Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies
Powerful Papa With Triplet Babies Chapter 350

Chapter 350

Sarah sighed. “Silly child, people change. I ended up with nothing when I was nice to other people. After thinking about it, I think it's better to be selfish. At least I can

protect myself.”

Anne said, “Is that the case? I'm your daughter, and you can tell me anything. No matter what happens, I'm on

your side.”

Even though Anthony was too difficult to deal with, they should never give up.

Sarah looked at her and said, “I know what you want to

know. When I was with Ron, Ron and his wife hadn't

divorced. Ron told me that his wife was fierce and didn't

know how to be gentle, and sooner or later, she would

divorce him. To be honest, I thought of Nigel at the time,

which made me feel contemptuous about him.”

“Then why did you stay with him later?” Anne was


Sarah said, “Because it just so happened that his wife died

and Ron is a rich man, why should I give up such a good opportunity?”

“Has Anthony's mother talked to you?” Anne asked.

“She did. But I told her that it was a matter between her

and Ron, and it had nothing to do with me. As long as I could control my man, other women meant nothing,”

Sarah recalled.

Anne asked in disapproval, “That's just provocation!”

“Then what else should I say? Say I quit? I haven't even

started yet! It was Ron who sweet-talked to me every

day! He was very obsessed with me. He sent me roses every day, invited me to dinner every day, and bought me clothes and handbags.” Sarah retorted.

When she was young, there were a lot of people who liked


She was hurt in a relationship before, and so now, the

only thing she cared about was money. Relationships no longer meant anything to her.

“If you don't have love, you must at least get money. As

long as you have money, you can do anything.” Sarah's desire to live like a millionaire was obvious. With such an opportunity in front of her, she had no reason not to seize it.

Anne still wanted to get some information from her mother and hoped that her mother would tell her that she had difficulties and was forced to marry Ron. That was not the case.

It was all about the money.

“How long between the time you got together, and Anthony's mother died?” Anne asked.

“Why would I remember that... about ten days?” Sarah recalled , “But I look down on women like her. She said she was strong, but she jumped off the building for a man. Anne, never put too much effort into relationships with men, or you will face the consequences!”



“In other words, before Anthony's mother died, you were not together with Ron, were you?” Anne asked.

“Of course not.”


“I'm not stupid. I won't have sex with a man before marriage. Sex is what motivates men to marry a woman. If I had made out with him earlier on, he would have just abandoned me! I learned that the hard way with Nigel.”

Sarah rolled her eyes.

Anne thought about it.

In other words, before Anthony's mother jumped off the building, Sarah and Ron had not had sex, and it was Ron

who took the initiative to pursue Sarah.

Sarah did not want to commit to the relationship, but

Anthony's mother found out that Ron was very infatuated

with Sarah, which led to the tragedy.

"What's wrong? What's the problem?” Sarah asked.

“I'm just curious since Anthony's mother is such a mentally strong woman, why did she jump off the building?” Anne did not understand. She asked, “Where

did she jump off the building?”

Sarah said, “On the top floor of the hospital. It's not

surprising to me, she was depressed before she jumped off the building.”

Anne no longer had any doubts.

If Anthony's mother had died suspiciously, Anthony

would have noticed.

Sarah got her peace of mind and asked the nanny to cook two meals and accompany Anne to eat dinner before


They went downstairs, got into the car, and were about to start the car, but were stunned there, lost in thought.

She used to be the closest person to Ron.

One night, when she was sleeping, Ron had a nightmare and yelled, “Get away from me, I didn't kill you."

The more Sarah thought about it, the more questions she

had. She got out of the car and ran upstairs in a hurry.

Anne was about to open the door and go upstairs when

she was startled by the sudden knock.

She opened the door, and outside was Sarah, who was out

of breath.

“You...why do you have to live on the fifth floor? There is no elevator, I'm exhausted !” Sarah supported the wall with one hand and her waist with the other. “Did you forget to take something?”

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