Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies
Powerful Papa With Triplet Babies Chapter 360

Chapter 360 He nudged her. “Ms. Vallois?”

Anne regained her consciousness and stood up.

She followed Xander to the meeting room door. Her gaze was, however, fixated on Ron.

“Director. I will return to the office later.” Anne stood still at the door and did not proceed.

Xander did not say anything but even helped her to bring her laptop back.

Anne returned to the meeting room and slammed the door shut. She walked up to Ron and interrogated, “Wliat do you mean? Why did you accuse my mother? What do you want? You said you wanted to compensate. If you really wanted to, why not ask your son to let me go?”

She was breathing heavily, and her chest was pumping up and down

She could not remain calm.

Ron snickered. His tone was devilish. “Getting to know both your mother and you is the biggest misfortune of my life!”

He stood up, looked at Anne, and said, “Your mom gave you the backup audio, didn’t she? Why are you acting like a good samaritan here?”

“What backup audio?” Anne did not understand.

“Too bad I couldn't find it at your place two days ago. Otherwise, how would I allow the both of you to be stepping all over me like that? Don't you celebrate too early about getting the

shares. Anthony would not sit on it. If I suffer, don’t you expect yourself to live well too!” Ron said angrily and then left.

Anne pondered about what Ron said.

What was the backup audio?

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Ron was not there to visit her the other day. He was there to look for the audio. Ti the pillows on the couch were messy.

Anne did not bring her phone along. She ran back to her office, found her phone, and then walked out as she called Sarah.

When she reached the emergency escape staircase, Sarah answered with a delightful voice.” Anne, what's up?”

"Where are you?”

“I am doing my nails at home. I got the nail artist here. Come back home, and you can get yours done too.”

Anne did not say anything but immediately hung up.

She did not even manage to inform Xander but ran straight out of the office to Sarah's mansion. Comment by Eunice Low: TBC

As soon as she entered the living room, she saw Sarah on the couch, watching the TV as the nail artist did her nails.

What an enjoyable life.

She was a little surprised to see Anne, “You're quick. I'll be done soon. You can choose a design that you like first.” Anne ignored her. She walked over and told the nail artist, “Please go back. We don't want to do it anymore.”

The nail artist looked at her client.

Sarah sat up unhappily. “What's wrong? I am not done!” “Let her go!"

Sarah noticed Anne's unpleasant face, so she asked the nail artist to leave.

As soon as the nail artist left, Anne asked her, “What's up with the shareholding transfer of Ron's shares?”

Sarah's face showed a hint of guilt, and slie said, “He voluntarily gave them to me. I did not force him to.”

“Then what's up with the recording?” Anne asked.

“Recording... He asked you? Is he crazy? Why did he ask you about it?”

“Because he asked me if I had the recording, he even sneaked into my house to search for it when I was away!” Anne asked again, “What is the recording about? What did you do behind my back?” She figured that it must be something big. Otherwise, why would Ron want to give up his shares? “You will know about it soon.” Anne took her newly-purchased phone and looked through her files. “I wanted to tell you in person initially. We had the freshly signed shares transfer letter and wanted to celebrate it with you. Here, have a listen.”

The recording played Ron's and Sarah's voices.

Every word could be heard clearly.

When Anne heard what Ron said toward the end, her body froze. Mawby pushed Julie while Ron stood by the side and watched. She could not take the truth at all.

After the recording, Sarah said, “I guessed it right. Julie was murdered.”

Anne finally found her soul back in her body after a long while. “You found out but did not tell me, but first went ahead and blackmailed Ron for his shares?”

"Of course! Why would I not want it? Both of us had a pretty tragic life because of them!” Sarah said with a straight face.

Anne was exasperated. She could feel her head heavy. “You... You return the shares to Ron. Do you really think you can enter the Marwood Group?”

“When did I say I wanted to enter the Marwood Group? I just want the money!” “Then do you really naively think Ron would give you the money?”

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Sarah raised her phone happily. “Therefore, I still keep the audio! I only deleted one of them in front of Ron! If Anthony refuses to pay up, he will need to think of other ways!” Anne lost her voice to even shout at her. She held out her hand. “Give it to me.” “What are you doing?” Sarah withdrew her hand. “Don’t delete it! If you delete it, all my efforts will be wasted!”

Anne took a deep breath, she tried to keep herself composed, “We can never win Anthony. Don’t make things worse, please.” “If we really cannot, then we can release the recording. By then, Anthony would not have to tackle us but thank us! If it were not for us, he would never find out how his mother died!

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