Chapter 308

Ever since the online incident, Anne could only sleep if the triplets were in her arms.

After the triplets were sound asleep, Anne checked the current trending news online on her phone because she was not sleepy.

There was no longer news about the triplets.

As if it had always been a cyber war between Bianca and her only.

Anne frowned when she saw a pinned comment. e

There were rumors that she was the other woman in Bianca's relationship.

According to rumors, she threatened the man by jumping out of a moving car to move up, accidentally miscarried, and suffered from infertility and excessive blood loss.

Anyway, the rumors were getting out of hand.

Anne was well aware that Bianca was to be blamed for the rumors. The fact that it was only partially true did not raise suspicions and was also a highly discussed topic.

This gave her a headache.

Anthony was clearly unwilling to assist her, so the situation would unfold as Bianca had predicted. Anne put the phone aside and leaned on the triplets with her eyes shut.

She felt hopeless, and who knows, maybe she would think of a solution after she woke up...

The following morning, after Anne had breakfast with the triplets, the nanny sent them off on the school bus.

She originally wanted to look at the highly discussed topics online but ended up giving up since it would only upset her.

Anne turned around to clean the triplets’ room.

Her phone rang as soon as she entered the room, and it was a call from Sarah.

She answered the call, "Yes?"

"There are new developments with the news online. Did you see it?

" Sarah asked rather cheerily.

"No." Anne heard her tone and wondered if something good really had happened. "Are the trending news gone?”

"No, it's still there, but it's about Bianca's mother.”

"About her remarriage after her divorce?” Anne had known about it, yet it was being reignited? "It's more detailed this time. Bianca's mother used to cheat on her poor husband with a wealthy man. However, she returned to her successful ex-husband after being played by the wealthy man. The information about the rich man was being dug up too! How exciting!" Sarah could not stop sneering.

Anne thought, “Was Lucas the one behind it?"

"It must have been Lucas who helped you because he couldn't stand it any longer.”

However, the more Anne thought about it, the weirder it got. At first, she thought Lucas was the one behind it as well.

She thought again and felt something was not right.

How did Lucas know so much about Bianca's family?

After all, it was the relationship issue between her parents.

It looked more like someone had deliberately created a topic..

"Anne, whatever you think, there aren't many people who take their relationship as seriously as Lucas does. You must hold onto him!" Sarah adored Lucas the more she got to know him. .

Sarah pretty much set her mind on Lucas being her son-in-law!

"Didn't 1 tell you it will not work out between us?"

"Who knows what will happen in the future? Don't be so sure yet."

"Alright, I'm already stressed enough. No means no, and that's final. I need to go now.” Anne hung up without listening to Sarah's advice.

She immediately checked the trending topic online.’

As Sarah mentioned, Bianca's family affairs were on the internet.

Anne always thought Bianca had loving parents and a happy family.

Who would have thought it would end up in such a happy ending?

However, it was apparent that the gossip of the piano goddess was far more valuable than that of an ordinary person like her.

The news about Anne was later drowned out by other news.

Anne sent a message to Lucas, [Were you the one who disclosed Bianca's family affairs?)

Lucas replied, [No, the one behind it must be someone they had upset.]

Anne was grateful regardless of who was the one behind it so long she was not caught up in it.

However, such news would not take up the trending topic for long and would soon be played down.

There was no way Anthony would let Bianca be wronged.

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