Tommy was shocked

Dorothy and Bianca were dumbfounded by the scene, and they could not believe that Anne would do such a crazy act.

Before they could react, Anne looked at Tommy and said, "Grab Dorothy."

Tommy instantly understood Anne's intentions and strode over without hesitation, frightening Bianca and Dorothy that day staggered backward.

"What are you doing?"

Just as Bianca asked that, Tommy grabbed Dorothy's hand with lightning speed and put the knife Anne handed over into her hand, making her hold the handle tightly.

Tommy said, "Hold it tightly."

After that, he walked to the living room entrance and stood there.

The blade was covered in blood. When Dorothy finally returned to her senses, she threw the knife to the ground and screamed in horror, "What the hell are you doing? I see! You want the police to think I attacked Anne, causing the wound on her hand!"

Even a fool could tell the purpose.

Anne did not deny it. She would fight with the mother-daughter duo until the end! After all, she could not tolerate them having the audacity to come over and hurt Sarah!

Bianca looked at her viciously. "Do you really think calling the police will help? In Luton, no one but Anthony has the final say!"

Anne recorded the scene with her mobile phone, including her bloody arm. Then, she mumbled as if talking to herself, "Anthony may have the final say, but if the process is published online, all sides will face considerable pressure. If that happens, Anthony will have a headache too.”

She knew she could not bring Bianca and Dorothy to justice, but if she did not make a fuss and teach them a lesson, they would surely come over and attack Sarah again!

Bianca gave it a thought, and she no longer appeared as relaxed. Her affairs that made a wave on the Internet finally subsided. If this matter were released online, coupled with Tommy's relentless stare and unwillingness to let this go, Bianca would surely be in deep trouble.

Since Anne just wanted to scare her away, she should just help her accomplish her aim!

"Let's go," Bianca said to Dorothy, wanting to leave.

Yet, as they got to the door, Tommy did not intend to make way for them.

"Are you trying to stop us?" Dorothy squinted, not backing down

Tommy appeared indifferent. "The police are not here yet, so just wait!"

Bianca reminded him, "Tommy, do you know what the consequences of doing this are? Anthony won't be happy about this!"

"Then what do you think he would do to me?" Tommy asked curiously, making Bianca furious. Tommy was Anthony's younger cousin. No matter what, he would not harm Tommy.

She held back her temper and said, "Since you're cousins, you shouldn't have a fallout with him, right? After all, you're a family. Isn't it obvious who's more important here?"

Tommy was unmoved. "I don't need an outsider to remind me of this matter.”

Dorothy looked around and glanced at Anne and Sarah behind her. "I see. You're enchanted by Anne, right? It's not surprising for a man to turn their back on families for a beautiful woman. However, Anne seems to have more than one man, and she even had an abortion for Anthony. Moreover, she can never get pregnant again. Are you sure you want to help a woman like her? With your status, you should find a well-matched partner who will benefit your career and family.”

Anne glanced at them, expressionless.

Seeing that Tommy was not moving, Bianca asked, "How can I make you move?"

"You can ask Anthony for help,” Tommy answered

Dorothy and Bianca's faces were unsightly. Even with the phone in her hand, Bianca did not want to find Anthony. After all, it would be embarrassing to let Anthony know that she and Dorothy went to someone's house just to beat her up...

"Do you want to borrow my phone?" Tommy deliberately took out his phone and asked.

Bianca did not want to waste more time dilly-dallying with Tommy, so she pushed him directly, wanting to rush out with brute force. However, before her hands even touched Tommy, she was pushed away.

"Ah!" Bianca was wearing heels and almost lost her footing.

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