Chapter 310

"That shows Dorothy did abandon her poor husband after all.” 1'he more Sarah talked about It, the angrier she became as she prodded Dorothy's face on the screen.

Anne could tell her mother was enraged by how bitter she looked, so Anne consoled her by saying, "That's none of our business.

Let'snot worry about It as long as they don't mess with us.”

Sarah look a deep breath to calm herself down and said, "Yeah. You're right. I can't be bothered by their pretentious virtues. What brings you here? Are you here to see me?"

"1 stopped by to see you because I was passing by," Anne said with shifty eyes.

Sarah gave birth to Anne, so how could Sarah not know what she was thinking? However, she did not blow Anne's cover. Sarah's mood improved, and said smilingly, "Let's go shopping in the afternoon and get something good to eat. You will have to stay the night too, just for tonight, okay?"

Anne resigned as she saw it coining. "Okay."

She went shopping with Sarah in the afternoon, but it did not take long.

As it was late by the time they went out.

Sarah kept in mind that Anne had recently had an abortion and only brought Anne out to buy her some beautiful clothes and jewelry, but Sarah did not buy anything for herself.

The love for beauty is common to all women.

Since Anne was a young child, she was aware that she came from a less fortunate family, so she never considered wanting dresses that most girls like.

Anne's very first ridiculously expensive princess-inspired dress, leather shoe, and butterfly hairpin that she wore were all . purchased by her “aunt’ of that time.

However, she led a frugal life when she left the Marwood family to go abroad.

Plus, she no longer desired to dress herself up after giving birth to the triplets.

Even now, all she thought about was her kids, and her needs were unimportant.

Furthermore, Sarah was divorced and in her early forties, which was unrealistic for her to work at this age.

Sarah had no income and had to spend the money she got from the divorce..

Although it was not a small amount, it could not be spent indiscriminately.

"Don’t buy it, I don't want it." Anne refused.

She felt uncomfortable as each piece was not cheap.

"No." Sarah insisted, "You're going to wear this to dinner later. Pack the rest and I will pay by card.” Sarah paid before Anne could stop her.

Sarah could not take her eyes off Anne while they were in the car, and the more Sarah looked, the happy she became.

"What are you looking at?" Anne could not help but ask while she picked up the hem of her skirt. "Do I look weird?"

"I'm glad my daughter still looks like a teenager.” Sarah snioothened Anne's soft black hair. "Maybe because you're a natural beauty!”

"How can you boast about your child so much..." Anne was embarrassed.

"Why can't I? Besides, I'm telling the truth!" Sarah rolled her eyes and asked, "Did Lucas contact you?"

"Here you go again. Didn't 1 tell you 1 don't want it anymore?"

"Alright, alright, I will not bring this up again.” Sarah stopped as she could tell Anne was unhappy, and Sarah feared it might affect her mood for dinner later.

Though Sarah stopped bringing it up, she still had something plotted.

Nothing else would matter so long as Lucas did not give up on Anne and adored her.

Her daughter's youth and beauty was her greatest asset.

She had to have it all planned out for Anne so that Anne would not waste her youth away foolishly. The selected restaurant would not be bad since they were dressed rather beautifully.

A high-end private home cuisine.

Anne believed her mother was used to spending extravagantly, so the places her mother went were meant for wealthy and respectable people.

Anne feared that Sarah would spend all her money in less than a year.

She tried to stop Sarah from ordering too much while Sarah was placing the order, but she failed.

Anne was almost stuffed to bursting.

She held on to her stomach as she exited the room.

Anne was about to say something to her mother, but she was not beside her.

When she turned around, she saw Sarah standing stiffly, staring afar in dismay.

Anne had never seen such an expression on her mother's face.

She was stunned when she followed Sarah's gaze.

There was a group of four people consisting of two couples. They were Anthony, Bianca, and Bianca's parents.

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