Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back by BookWise
Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back Chapter 79

Chapter 79 

Josie’s POV 

I’ve never been this embarrassed before. It’s just like that night when Ashton rejected me before our schoolmates and pack 


Knowing that everyone in the club room is watching us makes me feel like sinking into the ground. 

I look at Ashton and he has the same confused look I have on my face. 

Just then the DJ steps away from his usual spot, coming up to the stage. 

He has a smile on his face and so does everyone in the room. 

“You ended up being the scapegoat couple alpha….The DJ’says. 

I watch Ashton move his mouth to protest but the DJ chimes in. 

“The rule is at the entrance and it says don’t do romance unless you’ll end up being the scapegoat…” 

I look in the direction the DJ is pointing at with my wolf’s eyes. True to his words, the instructions are written there

My face flushes with the force of my embarrassment. 

I suck in a breath when I hear the DJ asking the people. 

“What do we ask them to do?” 

“Let them show us their romance skills!” Everyone echoes 

Momentarily, my eyes lock with Ashton’s and I find it hard to breathe hearing that. 

Ashton and I are not an item 

Before I can protest, the DJ says, “That’s right. Show us your romance skills as a couple. So we’ll know why you are together than expected. 

At that, the DJ goes back to his spot, leaving Ashton and me on the stage. 

I feel so embarrassed yet excited about what’s going to happen between us. 

Excitement buzzes through me as Ashton closes the distance between us, an intense look in his eyes when the bright light turns into a dim spotlight, shining on the two of us. 

As the DJ starts playing sensual hip–hop music, Ashton draws me into him. 

Our hands link, and I feel a ripple of sensation through me having his body against mine. 

We sway to the music, while I savor the closeness we both enjoy. 

Having Ashton this close makes me remember our prom night back in high school. On one of those prom nights, I hid in a corner, watching my Stepbrother and crush dancing with someone in his arms. 

I couldn’t stop wishing it was me. 

He looked brethat night and everyone had their attention on him as the future alpha of the pack and the I 

the school. 

His dark hair was trimmed so perfectly, matching his tuxedo. 


I wished those fingers he curled around his date would be curled on my body. But I couldn’t get my wish fulfilled then. 

However, now I’m getting what I couldn’t get back then. Only now, he’s my ex–mate and the king of lycans. 

“I love your smell.” Ashton voices, bringing out of thoughts. 

Resting my head on his shoulder, 1 smile, knowing that I put in extra effort just to smell good tonight

A mix of rose and strawberry scent that blends with my natural lavender scent. 

His compliments make my wolf jump up inside me, prowling and purring. She loves just how close I am with Ashton, uncaring about what he did years back.. 

“It makes my senses go high.. Ashton says and I hear him sniffle. 

Smiling inwardly, I stare into his face as I rise up. “I’m flattered” I him, referring to his last words. 

“I didn’t say it to flatter you. I stated facts. I love how nice you smell…“. 

We sway relentlessly to the music. The satisfaction and bliss I feel now make it impossible to remember everyone’s hawk- like eyes on us. 

“I hope you’re not feeling embarrassed?” He asks

“Not at all. I offer 

“Good because I’m used to getting stared at. 

“But it’s a lie. Making them believe we’re an item.” I state firmly looking into his eyes. 

They asked that we should show them our skills. We just have to do it for, however, long it lasts. let’s go with the lie. Be who 

we’re not for a while?” 

I breathe watching him intently. 

“Can you do that?” He asks and at my nod, he whirls me around, and my back presses into his hard chest. 

In a sensational manner, Ashton trails his hands from the tops of my arms to my fingers. He moves from my hips to my 


Chills break out on my body when he finally rests his hands on my torso, giving me a light tease. 

I suck in a breath through my teeth as he leans in and whispers to me. “Ride on me. Show them just for this minute we are the couples they think we’re 

With his hands on my torso, I start a sensual ride on his hard cock. 

I’m shocked knowing he’s that hard and it’s because of me. 

Knowing that adds to the pool of wetness between my legs and I desire for him to touch those slippery areas with his cock. 

I rock into him so hard, my ass grinding up and down his jean–clad thighs. 

When the sensation becomes unbearabile, I hold his waist as we sway rhythmically to the music

In the heat of the moment, I hear people clapping for us. A standing ovation that makes me surprised. 

Did we do it well, I think as I watch them all coming back to the dance floor. “That was amazing!” 

“I love your romantic dance skills…” 


“I felt bliss and arousal watching you both.” 

People compliment us as they gather back on the stage. 

Like a windstorm, thoughts about Diego fills my mind and I can’t help the gnawing feeling that I cheated. 

You didn’t. Not when you’re with our mate. My wolf steps in, whispering but I don’t buy her words. 

I just know that I’m guilty. I shouldn’t feel this wet and horny for Ashton. It should all be for Diego. 

In the middle of my thoughts, Ashton whirls me around to face him. His eyes glint as he says. 

“We did it.” He smiles. 

“I guess we did.” I say, panting 

Just like before, we start looking at our lips as the urge to taste each other comes back again. 

The dancefloor is back in full swing. 

Loud chatter and laughter ring through the air. 

I watch with intensity as he draws his lips close, about to dominate my mouth. 

Unfortunately, I shift my face away before he can, making his lips press on my cheeks. 

“I’m sorry” He gushes, pulling away. 

We both focus on dancing, uncaring about anything. 

After a while. I notice someone weaving through the crowd, heading towards us. 

I don’t pay any attention until I hear that familiar voice. 

“Alpha Ashton!” 

My inside flares quickly at the sound of the voice. 

It can’t be 

After some many years 

years, I meet with him 


As my pulse rises, Ashton gazes at me, asking, 

“Are you okay?” 

“Hmm…I am.” I whisper. 


ng one last 

gaze at me, he tosses his eyes in the direction of the voice. 

I can feel him closer but I can’t lift my head to look up 

“I never expected to see you here…” The man says. 

That same voice he uses to torment me into sleeping with him at whatever chance at being alone with me. 

Swallowing, I turn slowly to look into the man’s eyes.. 

“Hello, barrister Warren.” Ashton chirps, steeling his voice

“Great to see you, alpha.” The man says, smiling. 

I still don’t look up. But his next words push me to do so. 

“I can see you’re enjoying your date…” He says looking in my direction. Our eyes immediately lock. 

The man’s eyes go wide as he watches me and I know what he must be thinking. 

I no longer look like the girl he forces to lay on his bed so he can  … 

“Josie Ward?” He asks, watching me. 

“Yes. Your alpha’s neglected daughter…” I mutter, holding his gaze even as fear pools in my belly. 

Flashes of the torture I passed through in his hands filled my head. 

That’s one secret no one in the pack knew then. Not even my father. 

I shudder as I remember that particular day, he came close to forcing himself on me… 

The night of my seventh birthday 

Upon hearing that, Ashton whips his head, staring down at me with furrowed brows. He must be wondering what my relationship with Mr. Warren is. 


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