Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies
Powerful Papa With Triplet Babies Chapter 356

Chapter 356

“No, no! It was Dad. It has nothing to do with me!”

“No! He pushed you because I wanted to marry Sarah so badly and wanted a divorce, so I went to find you. I did not expect to see you on the top floor of the hospital. It was because you said something so nasty that my dad couldn't help but push you.”

“No, no, I... I was watching from the side, don't you blame me for it. If you had completed the divorce, then nothing would have happened... I'm sorry, Julie, after all these years, I had always been in remorse, so regretful... Why did I not help you, I am sorry..."

Sarah turned the recording off, looked at Ron, whose face was pale, and asked, “What about now? Can you

remember it now?”


Ron listed his terrified but enraged eyes. “That woman was you!”

"Who else? Did you really think Julie Watson appeared ?

Ron, I really did not expect you would kill your own wife!”

“I said it. I did not kill her!”

“Isn“t standing by the side and watching, assisting the murder?” Sarah asked condescendingly. Ron could not say a word, and his forehead was sweating profusely.

He did not expect the secret that he had hidden for years to be exposed by Sarah!

So, what would happen if this was known by Anthony?

He understood his own son too well, he was ruthless and brutal. His mother's death had always been an issue for him. If he found out about it, the family would be destroyed.

"Are you trying to blackmail me with this kind of audio?” Ron tried to calm himself down. If Sarah did not have other intentions, she would not be standing here but would already have sent this to Anthony. “Are you trying to get back together with me? I agree.”

Sarah thought she had heard the silliest joke of the century. “Are you kidding me? Get back together with

you? Then what should I do when you die?”

"What do you want?”.

"Give me half of your shareholding in the Marwood



“What?” Ron could not believe her ambition.

S see

Sarah snickered and said, “Fine, then I will send this audio to Anthony. Let's see what he will do to you and Mawby. After all, I have nothing to lose. Honestly, Anne and I had been picked on by Anthony for so many years. It is now payback time! Ron, what is your loss? At least you still get to keep half your shareholding, no?”

Ron's face was full of rage. He already thought he had an unfair share of the shareholding, and now he even needed to split it in half with Sarah. This would be too much!

However, his neck was now on the line. What should he do?

Ron had a bad idea. He snatched away Sarah's phone and slammed it onto the floor.

The phone immediately shattered into pieces.

Sarah looked at the pieces on the floor and said, “Do you really think destroying my phone would do it? I had already expected this and had already made copies of it! Since you are not willing to, I will now send the backup copy to Anthony.”

She turned and walked away.

“Wait a minute!” Ron hastily came down from his bed, attempting to stop her.

“Nothing to negotiate if you don't want to give me your shareholding!” Sarah had the upper hand and did not give


“Fine, 1 will give you half of my shares!” Ron gave in.

Sarah could not help but grin. “That's right, which is more important, money or your life? Isn't that an easy choice?”

“Delete the copies first!”

“Do you think I am an idiot?” Sarah laughed. “I will only delete it when I get the share transfer letter. You better be quick. Otherwise, I would not have much patience either,


Ron did not expect her to be difficult. “I could sign the transfer letter, but it would be hard for me to explain to Anthony.”

“That is your problem.”

Ron was forced to a corner, and his eyes were desperately menacing. “You have the guts to oppose the entire Marwood family. Aren't you scared to end up like Julie


“I am not as dumb as she was. If something happened to me, another person would release the audio. Don't you be oblivious about this.” Sarah turned and walked away.

Ron slammed everything on the nightstand angrily.

Drinking really was problematic!

He definitely did not want to give away his shareholding, even if it was only half of it.

Plus, how could he explain to Anthony?

He pondered if there was any possibility for him to have

destroyed the audio copies before signing the transfer letter. Where would the copies be?

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