Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back by BookWise
Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back Chapter 90

Chapter 90 

Ashton’s POV. 

“Found anything yet? Ben looks over his shoulders at me as I walk into his office in the pack house. 

“Alpha,” he rises on his feet, acknowledging me. 

Ben bows as I move around to stand by his chair. There are rolls of record on all our pack members. Alpha Incas always kept. records on all the members no one knew except the alpha and beta. 

Since Ben and I are the new leaders, we also have access to the secret records of the pack members. 

“Nothing yet. The archive has many records on the members and they’re not contained in one book,” Ben accounts. 

That’s a huge task. Regardless, I need to find all I can on Mr. WarreİL 

The last time we were at the beach bar, he couldn’t drift his eyes off Josie. It’s all I can do not beat the hell out of him for watching her 

“Keep the records coming. Can’t wait to lay my hands on it.” I remind him again just to show how serious I am. “And about the pup tournament? How is going?” 

“Alpha, we’re still organizing the program. I’ll inform you when everything is ready.” 

I tap on his shoulder. Im halfway out of the office when Ben says quickly. 

“Alpha, the ranking wolves meeting of the whole East Coast is just in a week..” he trails off and my body grows stiff. 

Not again! I growl inwardly. 

I hate attending that meeting. They always question maleranking wolves without a mate. 

I’ve found mind but she doesn’t want me in her life, dammit. 

This minute I feel like I’m winning her back and in the next, it’s an entirely different thing. I don’t understand if she’s playing with my emotions. 

Anyway, I already told her I’m not about to give up on her. I messed up years back not acknowledging my feelings for her. But this time around, I ensure to whisper what I feel to her through my actions. 

Turning to Ben, I order. “Find a woman that’ll act as my date for just that day.” He nods while I exit the room. 

I barrel my way into my room. After taking a shower, I stumble into my buzzing phone on the nightstand. 

A glance at the screen shows it’s Mr. Thompson, Josie’s boss. Why is he calling me? 

When the call comes in again, I swipe the receiver. 


“Mr. Thompson” 

There’s a slight tremor to the man’s voice. That can only mean something’s wrong

“What’s going on?” I demand urgent answers. 

I hear the sound of his deep exhale. Then. “We got a letter from Greenpeace media. They want to interview Ms. Rose regarding the recent scandal and trend.” 

Bile rises in my throat. These journalists will never sit back. 

Taking a shallow breath, 1 hum. “Thanks, I’ll take it from there, I inform him, cutting the call

Josie’s POV 

“Are you serious?” Jane rasps, carrying her plate of mixed fruits into the living room. 

I’m at Tessa’s house now. When I read the mail delivered by the mailman I knew this wasn’t going to end well. 

“Yeah, I respond to Jane. 

After giving the box of candies I bought for Aria to her, I walked up to my girls and that’s the first news I broke the mail I received from Greenpeace media house. 

They’re a bunch of journalists looking to destroy most people’s image once anyone makes it online. 

Oh, I thought the issues about the scandal had been resolved but that seems not to be the case. 

This interview invitation will make another wave whether I’m there or not, I’m screwed. 

That’s a bad omen!” Tessa exclaims with shocked horror on her face. 

“What about the Greenpeace?” Lilly asks. She’s also here, trying to blend in with us. 

Though Tessa and Jane barely listen to her or speak to her. 

“They’re a bunch of journalists that can tarnish one’s image effortlessly, I respond to Lilly. 

“Wo, girl, can I see the letter?” Jane stretches her hand for it after dropping her plate on the table. 

Weakly, I hand it over to her. Her sharp green eyes scan over it as fast as she can, reading the piece. 

“I hate these guys. Why the interview! Yikes!” 

“Me too.” Tessa seconds Jane’s words. The question is what are you going to do?” She asks, looking me in the eyes. 

“What else? I gotta be there.” I hum and slink my head on the headrest of the sofa

Silence descends while I think of a way out. There’s no way out except going to the interview. 

“I have a suggestion!” Jane suddenly springs up, taking us by surprise. 

“Spill it out!” Tessa hoots, watching Jane eagerly as she claps her hands

I’ve hosted a lot of interviews. So I can say I know some possible questions that could be asked.” 

Oh, I sit up immediately on hearing,Hope lights in my heart. 

“Can I hear them?” I find myself asking like some desperate addict. 

“I’ll be right back.” Jane hums and dashes away from the living room, leaving me and Tessa with our jaws dropping on the 


Shortly, Jane returns with her handbag. She pours the contents on the floor and we spot a pack of cards with various colors. stacked together thump on the floor. 

“What are those?” Tessa scoots over, so does Lilly, 

We all huddle on the floor with our legs folded beneath us. 

“These are interview questions we’ve used on our clients. I think it might work for you.” 

Jane darts her hands over the cards, grabbing them. 

She gives me a chunk and I look over them. True to her word, they’re interview questions both for clients that have had scandals over their businessCS, 

You’re right, Jane. We’ll go with this. Tessa admits. “So, let’s dig in.” 

I hurry into the kitchen and down a glass of water before joining them back in the living room. 

Just then we begin studying the questions with me providing answers the best way I can while Tessa writes down my 

We stay awake even after Lilly leaves, and study into midnight. 

By the time we decided to rest, it was dawn 

Waking up at sunrise, I hurry over my usual routine and dress up for the interview that will make or mar me and my career in the city. 

Jane wishes me luck and I hurry my way out of the apartment to Greenpeace. The traffic is a little terrible but I’m glad 1 arrived just in time for the horror to begin. 

Taking the elevator, I reach the last floor where the receptionist leads me into the preparation room. 

The company crew members fill the place. 

“Ms. Rose from Almac?” 

I turn upon hearing the voice. Before me stands a petite woman in her late twenties, smiling at me. 

“Yes, I am,” I emphasize. 

“Please follow me, we’d like to put you on makeup. 

Gently and soundlessly, I tow with her to the dresser 

I’m Ella. The company’s make artists. She hums as she wipes my face. 

“Nice to meet you.” Is all I say as she proceeds with her work

It takes a while for her to finish but when I look my face in the mirror, I look spectacularly different yet simply beautiful. I can’t believe I’m the one in the mirror. 

“Done. The senior secretary will lead you to the conference room for the live interview to begin.” 

I nod stiffly. I can’t open my mouth for fear of exposing  war going on inside me. 

When the senior secretary comes over, she leads me to the conference room. 

Cameras, a host of other equipment, and an audience fill the room as 1 step in. 

Without being told, I know this is the interview that’ll spell my doom as a popular figure in the city. 

“Let’s do this.” I whisper to myself as I stroll into the room, pairs of eyes watching me like a hawk. 


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