. Before they could do so, they heard a splash and someone seemed to have jumped inside before them.

Anne no longer felt like she was burning, but she could feel her life slipping out of her as the water drowned her.

Survival instinct had her struggling in the water, but the more she did, the faster she sank.

Just when she was about to drown, someone wrapped their arm around her waist and she ascended to the surface. She gasped for air with a pale face as she trembled in fear over almost dying.

She had thought that it was one of the men who saved her but was stunned when she recovered enough to turn and look. Also drenched, Tommy shot her a cold, devilish look. “Dramas are just drawn to you, aren't they?”

She moved her lips to speak, but no words came out as she tried to comprehend why Tommy would appear before her. “Hey! Who are you?” The men outside the pool shouted, unhappy that someone had taken their “toy’. Tommy scanned the men with a dark look on his face before helping Anne toward the edge of the pool with one arm. “Go and wait inside the changing room. I will take care of these scum.”

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