Owning Her Innocence (Innocence #1)
Owning Her Innocence: Chapter 6

I took a deep breath and allowed Haley to leave the room without incident. I needed to speak to Roger alone anyway. I just wasn’t excited about it.


He holds up his hand and interrupts me. I know that this is an important moment in our friendship and I need to stand down.

“How long has this been going on?” he asks through gritted teeth.

“I never touched her until after her 18th birthday. Yesterday, to be exact.”

“But you wanted to touch her before then.”

It wasn’t a question. He was stating something we both knew, but he needed to hear me say it.

“Roger, I’ve loved Haley from the first moment I saw her as a baby. When Susan passed away I knew I would always be there for you both. You’re a brother to me. I would never take advantage of your trust, or take advantage of her. Come on, man, you know me better than that.”

“I thought I knew you. I walk into…into… I don’t know what the fuck this is! But I’m blindsided. Imagine being in my position. I love you like my own family, but that’s my daughter. She’s a child!”

I take another deep breath because I need him to accept this.

“I know this is all hard to take, but you know me. You know the life I live. I’m not some predator looking for a child bride. I love Haley. The feelings I’ve had for her have changed as we’ve both grown. You of all people should know I don’t take love lightly. I don’t do relationships. Think about it, when was the last time you saw me with a woman? When was the last time you even heard me talk about a woman? I’ve waited my whole life for her. Even if this is the end of our friendshipdpg I want you to know that it won’t be the end of Haley and me. I will always love and protect her. She will always be my priority. I want you in our lives, and I want us to be okay.”

He stared at me as if he were trying to make a decision.

“Roger, you want her to grow up and be an adult, but I know she’ll always be your daughter. She’s young, and she’s naive, but I would never take advantage of her. I want for her what you want for her. Only, I want to be the one she depends on for the rest of her life. I think we both know Haley well enough to know that she’s wanted this far longer than I have.”

He gives me another glare across the table.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he huffs.

“You know exactly what I mean. She’s made it perfectly clear to anyone who would listen how she felt about me. For years.”

“It was a joke.”

“Roger. Search your heart. You know her. You know me. This isn’t changing. I just want your blessing. I want to know that when she’s ready and I ask her to marry me that you won’t step in. I’m bound to her in my heart for the rest of my life, and I want you to be a part of our lives. “

He continued to glare at me, but slowly started to nod his head. I could see the moment when he accepted what he heard as the truth. He may not have liked the way things were, but he seemed to make a decision.

“This will take time to get used to. But I trust you, and I trust Haley.”

I nodded my head in agreement and he moved to go to the kitchen. Just before he walked out of the room he turned and looked back at me. For some unknown reason his eyes were full of sadness.

“Susan always loved you like a brother. I can’t help but think if she were still alive she would be honored to have you take care of our daughter.”

With those words he headed to the kitchen. From where I stood, I could see him hugging Haley goodbye. They embraced for a few moments and I could see he was speaking in her ear. When they stepped back Haley was wiping her eyes and Roger gave me a curt nod on his way out the door.

Haley came running to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. I understood what she needed and held her to me. She sniffled a few times as I made shushing noises and rubbed circles on her back. I didn’t ask her what her father said because it was for her ears only. I could imagine she must have been emotionally overwhelmed from this morning.

“You okay, little one?”

I put my hands on either side of her face and tilted her head back to see her watery eyes.

“Yes, Daddy. I’m just so happy.”

That brought a smile to my face. Sweet, innocent Haley.

“I’m so happy too. What you said before you left the room made me so happy. I will guide you, and I will always be here for you. There’s no one else for me. You’re more precious to me than anything in the world.”

She smiled so brightly at me. The look on her face at that moment was one I intended to keep there.

“Did you finish eating, little one?”

She nodded her head yes and I kissed her sweet, tear-swollen lips.

“That’s good, sweet Haley. Because it’s time to go to bed.”

“But I’m not tired, Daddy,” she said as she leaned her plump body into mine.

“That’s not why, baby. I’m ready to make you mine completely. It’s time for my cock to get in your kitty. Daddy wants your cherry, little one.”

A red blush bloomed across her neck and cheeks. It made my dick pulse with need, seeing the innocence branded on her skin.

I looked behind Haley for a second and saw Maria’s retreating back heading out the front door with her bag on her shoulder. I wasn’t sure what she heard, but I was fucking glad she’d be gone while this happened. I took Haley’s hand to lead her back to the bedroom and I felt her fingers tremble. I wanted her to be a little on edge. The adrenaline it gave my inner animal was strong. I was ready to claim her body as well as her heart.

Once we entered the bedroom I could see Maria already made quick work of changing the sheets and making the bed. I kicked the door shut behind us and Haley jumped a little, turning to look at me with huge eyes. I was breathing heavy and my nostrils flared thinking about how I was about to fuck her. I had never, ever been this turned on, and there’s no way I would be able to be gentle.

“Daddy?” Haley asked shyly. I could see that she was nervous, but it did nothing to calm my body. The only thing on my mind was the word FUCK.

“Take off your dress, baby girl,” I said as I palmed my cock through my pants. “Daddy needs it bad. I can’t wait much longer.”

She ran her small trembling fingers to the end of her dress and pulled it over her head. There she stood in only a pair of white cotton panties. Huge tits overflowing, lush waist and thick thighs. Instantly my hand went to my chest and I couldn’t breathe. She was the most perfect thing I had ever seen in my life. I would stroke my dick to this image until the day I died.

“Leave the panties on, little girl, and lay back on the bed. It’s time.”

She pulled back the covers and positioned herself in the middle of the bed. I began tearing at my clothes to get naked as fast as possible. I saw a small smile play across her lips and I was sure I looked ridiculous in my impatience. I was stripped in seconds and climbing onto the bed. I parted her legs as I was crawling up and buried my face in her sweet pussy. I could smell her juices through her panties and run my nose against her fabric-covered clit. She started to moan and I did it harder, using my teeth to nibble on her lower lips as well. I would love to get her off like this, but I couldn’t wait any longer.

I continued to move up her body until I was nose to nose with her beautiful face. My dick was pushing against her panty-covered pussy and she was grinding against it, trying to find release. I ran my hands over her cheeks and tucked my elbows to the side, keeping my extra weight off her body. I had her arms trapped under me and her fingers try to find purchase on my hips.

“This is going to hurt the first time, baby girl. But I need it, and I need you to be brave for me.”

Haley’s eyes are so big, but I know she was turned on, just nervous.

“It’s so big, Daddy. Will it even fit?”

I smiled down at her while I swept her hair from her face. I was trying to go slow but I was at my breaking point. Her innocence was testing my strength.

“Daddy will make it fit. Will you be a good girl for me and let me fuck your pretty kitty now?”

She took a deep breath and I knew she wanted this just as much as I did.

“Yes, Daddy. I’ll be good. I’ll take whatever you give me.”

“I’m so proud of you, baby girl. You’re being so brave.”

I gave her a quick kiss on the lips and leaned up to move her panties to the side. She looked down with a bit of confusion on her face.

“Daddy, aren’t you going to take my panties off?”

“No, baby, I’m going to leave them on so when I finish and all your kitty juice is on them I can keep them as a trophy of the first time I got my cock in you. Your father told me once that he put you on the shot for birth control, right?”

“Yes. He freaked out about one stupid kiss and made me go on it.”

“As much as I don’t want to know about you kissing someone else, I’m glad that little issue is taken care of.”

I finished pushing her panties to the side and lined up the head of my cock to her tight opening. I knew this would hurt her, but some things are worth a bit of pain. And I needed to be inside her more than I needed to live.

I focused on where the tip of my cock was barely penetrating her pussy. I knew if I looked up and saw the pain on her face I might stop, and that wasn’t in our best interest at this point. Wetting the end of my dick with just a few tiny strokes, I thrust in balls-deep.

“God. Damn,” I wheezed out. I had lost all the breath in my lungs. She was the absolute tightest thing I’d ever had my dick in. I struggled to draw in air and not cum all at once. Somewhere in the back of my mind I heard her cry out, but I couldn’t take my eyes off the site of my cock buried in her pussy. I pulled back a few inches and saw the smear of blood shining on my dick. It was the hottest fucking thing I had ever seen. I thrust back in, this time expecting the death grip her cunt was giving me. I let out a moan and started a steady rhythm. My eyes rolled in the back of my head—she was too fucking tight. Trying not to lose my shit, but needing to bathe her pussy in cum was the best and worst feeling of my life. The struggle between not cumming and wanting to fill her up was a perfect torture. My body had taken over on instinct as these thoughts consumed me, and I kept thrusting.

I finally looked up and met her eyes. She had tears running down the side of her face. I laid most of my weight on top of her, but didn’t pause my rhythm.

“You doing okay, baby girl? How’s your kitty feel?”

She nodded her head, but I could tell she was struggling.

“Daddy needs this, little one. You need to be a big girl for a little bit longer. I’ll take care of you. Just let me in.”

Haley mewled at my words of encouragement. I could tell the pain was lessening and she was finally getting what she wanted. What we both wanted. Her hips were getting frantic and she started to moan louder and louder. My little girl was getting close.

“It feels so good in my kitty. I want to cum, Daddy. Can I?”

I leaned down and sucked a nipple in my mouth while reaching lower to stroke her hard nub. I could feel her tight pussy milking me at the start of her orgasm. I began to thrust without care. I plowed into her like this would be the last fuck I ever got. She started to scream her release and I leaned back, grabbing her hips and fucking for myself only. Her cunt gripped my cock and I watched as her pussy lips clenched around my dick, never slowing down my thrusts. A layer of sweat covered my body and I couldn’t catch my breath. I looked down at Haley and saw how perfect she was. Naked except for her ruined cotton panties, her nipples nice and red, body covered in a flush, stuffed full of my cock, eyes on me like I was her fucking king.

At that look I lost it. I came with a shout that echoed through the room. I thrust while I filled up her pussy with every drop of cum I had. I couldn’t stop cumming. It was like her very pulse was milking every drop I had into her.

Finally, with one last groan I pushed in as far as I could go and fell on top of her. I kissed her like I had never kissed her before. She kissed me back just as strong. Like we couldn’t get enough of our mouths on one another.

“I love you, Hayley,” I whispered.

“I love you too, Daddy William,” she whispered back.

I tried not to crush her with my weight, but she seemed to pull me closer to her. Not wanting me off her as much as I didn’t want to move.

Finally after a few minutes of kissing and holding her, I leaned back on my heels to look at our connection. I was semi-hard and still inside her. It was the most amazing feeling. The most intimate moment. I’d just had the greatest orgasm of my life and it was heady, knowing that we could do that again and again.

“You’re completely mine now, little one. I’m the only one who’s ever been deep inside your pretty little pussy.”

I pulled out slowly, watching our mingled juices slip from her body. I moved her panties back over her pussy to catch some of it. After a minute, I reached up and pulled her panties down her legs. When I saw our cum in her panties along with small traces of her virginity, I put them to my face and inhaled. It was the power of that aroma that made me hard all over again. I looked down at my straining cock and back to her freshly broken-in pussy. I could feel myself smile and looked up to see Haley doing the same.

My little innocent girl liked to get dirty.

“So, Haley. What do we do now?”

“Whatever you want, Daddy.”


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