Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies
Powerful Papa With Triplet Babies Chapter 337

Chapter 337

Anne thought about it and thought about the past. She thought Nigel made this call because he wanted to know

the situation.

Or he wanted to care about...

Even if that was not the case, he did go to Anthony for



“How are you? Are you

“Yes, with my friends,” Anne said.

She knew the video had gone viral by now.


She doubted she could prove her innocence.

“That's good.” Nigel was relieved, then asked after a while, “Have you ever thought about leaving Anthony


*...I don't understand.”

“I heard that Anthony asked you to leave Luton before,

but you didn't want to?"

“Since my mother...my aunt, was killed, I haven't found the murderer, so I will stay,” Anne explained. “Bianca said you threatened her with the baby in your

stomach before?” Nigel asked.

Anne's heart sank.

“I don’t mean anything else. I just hope that neither of

you will be hurt.”

“Thank you for your concer. It's normal for you to worry about your daughter. I'm going to hang up.” After Anne finished speaking, she ended the call without waiting for Nigel to speak.

Seeing her look bad, Tommy asked, “Why do you have Nigel's contact information? Are you that familiar with


“No, I'm not that familiar...” Anne looked indifferent.

There were traces of crying on her face.

She was really stupid. Why did she think Nigel would help her? Bianca was his daughter. If he had believed her, he would not have called and asked.

Everyone thought that she was the one who seduced


Who would not want to?

If she said she was forced to do so, she would probably get told off for letting go of an opportunity to get closer

to Anthony.

“Let's go.” Tommy got out of the car.

Anne followed him.

She saw a huge garage.

There were other sports cars in it, and there were only

two normal cars.

Tommy liked the excitement speedy cars brought him.

The automatic door opened, and inside was his private


It was not the luxury apartment that Tommy had been staying in before. He had so many houses.

The life of the rich was unimaginable for the poor.

Seeing Anne standing still, Tommy turned around. “Do you have another place to live?” Anne wanted to say “with my mother’, but she swallowed

the words.

It's not that she could not go to her mother's place, but

she did not want to burden her mother with her problems

She did not have an ID card and could not even book a

hotel room.

Although this was obvious to Tommy, Anne was still


He walked over and went to the mansion.

No matter what, this was Tommy's residence.

After entering, Anne was at a loss for a while.

Standing there, she asked Tommy, “Take me to my room.


Tommy smiled. “You're so direct.” He did not argue with her and pointed her the way. “Upstairs, turn left and turn

to the second room.”

After all, she was not obligated to appreciate his efforts.

She did not ask for it anyway.

She entered the bathroom.

In the mirror, her hair and clothes were all stained with

egg yolks and egg whites, and she looked awful.

She glanced at the bathrobe in the bathroom.

Then she took off her clothes and stood under the shower

to rinse.

The water flowed down her tired body and soothed her

mind, and she started to cry.

This was the result Anthony wanted.

He wanted her to be known as the woman who seduced

someone's husband.

She felt extremely humiliated.

“Bastard!” Anne roared.

She wanted to vent.

However, she seemed to have used up all her remaining

strength, leaving her panting.

Tears fell and mixed with the shower water.

She took a long time to wash. Then, there was a knock on

the door.

Anne felt the discomfort of her privacy being intruded


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