Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies
Powerful Papa With Triplet Babies Chapter 346

Chapter 346

His number was not available to the public, and his calls usually meant something urgent was going on.

He answered but did not speak.

The person on the other end also stayed silent. Just as he frowned and became impatient, a voice came.

“Is there something wrong with the connection? Why isn't anyone speaking?”

“Is the phone broken?”

“But someone used it to make a call just now!”

Three voices spoke on the other end of the phone.

Anthony knew who they were almost instantly. He was surprised. “How do you know my cell phone number?”

“We stole it..." said one of the kids.

“You can't say that!” said another.

"Someone gave it to us,” the third said,

"Who gave it to you?” Anthony asked.

“I won't tell you!” Charlie shouted.

Anthony stared out of the car window with dark eyes. “Is there anything you want with me?” “Can I meet you?”

“I want to talk to you!”

Anthony raised his eyebrows. “What are you talking


“Can't we meet first?”

Anthony, who manages all kinds of things every day,

would never waste time dealing with troublesome kids.

In the end, he did not refuse.

He instructed the driver to go to the school gate.

When the driver went to negotiate, the guard would not

let the kids go.

Anthony had to go out in person and stand in front of the

guard, who was shocked by his presence.

The guard gave the school a call. “Yes, it's the father of the triplets.”

Who else would he be if he was not their father?

Anthony, who was listening, glanced at the guard indifferently. That was an interesting statement to make.

The school thought the guard meant the principal was there. After all, the triplets liked to call the principal


Not long after, the three little kids came out, and when they saw the man sitting at the door, they ran over


They stood in front of him like little penguins.

Anthony looked at the little kids wearing masks. Their big eyes were bright like stars.

They were round, with small bellies, and Anthony seemed

to find that interesting.

The staff who brought the child over noticed that the man

at the door was not the principal, and his aura was so strong that it made her feel goosebumps. For the safety of the child, she had to ask, “Who are you?”

Anthony raised his black eyes slightly and glanced at her sharply.

The staff was so frightened that her body seemed to be frozen, her brain was numb, and she could not even speak.

By the time she recovered, Anthony had already left with the three little kids.

In a panic, she took out her mobile phone and called Lily. If the children got kidnapped, her career would be over!

After Lucas received the call, he immediately went to see who had come to pick up the three little ones.

He could not understand why Anthony would come to pick up the triplets.

Did he know the identity of the triplets?

Before the matter was clear, Lucas did not call Anne, so as not to make her panic.

"Did the visitor say anything?” Lucas asked the guard

“No, he just picked up the children. He even knew their names,” the guard said nervously.

The staff said, “Didn't you say it was the child's father? I thought... thought it was the principal.” In the dessert shop at the moment, Anthony and the

three kids were sitting face to face.

“Do you want a kids’ meal? You can't eat while wearing a mask, right?” Anthony asked blankly. “We are not here to eat,” Charlie said proudly.

“We are here to negotiate!” Chris said.

Chloe looked at Anthony innocently. “We like wearing


She could not let him see her face, it would bring trouble

to Mama, and that would be very dangerous.

Besides, they knew who he was, but he did not know their

identities. It was fun!

If Anthony knew what they were thinking, he would be speechless.

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