Powerful Papa with Triplet Babies
Powerful Papa With Triplet Babies Chapter 333

Chapter 333

Two hours later, it was already twilight.

Anthony went downstairs, got into the car, and left the community feeling refreshed.

When Bianca, who was hiding in the dark, saw that scene,

her teeth rattled. If anyone passed by, they would be frightened by her twisted expression, thinking they had

seen a ghost!

Bianca received a call from Sarah, who told her that

Anthony was there.

She did not want to believe her, but she still came over.

Anthony, who was already engaged to her, was still

meeting Anne in private.

He was with Anne for a long time.

The phone rang, Bianca answered, and Sarah's arrogant

voice came through. “I hope my information did not

disappoint you.”

"Anne is as cheap a whore as you are!”

“Don’t blame me! You don't even know the whereabouts of your man! You only have yourself to blame for this,” Sarah said lightly without being provoked by her words.

She was used to being scolded like this.

“It's Anne who seduced Anthony! She knew that Anthony was already engaged to me, and yet she shamelessly tells him to go over to her place!”

"You are just engaged to Anthony, not married. Even if you get married, you can get divorced! Why don’t you tell Anthony to drive Anne out of Luton, so you don’t have to worry about your man being seduced!” Sarah sneered.

Bianca hung up the phone.

She was confident that she could deal with puny little


After all, Anthony loved her, so no matter what she did,

he would tolerate it.

Bianca was so angry with Sarah that she lost her mind.

She did not dare to question Anthony about Anne, but she hated the fact that Anne was seducing Anthony.

She went to the fifth floor in her heels.

Anne was sleeping on the bed when she heard someone

kicking her door.

Someone was kicking on the door.

Who was it?

She had to get up and get dressed.

She walked out of the room with her body in pain.

There was a bang on the door.

"Anne, open the door! Otherwise, I'll break it down!”

Bianca roared outside, completely losing her temper.

Anne's tired face sank slightly.

Why was Bianca here? This had to do with Anthony.

Anne had a headache.

She turned around to look for her mobile phone and

called Nigel. “Your daughter is here with me. Take her away, or I will call the police.”

“I'll come right away.

Dorothy arrived first before he did

Bianca was busy breaking down the door with her.

If Anne did not open the door, the door would really be

taken down

Just as Dorothy's body slammed hard against the door,

the door opened.

"Ah!" Dorothy fell directly to the ground with a thump. It

was a painful fall.

“Mom!” Bianca was startled and rushed forward to help


Dorothy had never been so embarrassed before. When she

got up, she pointed at Anne and scolded, “Shameless

scumbag, how dare you!”

“I wasn't the one breaking down someone else's door,” Anne said calmly.

“We didn’t do it for no reason. You stole Anthony from me!” Bianca looked angry.

“There's no Anthony here. Go look for Anthony back home.” Anne's face was cold.

“I don't have to go home to look for him. I just need to look for traces of him on you!” Bianca stepped forward and went to tear away Anne's pajamas.

"Go away!” Anne did not expect Bianca to do that.

There were all kinds of marks all over her body, and she did not want them to see that.

It was Anne against the two of them.

Bianca held her back, and Dorothy pulled a piece of clothing away from Anne“s neckline.

Her white shoulders were exposed.

The clear red marks near her collarbone were exposed to

their sight.

Bianca was so angry that she looked as if her eyeballs

would fall out, and her body shook.

She did not want to see other parts of her body.

"Oh, you bastard!” Dorothy was so angry that she stepped forward and slapped Anne in the face. Before she could slap again, a person behind her grabbed her hair and pulled her back. Dorothy stepped back in pain.

When Bianca saw Sarah, who had appeared, pulling Dorothy away from her, she hurriedly stepped forward to help. “Let her go!”

Sarah not only did not let go but instead shook her head while pulling her hair. “Bullying her, are you?”

Bianca came up to Sarah and kicked her with her foot. Sarah dodged.

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