Pinkie Promise (Carter Ridge Book 1)
Pinkie Promise: Chapter 24

Hunter gives Tanner fifteen bucks to pay him back for our portion of the ride and when the Uber pulls up to our destination Hunter clicks open the door and helps me out by my hips.

Gravel kicks up off the road as the Uber drives away, and then it’s just the two of us.

Hunter has his gym bag and my tote over one shoulder, and my body tucked safely underneath his bicep, and he uses the hand that isn’t gently stroking at the front of my throat to pull an o-ring of keys from his front pocket. He twists the key in the lock until we hear the click and then he pushes the door open, his eyes tentatively dropping to meet mine.

The second that our gazes meet heat begins to spread its way up his throat, all the way to the top of his cheekbones, bringing my attention back to the cut that’s now drying there. Realising that I’m looking at his injury Hunter’s cheeks burn even brighter and he turns his head ever so slightly so that I can’t see as much of the blood.

He leans into the doorframe so that he can flick on one of the inside sconces and then his eyes are back on mine as he jerks his chin in the direction of the house in front of us, soundlessly asking me to look at where we are.

I watch him for a few beats before reluctantly tearing my eyes away from him.

My eyebrows rise as I take in the view in front of me.

It looks like a summer house with exposed walls and beams, and the wooden panelling is stained a warm golden brown. The front door opens pretty much straight into the living room, with the kitchen off to the side and a stairwell at the back, leading presumably up to a bedroom and a bathroom. It’s small and intimate, the furnishings rustic and cosy, and when I look at the untreated wooden floor I see worn away patches which tell me that this house has been very much lived in and very much loved.

I raise my eyes back to Hunter and he’s watching me with a nervous, slightly hopeful look in his eyes.

“What is this place?” I ask him.

I don’t mean for it to come out as a whisper, but in the silence that has fallen around us I don’t want to disturb the peace. The only other sound in the area is a gentle lapping, like water rippling in a creek.

Hunter pushes the key back into his pocket and he looks into the house.

“It’s, uh… I used to come here a lot. I’ll explain but–” His eyes flash back down to mine as he tilts his head towards the interior of the cabin. I breathe slowly, attempting to calm the tingle in my belly at how deep his voice has gone. “You like it? ’Cause if not we can go to the motel or I can book us a–”

I push up onto my tip-toes, cupping Hunter’s jaw in my hands, and I press a kiss against his mouth that immediately has him gripping my waist, making us stumble into the entrance as he shoves the door closed behind us.

He reaches out to turn the lock, showing me that this isn’t his first time in the cosy house, and then he replaces both of his hands on my body, cupping my ribcage in his large palms. His thumbs begin pushing upwards, telling me exactly where he wants them to be touching.

“I need to disinfect the cut,” I murmur as he pulls me up against his chest, making my feet dangle above the floor while he grabs a bottle of something from the small kitchen.

He makes a rough sound in his throat before crashing his mouth back down to mine, his dark hair tickling my forehead as he begins carrying me up the narrow stairs.

“Are you going to let me?” I ask breathlessly as he shucks our bags onto the floor of the landing.

I pull away so that I can look at him and he has an anguished grimace on his face. His eyes stay laser-focused on my lips for a good five seconds before he forces himself to look away and he runs a hand down his stubble.

“I don’t deserve you nurse-maiding me, Fallon.”

There’s something so raw and humble in the way that he says it, making my limbs feel heavy as I press myself against him, that solidifies my need to do just that. To look after him. To be there for him in the way that he seems to have forgotten he was there for me.

I look around the small upper-story corridor, scanning the open doorways for the bathroom, and when I spot it I begin pushing him towards it with one hand, reaching down to pick up his gym bag with the other.

The bag is so damn heavy that I literally topple over.

“Baby, fuck,” Hunter curses quickly, swooping his arm behind me so that I don’t hit the floor. He takes the bag from my white-knuckled fist and hefts it easily over his shoulder.

Hunter punches on the light switch, tosses the bag onto the bathroom counter, deposits the bottle from his other hand, and then releases me completely. He steps back with his arms folded cautiously over his broad chest and his expression is patient, albeit a little pained.

“Did you bring the whole rink back with you in that bag?” I tease, tipping my head towards the carry-on on the counter and trying to lighten the mood.

His mouth ticks up slightly at one side and he breathes out a laugh, running a hand through his hair.

“It’s just my gear, Fallon,” he murmurs quietly, although the small smile on his mouth makes me silently exhale with relief.

“Do you have salve and stuff in there?” I ask him. “So that I can try and heal up the wound–”

“Baby,” he says, his tone deep and intimate. “I don’t deserve you nursing me like that. It’s just a scrape.”

He moves his body up against mine and reaches one arm behind my back, pulling up the bottle that he brought from the kitchen. I glance at it as he uncaps it, his eyes still burning into mine, and my brow raises a little as I realise that it’s straight-up whiskey.

He flicks the cap onto the counter, presses his thumb over the opening, and then he lifts it to his face and pours it straight down his cheekbone.

My eyes go crazy wide. He curses as the spirit burns his cut.

“Hunter,” I say, reaching up to take away the bottle. My fingers are shaking slightly as I set the bottle onto the counter and as he rubs his palm over his forehead I realise that Hunter’s fingers are shaking too.

He tentatively lifts his large hand so that he can brush his knuckles over his name on my chest. Hunter Wilde. Hockey Team Captain.

I shudder involuntarily and he lets out a low sound from deep in his chest.

“Lean back on the counter,” I instruct him, and his stroking instantly stills.

He meets my eyes and then glances at the counter behind me. I grip my hands around his biceps and steer him so that we turn one-eighty, swapping positions.

He raises his eyebrows but doesn’t protest, and I begin unzipping his gym bag in search for something to wipe the blood away with. Hunter leans back and spreads out his thighs, and I settle in closer as I inspect the small bottle of saline. I arch around him for the bag of cotton pads that I spotted on the counter and I hope that whoever owns this house doesn’t mind my using one of them.

“Who owns this place?” I ask him, disguising what I really want to say.

Why did you bring me here, Hunter? I can tell that this place is special to you.

I tip some of the solution onto the pad and then look up at Hunter’s face, so close to my own that my breathing pauses in my chest. Hunter’s pupils dial out and I feel my cheeks burn pink.

Throwing a nice big bucket of ice on the situation I press the cotton pad to the tip of Hunter’s cheekbone and his jaw suddenly tenses, his muscles flexing.

“Does that hurt?” I ask, my eyes flashing to his with concern.

He studies me for a moment before slowly placing his hands on my hips and pulling me right up against his groin. I choke on a little swallow and his large chest swells and expands.

“Not anymore,” he rasps quietly, his thick sex flexing against my belly. He keeps his eyes on my waist so that he doesn’t have to look at me while he winces.

I lift my free hand to his jaw and gently stroke over the dark bristles. He closes his eyes and leans into my touch.

It doesn’t take long for me to clean the injury. When I finish, I wrap my arms around Hunter’s shoulders and tuck his face into the warm curve of my neck.

“Mm,” he murmurs, as I stroke my fingers through his hair. His hands slide slowly under the hem of the jumper that I’m wearing, his restraint palpable as he forces himself not to roam any higher.

“Tell me about today,” I whisper to him and he groans into my throat. I tug harder at his hair and he nods against my shoulder.

He repositions himself slightly so that he’s leaning back against the counter, towering over me as I hug my arms around his middle.

“I’m embarrassed,” he murmurs, the creases in his brow making my heart ache. “It was a good game and I fucked up right at the end. You came all this way with me and I blew it to shit.”

I shake my head fervently, my fists tugging at the soft fabric of his hoodie. “You didn’t mess it up, Hunter. Something bad happened but it was still a good game. I watched you hit the puck right over the goalie’s shoulder,” I add with a playful nudge. “Your scores are always crazy good.”

He drops his head, trying to hide his smile from me. “You saw it?” he asks, his voice low but hopeful.

“Yeah,” I nod.

His smile gets a little wider. “Did you see me look for you in the crowd straight after? We were at the other side of the rink but I pointed at you.”

My cheeks ache because I’m smiling so hard. “I saw,” I whisper, pushing into him more intimately as I try to get him to meet my eyes.

When he does, he looks excruciatingly shy. “Never wanted you to see me like that, Fallon. A little brawling on the rink is fine but, as much as I hate to admit it, Benson was right. We were just plain fighting.”

“Why were you fighting?”

A muscle rolls in his jaw and he clutches me tighter.

“He was talking about you,” he murmurs, and my lips pop open.

“I’m sorry, what?” I ask, disbelieving what I’m hearing right now.

He doesn’t even know me. Why would he be talking to Hunter about me?

“He could tell that you were a cheerleader,” he continues, lifting a hand so that he can stroke at my hair. “He was smack-talking and, uh, he started to talk about the whole cheerleader-football player kinda stereotype and…”

I thud my forehead against Hunter’s chest, immediately understanding what the other player must have been insinuating without Hunter having to tell me anything else. He kisses the top of my head and squeezes his arms around me tighter.

“I’m sorry,” he murmurs. “I shouldn’t have gotten all… possessive.”

That word makes me grind my forehead against him harder.

I like it, Hunter. I know I shouldn’t, but I do.

“I… don’t mind,” I whisper, and he turns his head away from me, hissing through his teeth. His heart begins pumping harder against me.

“Don’t say that,” he murmurs quickly. “It isn’t okay for a guy to lose his composure when his girl is around.”

“You were defending me,” I reply, nuzzling further into his chest. He smells intoxicating, and his hoodie is soft and warm. I want to pull it over his head and rub my palms over his heaving chest.

“Yeah,” he says hoarsely, his jaw flexing hard as he lowers his hands to grip my behind. He lets out a rough exhalation and curses as he palms me.

“Why did you bring me here?” I ask him, my own voice becoming husky too.

I don’t specify whether I mean why did he bring me to this beautiful rustic house or why did he bring me to watch his away game in Larch Peak in general because, deep down, I think I know that there’s an invisible string tying all of these pieces together.

“I, uh… I used to come here every summer with Tanner,” Hunter explains. “This was his family’s summer house.”

“Was?” I ask, and Hunter finally looks down at me.

“All of the kids are grown up now so Tanner’s parents were gonna sell it. I knew that once I signed to a team – got an NHL contract – I’d be able to afford it, so I asked them to hang onto it, just for another two years. And as soon as I’ve got that paycheque I told them I’ll pay them the same damn day. Larch Peak’s college team might be crazy, but the Larch Peak pro team? Their NHL team? That’s where Tanner and I want to sign. Since we started coming here as kids we knew that Larch Peak was where we wanted to be. Larch Peak’s pro team is killing it in the league and, on top of that, this place is kinda special to us.”

He breathes out a laugh and shakes his head.

“It’s stupid and sentimental, I know. But Tanner’s parents are holding onto this place for me and pretty soon I’m gonna take it off their hands. Have it as my home base for a while, while I’m pro at least. Maybe when my hockey years are over I’ll head back to Carter Ridge, but right now this – here – is where I wanna be.” He squeezes me until I’m nuzzling against him again and then he murmurs, “Right here.”

I stifle a gasp as his fingers suddenly slip beneath my skirt, fingers massaging me over my underwear as his eyes burn darkly into mine.

“That’s why I brought you here,” he finishes, dipping his head so that he can press our foreheads together. “That’s why this place is important to me. This is where I’m going to have my hockey career. That’s why I needed you to come.”

“To see if I like it?” I pant as he begins kissing his way down my cheek.

“To see if you’d be happy to move here,” he clarifies in a murmur. My belly suddenly overflows.

“What?” I gasp.

My eyes drop to his abdomen as he rips his hoodie off over his head. He pulls me flush against his chest and he’s so damn warm from his game that my brain goes blank, my hands mindlessly gripping at the cotton over his swollen pecs.

“If you let me keep you as my girlfriend after we graduate I’m gonna want you living with me, Fallon. I’m gonna need you in my house.”

I blink rapidly, my lashes fluttering like crazy.

“After we graduate you’d want me… to move in with you? Here?” I ask, staring at the cosy wooden bathroom as if I’m seeing it for the first time.

“Yeah,” he grunts. “Even if you do that extra year of study. As soon as that’s up, I want you to pack your stuff and get the hell over here.”

“Oh my God,” I whisper, feeling so overwhelmed that I’m dizzy.

“That’s why I got so pissed with myself tonight. I wanted everything to be perfect for you.” He gives me a small smile and murmurs, “I wanted it to be an easy decision.”

I blink up at him in sheer disbelief, the handsome smile on his face making my belly tingle. I never imagined that one person could be so good, that even when they did inevitably make mistakes they could immediately call themselves out on it. I can’t believe that he can be so hard on himself while managing to stay so gentle with me.

I press my body as firmly as I can against his abdomen and he groans out a laugh, one hand raking through his hair.

“Hunter,” I murmur, the tone of my voice making his laughter fade.

His eyes darken with desire as he lowers his hand to stroke my cheek. “Yeah?”

I take a nervous inhale as my heart begins pumping faster and then, with my temples pounding, I lift my face up to his.

“Choosing to be with you is the easiest decision I’ve ever had to make.”

Hunter heaves my body against his abdomen and takes my lips with his, a deep rumble in his chest as I whimper gratefully into his mouth.

“You promise?” he murmurs, groaning as we kiss.

I nod my head and moan as he slips his tongue inside my mouth. “Yes, I promise,” I whisper breathlessly.

“And I won’t mess up again,” he pants, pinning me to the wooden wall beside the counter as he rolls his body purposefully against mine. “I promise.”

I move my hand to where he’s kneading my thigh and, smiling slightly, I brush over his pinkie finger with mine.

“Pinkie promise?” I ask.

He breathes out a laugh and immediately hooks his finger around mine.

“Hell yeah,” he grunts. “Yeah, I pinkie promise. I’m gonna be so good to you, Fallon. I promise I’ll give you everything you need.”

I drop my head back against the wall as he kisses his way hungrily down my throat, pulling away when he reaches the neckline of the jumper so that he can look at his name written over one of my breasts. His eyelids are half-mast and his chest swells as he watches me.

He gently sets me down, placing one of his palms above my head, and he leans in closer, towering over me. I swish my ponytail and turn one-eighty, my back to his front as I flatten my palms against the wall.

I look over my shoulder to watch his expression and I feel dizzy with satisfaction as his breathing gets heavy. His eyes stay trained on the big number 9 on my back and he moves his large hands to take a hold of my hips. He pulls my behind up against his body and grunts when I’m in the position that he wants me in.

“Seein’ you wear this…” he murmurs, and I arch into him more deliberately. He squeezes roughly at my hips and then one of his palms moves to the centre of my back, rubbing upwards until he’s gripping over one of my shoulders.

I tilt my head backwards and his hand roams to the front of my throat, gently pulling me against him so that he can kiss me from behind. His mouth is warm and firm, but still gentle like he’s teasing me.

Feeling his need pressing hard against my behind, I whisper breathlessly, “I saw something else in your bag when I was looking for the saline, Hunter.”

He pulls himself back with a gruff sound in his chest, before glancing down at his opened gym bag to see the box that I found.

“We don’t have to do that tonight,” he rasps, choking slightly, and he turns me around so that we’re flush chest to chest. He crushes a hard kiss to my mouth and then a tiny one to the tip of my nose. “I wanna keep you forever. I’m not in a rush.”

I press my face into his chest and smile.

Hunter Wilde? I think I’m in love with you.

I grip my fists into the front of his shirt, twisting the dark fabric away from his abs.

“Forever sounds like a really long time,” I whisper teasingly, looking up at him from under my lashes as his mouth lifts into a cocky grin. “To make sure that we get good at it, we should probably start practicing.”

Realising that I want this as badly as he does, Hunter presses me up against the wall.

“That so?” he asks, tangling his thick digits in my ponytail. “’Cause I really wanna put those condoms to use, baby, but I need you to know that I’m being serious about waiting for you. You’d still make me the happiest man alive if we did nothing but sleep in that bedroom tonight.”

I press a small kiss against his stubble-covered jaw and he rolls his shoulders, twitching with need. “You brought the box with you, Hunter,” I purr. “You clearly had something in mind for me.”

He clears his throat hard and I run my fingers over his heaving pecs. “Got ’em just in case,” he rasps. “In case you wanted to. So I could, you know, keep you protected.”

I play dumb, making my eyes go wide and fluttering my lashes. “Protected from what?”

Hunter understands my game and he grins down at me, grazing his teeth over his lower lip.

But in the next second he’s ducking down, shoving his shoulder into my belly, and throwing me over his broad back, making me squeal with delight as he gives me a rough spank on the ass. He grabs the condoms and punches off the light switch as he carries me into the master bedroom.

When he breaches the doorway he switches on a lamp, making the room look even cosier.

“Don’t you know what can happen when a man takes a woman to bed, baby?” he asks as he tosses me onto my back in the centre of the mattress, his voice a low growl, and a playful glint in his sparkling eyes.

I giggle and squirm as he wraps his palms around my thighs, heaving them to the bottom of the bed and settling his large stance right between them. He smirks down at me as he rips his shirt off over his head.

My breathing turns shallow as I take in the sight of his bared body, his muscles pumped swollen after the night’s rough game. His abdomen is thick and tan, his pecs are large and heaving, and he yanks me up by one of my wrists so that he can press my palm over his heart.

“You never do Sex Ed, baby?” he rasps, giving me an indulgent grin when I smile up at him, delighted by our game. I fumble a hand out behind me to stop my body from falling into the mattress. “This is what I need to protect you from,” he murmurs, slow-trailing my hand down the cavern between his pecs, over his ripped abdomen, and then coming to a stop as we reach the top of his jeans.

He must have left the changing room in a hurry because he doesn’t even have his belt on, but that just enables easier access as he flips open the top button with his thumb.

“Gotta protect you from what I’m packing, baby,” he murmurs, and his cheeks turn ruddy as we both laugh breathlessly.

Hunter squeezes my hand in his, capturing my full attention, and then he drops his hand to his side, fingers flexing as he waits patiently, seeing what I’ll do.

My hand is still pressed against the top of his jeans so, going slow, I brush slowly and gently through his happy trail.

Hunter arches his neck back and releases a long groan.

“What you’re… packing,” I repeat quietly, keeping our gazes locked as I press a kiss to his belly button. He flexes his jaw but doesn’t move from his regimented stance. “Do you, uh, want me to feel you?” I ask him, stroking my thumb beneath his waistband so that he understands what I mean. Then I whisper, “I don’t need to be protected if I just use my hand.”

Hunter rips open his fly, his pupils blacking out his dazzling irises.

“Please,” he rasps back to me. “Whatever you want. It’s all yours.”

I sit up on my knees and slide my fingers inside his warm boxers. He drops his forehead to my shoulder and releases an anguished groan.

“Baby,” he moans, gripping his palms tightly around my waist. I sink my teeth into my bottom lip, stifling my gasp at how big he is. His muscle is so protracted that he makes a low tortured sound as I caress him, silently telling me that he’s agonizingly sensitive. “Never had – never had someone do this to me before,” he pants, sliding his hand beneath his underwear so that he can help me get my fingers around the thick base of his cock.

I give him a small preliminary tug and he grunts so hard that my legs turn weak.

“Hurts, baby,” he rasps and I immediately slip my hand out of his boxers, pulling my whole body away from him as I whisper, “Sorry, I’m sorry.”

“No, no,” he says quickly, as I scoot backwards on the bed. He kicks off his clothes until he’s left in nothing but his underwear and then he grips my ankles for leverage and he heaves himself onto the mattress. He spreads out on his haunches, his thick quads knocking my knees apart, and then he lowers his weight slowly on top of me.

It’s been a long time since we lay on a bed together and feeling his heaviness holding me down makes me feel like I’m finally home again. I lift an arm back to ease the cheer ribbon from my hair and I gently tug my waves out of the ponytail. Hunter looks down at me with a flexing jaw as my hair spills behind me on the pillow.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” I whisper, setting the ribbon on the nightstand.

He glances over at the ribbon and then absently slides one of his palms through my hair. His fingers feel so good that I arch into his touch and make a quiet moan.

“I didn’t mean it in a bad way, baby. It hurts, but it’s good. So good.” He moves one of my hands back to his boxers and he murmurs, “Do it again.”

I bite my lip, my breathing shallow.

“Guide me?” I ask, my eyes imploring.

He swallows hard and drops his gaze as he nods. Slowly, he pushes our hands beneath the cotton waistband and I nuzzle my face into the tan curve of his neck as he presses a kiss against my temple.

As soon as he has my hand wrapped around him his chest expands, his hips thrusting on instinct. The power in his movement makes my eyes widen and heat spreads wildly through my aching breasts.

“S-sorry,” he murmurs, kissing his way down my cheek. I tilt my head back to meet his eyes and he looks down at me with pained adoration. I grip and stroke firmly around his base, although his arousal is so large I haven’t even felt the tip yet.

Hunter ducks down to press his lips against mine and his free hand slips under the bottom of my jumper. When he feels my bare skin beneath the thick material he lets his palm roam higher, his strong hips meeting the tentative movements of my hand.

His fingers meet the back of my bra and he thrusts faster, slipping his tongue inside my mouth and growling in pleasure.

“You’re not wearing a top,” he murmurs against me, and his voice is so deep that my thighs fall open.

He grunts, sliding his tongue back inside, and he pulls our hands from his underwear. He shoves my arm around his shoulders before he pushes his hand up my skirt.

“Under my hockey sweater,” he rasps, his fingers tracing the lace of my panties. “You ain’t wearing anything under there other than your bra.”

“Is that so?” I whisper, teasing him with his words from earlier.

I may or may not have taken my top off before Winter and I went to watch the game.

Hunter smiles and heaves up onto his haunches, his hands moving from beneath my skirt to the hem of the jumper. “Feels that way to me, baby,” he murmurs.

I stretch my arms up over my head and rub my heat against the large bulge in his boxers. “See for yourself.”

Hunter keeps his eyes on mine as he rolls the jumper up my body, pulling it up my arms and then tossing it to the floor. His cheeks are ruddy and his breathing is fast, his gaze still locked on mine as if he won’t allow himself to look down.

I sit up on my elbows, wearing nothing but my bra, my skirt, and my panties, and I tilt my head to one side, biting back my smile as I wait for him to look at me.

His eyes drop down to my chest and he scrapes a hand down his jaw.


He slips his fist back into his boxers, cursing quietly as he begins frantically stroking his cock.

“They’re uh…” He swipes his tongue over his bottom lip. “They’re beautiful. You’re beautiful.”

“You’re beautiful,” I whisper, and he immediately shakes his head, laughing. I reach up as he lowers himself down, and we laugh breathlessly as we kiss.

“You gonna let me touch them?” he asks, his hands moving up to grip tight around my waist.

“With or without the bra?” I ask, giggling when he groans against my neck.

“Uh… I uh…” He pulls back and scratches at his jaw, unable to tear his eyes away from my chest. “Any way you want it, baby.”

I arch up, rubbing myself against his pecs, and Hunter drops his face into the pillow behind me with a desolate groan in his throat.

I use his moment of distraction to roll over onto my belly and Hunter is instantly positioning himself behind me, pushing my skirt over my ass and palming eagerly at my soft cheeks.

“The clasp is at the back,” I explain innocently as I watch him from over my shoulder. He pins me with a heated stare because he knows that I’m being a little tease.

He shoves his tongue into his cheek and smirks down at me knowingly. I wiggle my ass against his thick cock and he grips the waistband at the back of my skirt, yanking me up against his arousal and grunting hard.

“Hunter,” I gasp, and two of his digits are suddenly at the back of my bra, his arm tugging roughly backwards and making the whole thing snap open.

I fall forwards onto the soft red quilt and Hunter presses his chest domineeringly into my back. He eases my bra straps down my arms, humming appreciatively as he kisses my cheek.

“You sure you haven’t done any of this stuff before?” I ask him in a little whimper, and he chuckles against my ear. He releases my wrists from the straps and then places the bra carefully on the side of the bed. His cheek ticks up as he looks at the pretty lilac cups.

“I’ve had a lot of time to fantasise,” he replies, pressing his face into my hair and taking a big shoulder-swelling inhale. His arousal jerks against my ass and I roll my lips together, preventing my moan.

“What do you fantasise about?” I ask quietly, wishing that I was brave enough to say: am I the star of your fantasies?

But Hunter Wilde can read me like a book.

He smirks against my cheek and I slap playfully at his shoulder.

“I fantasise about you, Fallon,” he rumbles, deep and placating. “I’m down so bad for you, baby.”

I squirm my behind again and ask, “Do you ever think about us doing it like this?”

His chest heaves against my back and he lowers his mouth to my neck so that he can lick possessively up the warm curve. I fall limply into the quilt and he drops right down on top of me, continuing his warm lapping while slow-thrusting against my behind.

“Yeah,” he grunts. “I wanna have this pussy from the back and play with those tits at the same time.”

“Hunter,” I whimper, twisting so that I can reach his mouth with mine. Despite the dirty things that he’s been murmuring he kisses me gently, his tongue warm and adoring.

“Can I put you on your back?” he murmurs, his palms around my ribcage making my shallow breaths even more constricted. “I gotta see you.”

I peck a series of tiny kisses over his stubble and nod my head.

He eases me onto my back, his body towering over mine, and then he looks down between us, gently cupping my naked breasts.

“I’ve been needing this so bad,” he murmurs, as he swipes his thumbs over my nipples.

I wrap my forearms over his shoulders and whisper, “I want to give you everything that you need.”

In seconds he’s grinning, and then we’re nothing but kisses and laughter until he’s pulling himself upright again, ripping his boxers down his quads and showing me just how big he is.

“Oh my God,” I whisper, my body growing weak beneath his.

He spreads his knees wide, grabbing the waist of my skirt with one hand and gripping his length with the other, and then he begins slowly pumping his fist up and down. When he’s right beneath the head he suddenly pistons his hips forwards.

“Hunter,” I moan, lost for words at the sight of him.

He yanks my skirt more roughly until I’m pressed right against him, the soft backs of my thighs knocking against the muscles of his quads. My eyebrows pinch higher as he rubs himself against my panties.

“Yeah?” he grunts, tossing himself against me now.

Warm moisture touches my thigh. I bite back a mewl.

“H-Hunter, is that… are you…” Oh my God, am I really going to say these words out loud? “Are you… coming? I felt… moisture, on your… on the…”

Hunter shakes his head and breathes out a laugh, a lazy smirk on his face as he slowly works his fist. “Pre-come,” he murmurs.

His eyes drop to my belly, making him thrust faster.

“If I was coming, you’d know about it, baby.”

“W-what?” I breathe, arching against him.

Hunter lets go of his shaft and presses a kiss to my lips. His fingers search my skirt for the zipper before easing it down my thighs.

His eyes drop to my purple panties and his breathing becomes heavier.

“You never seen a guy come before?” he asks me gruffly. “It isn’t just a drop, baby. Takes a lot of pumps to unload.”

“How many?” I ask, as he presses a kiss to my jaw.

“Enough to give my girl another orgasm before I finish.”

His hands grip the sides of my panties and he slowly tugs them down my thighs.

As soon as he frees me of my underwear his mouth meets the centre of my chest, and he makes a delicious groaning sound as he squeezes my breasts together.

I stroke my fingers into his hair as he drags his bristled jaw over my breasts, looking up at me for confirmation before sucking a nipple into his mouth. I arch up off the bed and he grunts roughly, lapping at me relentlessly and making me lose my breath.

“Hunter, Hunter, Hunter–”

He smirks and murmurs, “I love it when you say my name, baby.” Then he sucks me even harder as two digits press against my clit.

“Hunter, I need you,” I whimper as he moves his mouth back to mine, his arm pumping roughly between us as he works my little nub.

“You’re gonna have me,” he assures me, his pecs rubbing hard against my breasts. “I promise, baby, I’m gonna give you every damn inch.”

He licks his tongue against mine and rubs my clit even faster, using his other hand to reach out and grab the condom box beside us.

His breathing becomes more laboured, his cock leaking against my thigh, and when I look over to the box I notice that Hunter’s hand is trembling. I reach slowly over to it, taking the box from his fist, and his cheeks stain red as our eyes lock together.

Despite all of Hunter’s sexy swaggering hockey captain charm, he’s still as new to all of this as I am.

I slowly tease open the box and then peek inside.

The curiosity on my face makes Hunter breathe out a laugh, and he presses an amused kiss to my pink cheeks as I shake out a couple of vacuum-sealed squares.

He releases a rough sound when he sees the three foil packets in my hand.

“Oh wait, what’s your favourite number again?” I ask him innocently.

He waits a beat and then rasps out, “Nine.”

On the inside I’m shimmering. Nine, like his jersey number.

I shake out six more condoms before placing the box beside my cheer bow, and I flash him my best girl-next-door smile as I lean my arms up above my head.

“Then we better get started, Captain,” I whisper, laughing as soon as he does.

“You’re perfect,” he murmurs, kissing me possessively. Then he brushes eight of the condoms to the side of the bed, picking up number nine and tearing into it.

He uses both of his fists to ease the rubber down his thick cock, his chest heaving and his shoulder muscles bulging. When he’s got it in place he presses his torso back down on top of mine and kisses me tenderly, groaning when he licks at my tongue.

“You sure?” he asks, tangling one of his hands in my hair.

I press a kiss to the small cut on his cheekbone, and then I lock our pinkies together. “All yours.”

“Baby,” he murmurs, lifting our hands above my head, holding me in place as he begins pushing at my entrance.

A deep rumble sounds in his chest as he looks down at me and slides inside.

I moan loudly and he drops every ounce of his weight on top of me.

“Fallon,” he pants, his voice hoarse with lust, and my body squirms instinctively, a whimper leaving my throat. “Oh fuck, baby, yes,” he rasps, pumping his hips the second that the sound leaves my lips. He eases his length slowly backwards and murmurs, “Is this okay, baby?”

“Mm-hm,” I whisper, locking my legs around his middle. He brushes his forehead over mine and kisses gently at my lips.

He frees my pinkie so that he can squeeze his hand around my ass and I clutch at the muscles in his back as he rolls his body firmly into mine.

“That’s it,” he murmurs, his shoulder muscles bunching. “Hold onto me, baby, just like that.”

He momentarily removes his hand from my behind so that he can pull the red quilt cover over the top of us. It shields us from the gentle glow of the bedside lamp and once it’s in place we’re both laughing again. Hunter hisses with pleasure and presses his mouth over mine, groaning as he slides his warm tongue inside of me.

“You’re l-literally huge,” I whisper, whimpering when he squeezes my breasts.

“Yeah,” he grunts, smirking down at me. “And you’re so tight it hurts.”

“Hunter,” I moan, as he thrusts into me even harder.

“I’m not gonna last long in here, baby,” he murmurs gruffly against my cheek. “Can’t pace myself in my girl’s wet little pussy.”

“But you’re a star athlete,” I pant, making his smirk grow more cocky. “You’re s-supposed to have control.”

He laughs and thrusts languidly, making both of us groan. “I think tonight made it pretty clear that I have zero control when it comes to you, baby.”

I lick over the swell of his pec and he grunts as he watches me. “Then m-maybe,” I whisper, “you should hand over the reins.”

His movements become faster, pumping frantically as he looks into my eyes.

“You mean” – he clears his throat, his voice gravel-deep – “you mean, you gettin’ on top?” he asks, his eyes dropping to my chest. “Having you ride me?”

“I mean, you are a country boy,” I murmur, smiling up at him, and trailing my fingertips down his shoulders until I can squeeze at his pecs. “Are you telling me that you never wanted to wrangle yourself a cowgirl?”

With a growl, he wraps his arms beneath me and rolls heavily onto his back, keeping my hips slightly raised so that he isn’t filling me to the hilt. He keeps his eyes on mine as he pulls the quilt up over my head and then he settles his large palms on my hips, jerking his chin at me.

“Have at it, baby,” he grunts.

I lower my palms to his thick abdomen and shift down the tiniest bit.

My eyes go wide and Hunter chokes, his chest heaving violently.

“Oh God, y-you don’t have to go all the way down on it, baby,” he pants, rubbing his palms over the small of my back and pushing me closer to his chest.

But then my nipples brush softly over his abs and his hips shoot up involuntarily, making Hunter exhale roughly as he fills me with those last four inches.

“Fuck, sorry, sorry,” he says quickly, trying to withdraw, but I shake my head, wanting to give this to him. His expression is heated as he leans up on one elbow, gripping my jaw with one hand so that he can pull me down and kiss me.

He growls hungrily as he slides his tongue inside of my mouth and I sigh, submitting to him, as I pump him tenderly inside of me. When the warm strokes of his tongue become too much to bear I pull back, moaning breathlessly, and Hunter settles his palm back down to my hip.

He reclines back, his expression so cocky that it makes me giggle, and as soon as he sees the dimples in my cheeks he grins back at me, meeting my little grinds with eager thrusts.

I grip harder into his pecs and he kicks his legs out wider, clutching firmly at my hips so that I can’t escape the force of his movements.

“Doin’ so good, baby,” he grunts, thrusting his hips fervently between my thighs.

His rough palms stroke down my legs until he’s cupping behind my knees and he eases them outwards until I’m spread into the splits.

He groans in satisfaction, pumping faster.

“Fallon, I ain’t gonna… I ain’t gonna last much longer,” he pants, his eyes burning into mine. “I gotta put you on your back, right now.”

I immediately nod my head and I feel his forearm on my back as he rolls us over, pinning me down with his hips.

“I can’t believe this is h-happening,” he groans, pushing his forehead into mine.

I cross my ankles tightly over the rolling muscles in his back and he buries his face in my neck, the jerks of his hips becoming rougher and sloppier.

He traces his thumb down my naval until he reaches my sensitised nub and my breasts rise and fall, out of control.

“Please,” I whimper, wriggling beneath him and begging him to push me over the line.

He exhales harshly against my skin, his cock slipping in and out at a maddening pace.

“Gonna let me finish you?” he asks gruffly, his thumb a millimetre away from where I need it.

I push my breasts up against his pecs and whisper, “Make me yours.”

His thumb presses down against my clit and my back arches off the mattress, a loud whimper catching in my throat as he pumps himself inside of me.

“How’d it get even tighter?” he groans, his voice pained as he caresses at my nub.

My body tenses and explodes, and I grip my fingers into his thick hair, gasping in pleasure as he starts thrusting even faster.

He grunts hard against my cheek as I moan and fall limp, and then he sits up on his splayed knees, his palms gripping either side of my belly.

“Gonna stay on your back for me?” he asks, his voice so low that my core clenches.

I nod my head and he smirks, pleased.

He smacks his palm hard against one of his shoulders and orders, “Legs up here, baby.”

We lift my trembling legs up to his shoulders and he slowly slides his length back inside.

“Oh yeah, atta girl,” he grunts, sliding quickly in and out. “Almost there, baby, I promise.”

We both moan desperately, his movements turning frantic, and the second that he leans down to kiss me his hips jolt ruthlessly and he begins to come undone.

Fast, rough strokes, with his abs smacking firmly against the backs of my thighs, his palms squeezing at my breasts as he licks his tongue furiously against mine.

“I’m there, baby, I’m there,” he grunts, thrusting with an anguished expression on his face. He pumps himself a few more times and then he drops his weight on top of me, a low rumbling sound in his throat before he slowly pulls himself out.

I make a small whimper at the loss and he pulls me against him, kissing me hard. One hand cups at my cheek as the other rolls off the condom.

“My girl,” he whispers, kissing at my blushing cheeks. “This is how it’s gonna be, Fallon, just the two of us. You being all mine, and me being all yours.”

I’m sleepy and overwhelmed but there’s just enough wherewithal left inside to make me tenderly rub his pinkie with mine as I cuddle up to him.

“You promise?” I whisper, laughing as he kisses the tip of my nose.

A satisfied smile pulls at his lips and he wraps our pinkies together. “Yeah, baby. I promise.”

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