Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies
Powerful Papa With Triplet Babies Chapter 341

Chapter 341

Back at the house, she sat weakly on the sofa, holding her

face in her hands.

Her first father liked domestic violence, and her second

father liked gambling.

She could not get a decent father.

She did not want to think about it anymore.

However, that did not mean she did not envy other

people's fathers.

She even compared herself to Bianca...

If it were not for the relationship with Bianca, Sarah and

Nigel would now be married and become a normal family

of three.

Did she feel that her happiness was taken away by Bianca?

No, what's wrong with a father loving his daughter? Besides, Nigel did not know about Sarah's pregnancy at

the time.

She was just unfortunate.

The searches on the Internet were gone.

They never appeared again.

Nigel would sometimes call her, and they would finish chatting after a few words. That was the sweet spot, just a few words.

Anne just wanted to take care of her children.

It seemed that as soon as she left her children, countless

troubles rushed to her outside.

"Ah, what a mess! Mama, help...” Chloe took a pen and

stuffed it in Mama's hand, and her soft little body was

cradled into Mama's arms, and she acted like a spoiled


Anne hugged her in her arms and helped her draw on a drawing board. “Mama, play a game with us!” Charlie climbed onto the

sofa in the back and lay down with his little head resting

on Mama's shoulders.

“I thought you were fine without me just now,” Anne


“The more, the merrier!” Chris said.

“Wait a minute. I'll help your sister paint first,” Anne


Charlie's small mouth moved up to kiss Mama's face,


“Mama, let me play with the smartphone,” Charlie said,

unable to wait.

“What do you want to play?” Anne did not want to give it

to him but was afraid that he would mess up the stuff on

the phone.

Charlie said, “I want to call Daddy! Daddy hasn't played

with me for a long time!”

Anne's expression changed slightly, “Haven't you seen the principal in the school during the day?” "We can't play with him in school,” Chris said.

Anne refused to give him the phone. "Wait for Mama to play with you.” She could not call Lucas because of her personal affairs.

She knew that Lucas must have seen the viral video on

the Internet just now.

However, Lucas did not call her.

It was too embarrassing for her.

Not only did it make it seem like she and Bianca were fighting over a man, but they also told everyone about

their life experience on the Internet.

“Is it because Mama was on TV, so Mama doesn't want to

find Daddy?” Chris asked.

“What's on TV?” Anne was slightly stunned.

“Someone showed us the video,” Chloe said

Anne was a little frightened. “What kind of video?”

The one where she got pelted by eggs?

“It's the video of my mama being pelted by eggs,” Chris


Anne's face suddenly turned pale.

Then she said again, “Daddy said they were acting in a


“I don't like mama acting!” Charlie growled.

Anne lowered her gaze.

The three kids would cry if they knew that she was

treated like that.

Now to think about it, they probably went to Lucas


Anne felt uncomfortable.

Even if Lucas did not contact her, he was still taking care

of the three little kids.

She held the three kids in her arms and said, “Mama

won't do that again in the future...”

“Mama, can I play with the phone for a while?” Chris.


Anne wanted to divert their attention, so as soon as Chris asked, she unlocked her phone and played with them.

“Don’t mess with the things inside. You can only play the



Chris and Charlie were playing next to each other, and Chloe stopped painting immediately and moved her little

head forward.

Anne watched them concentrate on playing games, stood

up, and went to the bathroom.

The nanny came over and said, “I need to tell you



“I picked up the children two days ago. I saw that there

was a commotion in your house. It was quite loud. But I

took care of the children and took them away,” the nanny


“Did the children ask about it?"

“They did, I said it was someone else,” the nanny said.

Anne looked back at the three little kids next to each

other. She would do anything to get the kids out of

harm's way.

The three kids exited the game page while Mama was away, silently opened the call log, and saw Anthony's

mobile phone number.

They memorized it.

When Anne came out of the bathroom, it was Chloe's turn

to play games.

The game page flashed, and Nigel called.

“Mama, a call for you!” Chloe raised the phone.

Anne took the phone and glanced at it. It was Nigel.

Why was he calling her again?

She went to the room to answer and closed the door.

The three little kids immediately gathered together to study. “Who is that?” “The phone said the caller was Nigel.”

“Don’t worry about him. We only need to worry about Daddy!” Chris said.. “Well, we can't let other people bully Mama!” Charlie

waved a plastic knife.

“What? Have a meal together?” Anne heard Nigel's request and rejected it because he wanted her to eat with his family. “It's not necessary, and I'm not interested.” "Anne, Bianca knows that you are her sister, and she wants to meet you. I think this is an opportunity.” Nigel

was wishful.

“Why would she want to meet me?” Anne asked in


“It was I who persuaded her. Although Bianca acted

impulsively on matters regarding Anthony, she has a

good heart.”

Anne could not imagine Bianca with a good heart. After all, all she saw was Bianca using her evil methods to bully


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