Chapter 316 The limited space in the living room could not contain his powerful presence, and everyone felt a heavy pressure on their chest and did not dare to make any sound. "Anthony," Tommy greeted .nony with a smile. Anthony appeared aloof. "What are you doing here?" "I brought Anne here.” Tommy evaded the main points. The police hurriedly greeted Anthony and explained the reason they were there. Anthony listened without saying a word, and his hawk-like eyes glanced at Anne and her bandaged arm. Anne lowered her gaze, suppressing her anxiousness as she let the extremely oppressive gaze fall on her. The nervous Sarah still had bniises from being beaten and stayed close to her daughter. Everyone was waiting for Anthony's decision. After hearing what the police said, Bianca immediately walked over with tears, looking extremely aggrieved as she cried, "Yes mom was too angry and dragged rne here. But Sarah was Just so rude with her words. She said as long as it was true love, the woman shouldn't be considered a homewrecker. I really didn't expect that Sarah would destroy not only the relationship between Mr. and Mrs. Marwood but also my parents. I really can't accept it..." "W-When did I say that?" Sarah argued, "You came in and started smashing my things without saying a word!" However, Sarah's words were ignored entirely. "Also, Anne slashed her own hand with a knife and tried to frame my mom and me!" Bianca burst into tears. "I can attest to that!" Dorothy said. Anne looked at them coldly. "Don't you think it's laughable for a mother to testify for her daughter? Make no mistake, you came looking for trouble, not us. I've never seen someone who caused a scene yet acted as if they were wronged. Everyone can tell my mom and I are both injured, but they still look untouched! If it hadn't been for Tommy to stop them, things would've only gotten worse. I won't let this matter go, even if the matter is published online and ruins my reputation!” "That's right. My head has been hurting since just now. I think 1 need to go to the hospital to check if I have a concussion...” Sarah immediately cooperated upon seeing this. Dorothy and Bianca's faces changed slightly. After all, they did not want the matter to reach the Internet! Anne was thick-skinned and willing to be embarrassed, but they were not! Their statuses were different, so how could their loss be the same?! In the quiet and stressful atmosphere, Anthony suddenly spoke with an overbearing tone, " You surely have your wavs." Everyone present was a little stunned. Anne gritted her teeth. "My mom and I are no one, but I insist on having an explanation for this matter!” "What do you want?" Anthr appeared calm. Before Anne could answer, Bianca quickly chimed in, "It's okay. This is indeed my mom's fault, and they should be compensated. How much do you want? Tell me your price, and I'll give you the full amount.” "Of course, you have to compensate us, as well as the medical expenses for the hospital examination. The most important thing is you must apologize to us!" Anne demanded. Bianca and Dorothy were willing to compensate but would rather die than apologize. After all, they came from a wealthy background and would never be in the wrong. When did they ever apologize? Bianca did not want to apologize and said in a gentle and aggrieved tone, "Anthony, it's not that we can't admit our faults, but we didn't hurt her. She slashed her own hand." "1 can testify,” said Tommy, who had been silent. The police asked, "You can testify that Ms. Bianca is telling the truth?" "She's lying.” Tommy said and smiled. "I've never seen a lunatic who slashed herself with a knife." Anne remained quiet and was unbothered. Sarah also tried her best not to let her expression be affected, pretending to wipe away her tears. "It's not like that. Anthony. Tommy and Anne are in this together, so he'll surely help Anne. He even helped Anne to stop us from leaving. I don't think their relationship is normal, and it seems like they're dating.” Bianca's eyes flicked back and forth between Tommy and Anne, trying to point something out. “Anne became a litle nervous and swiftly tried to divert their attention by asking, “s it so hard for you to apologize?” Bianca stood beside Anthony, looking aggrieved. “Its not that I don't want to apologize, but I'm now Anthony's fiancee. Although we'll only be engaged next week, its almost a fact, and my apology is equivalent to Anthony's apology. How can this be?” Anne could not help but meet Anthony's calm gaze, and he did not deny it. So, she was indeed his fiancee, m Anne thought Bianca was just putting on an act. Were these two finally getting married? “Anne stopped arguing and said to the paramedic next to her, "My arm hurts. Do I need to get it checked? My mom's head was also hit, so she needs to be checked, right? *

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