Chapter 312

Could it be that Anthony was here to trouble her?

If Bianca knew that Sarah got in between her parents’ relationship, she would surely cry to Anthony, and he would feel sorry for his woman.

In the end, Anne would be the one suffering the consequences!

The door was knocked again, and it sounded impatient this time. * I know you're at home. I'll kick the door open if you don't let me int H «

It was Tommy.

Anne finally relaxed. She could not help but wonder what the hell was wrong with this man.

Then, she walked over and opened the door.

Tommy was dressed in suits with both hands in his pockets, looking at Anne up and down. "I thought you were taking a shower. 11

Then, Tommy walked in before Anne even invited him in.

Anne closed the door, annoyed. She asked, "Why are you here?"

It was a terrible feeling to have your address known and for the person to come and go as they please. However, Anne could not fight back as her lifeline was in his hands.

Tommy sat on the sofa and crossed his long legs. "Aren't you going to offer me a drink?"

Tommy was getting under her skin, but she still went to get him a glass of water.

Anne placed the steaming hot water in front of Tommy and said, " I only have plain water at home. Bear with it."

Tommy glanced at the glass of water in front and asked, "Is this how you repay someone who helped you?"

Anne was confused. "What?"

"For example, the fight on the Internet. I exposed the privacy of Bianca's parents to save you!" Tommy sneered, "Lucas's method was too gentle, spending money to reduce trending searches would not cure the root of the problem. One must know how to defeat evil with evil.”

Anne had long suspected something was strange. After all, it was not Lucas’ nature to expose Bianca's family matter. However, she did not expect that it was Tommy.

"How did you know?"

"I have friends abroad. I found out everything with just a little research.”

"How did you know something like this happened in Bianca's family?"

"It's human nature.” Tommy's gaze was vacant.

Anne remained quiet. He was telling her everything beautiful was as fragile as glass.

Even so, Anne still secretly believed that there were many beautiful things in this world, but she thought it was unnecessary to argue with Tommy, who had a completely different view from hers. "What else do you know?" Anne asked.

"Are you interested?”

If it were before, Anne would have zero interest in this matter, but it was different now.

Sarah was actually involved...

"If you're unwilling to tell me, let's just forget I've asked.” Anne sat on the opposite side of the sofa and hugged the pillow.

Tommy knew she was waiting for him to tell her, but just like a naive fool, he did not put her in suspense and said, "Actually, everything that needs to be said is already said on the Internet.” Anne was shocked. "None of it was fabricated?"

"I'm not a storyteller,” Tommy answered straightforwardly, "that soprano’s achievements today naturally has something to do with her ways. 1 saw the rich man who she abandoned her ex husband for at a dinner party before. He gave Dorothy fame but not the status of his wife. After Dorothy became famous, she wanted to be known as his wife, only to be abandoned. It just so happened that her ex-husband’s business was doing well, so she immediately curried favor with him. I heard the ex-husband only accepted her because her daughter, Bianca, was seriously ill at the time and almost died."

Anne pondered quietly and asked tentatively, "So they got divorced because she didn't like how her ex- husband was poor?"

“The ex-husband was overall a great person except for being broke. He was an excellent husband and a responsible father. Everyone in the industry knew about Dorothy abandoning her poor husband for her own career, but no one said anything about it."

Anne thought, "If that's the case, how could Mom find the chance to be the homewrecker? Maybe after Mr. and Mrs. Faye remarried? But they were originally from Luton, so why did they go abroad? Also, since he was an excellent husband, why would Mr. Faye find another woman after remarrying Mrs. Faye?"

Anne felt uncomfortable...

“What are you thinking about?” Tommy interrupted her thoughts when he noticed her being in a trance. Anne returned to her senses and got up. "I have something to do. Just close the door for me when you leave.” She did not have the time to visit her children, nor did she have the time to think.

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