Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back by BookWise
Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back Chapter 7

Chapter 7 

Ashton’s POV 

I had been in my office since I arrived this morning, going through some paperwork and attending to patients which I gave appointments today. 

As usual, my office had been crowded on and off. That was it. The life of a popular surgeon doctor in the city. 

That was the occupation I took after studying in Eastern Europe for five years. Immediately I returned and took up the alpha role, I had to establish my hospital and pharmaceutical company in the city. 

Hell, the experience had been hell but this was me fulfilling the promise I made to someone. 

“So, doctor, two doses a week?” The woman asked and I nodded at her. She had suffered hemorrhoids and had just undergone surgery two days before. 

“Yes, Mrs. Michaelson, and at exactly two p.m.” I directed. 

My patient nodded as she sucked in my words. 

After she left, I tried to focus on the remaining parts of the paperwork I had but someone came banging on my office door. 

“Dr. Ashton. I’m sorry for barging in but your assistance is needed. There has been an emergency.” One of the nurses declared. 

Quickly, I got to my feet and dashed out with her. We hurry through the halls filled with nurses, both female and male, and doctors as well as patients. 

The nurse led me to the ER and I slipped in to find a wailing man who had just been in an accident. 

“Great. I’ll take it from here.” I husky said to the nurses offering him first aid. 

Deftly, I examined the pains and injuries he had obtained. From what I saw, he had fractured bones in the left leg and right arm and a cut on the side of his head which would need stitches. 

I went through the process of staunching the blood with Salin solution before diving into the stitching process. 

Moments later, I exited the ER, tired to the bones as I made my way to my office. 

“You’ve done well again, doc.” A voice spoke from behind me. 

Turning, I saw Sandra, a young human lady with red hair. She was one of the head nurses I had here. 

Chapter 7 

Thanks, Sandy.” She smiled as I called her name for short. 

I don’t miss the hammering of her heart, thanks to my werewolf listening abilities. 

Sandra followed me in tow into my office. 

She leaned over the table as I dropped into my seat. 

“That says 

a lot about your popularity.” She said. 

I only smirked. “You could say that.” 

I rubbed my tired eyes, only to hear her say. “You could do with a massage, doc. How about I help you?” She asked, reaching out for me. 

“No, Sandra. I’m cool.” 

I saw the flash of pain in her eyes. Sandra was a wolf and as a wolf, it was usually hard to hide our emotions as they normally flashed through our eyes. 

“Okay.” She drew back, shrugging. 

She was about to take a seat when my cell phone rang out. 

Mason, I muttered inwardly, grabbing my phone quickly. 

Mason was my bounty hunter and I could only wish he was calling to share some good news this time. 

“Yes, Mason?” I called out. 

“Are you 


your office, doc?” His deep voice came. 

“Yes, you can come in.” 

Just as Mason barged in, Sandra took it as a cue and left. 

The burly bounty hunter sank into the seat across from me and sighed. 

“What news have you got?” I asked, worrying my lips. 

Mason dropped back all the pictures I gave him so he could search for her on the table, his lips drawn down. 

I grabbed the pictures…pictures I had taken secretly when she was aware and stared. 

I swear, I could feel the hard clenching of my heart as I watched her. 

Hazel eyes, 

14:40 Fri, 19 Apr 

Chapter 7 

Heart–shaped face. 

Curvy, plump pink lips, 

Round eyes

And of course, that soft mass of curly brown hair

Though she didn’t look perfect in the picture, I knew she was mine. 

My mate. 

“I’m sorry, doc. I couldn’t find even a trace of her. My best guess is…she’s truly dead.” Mason’s voice interrupted my reverie. 

My wolf flashed at his words and I growled under my breath. 

That was the rumor that she was dead. 

Some said she committed a felony and was struck dead by the moon goddess. 

Others said she was devoured by rogue wolves. 

Others said the witches claimed her soul in the woods. 

I didn’t know which to believe. 

But every word from them, every rumor made 


Wolf insane. 

“I paid a million dollars to get this  job done, Mason. They said you’re the damn best! What’s keeping you from finding the only person with such unique features!?” My voice thundered. as my wolf reared. 

I could see Mason visibly shaking but he muttered. “I…I did my best alpha. In my line of work, we only find people that are alive, not those that were dead.” 

I surged to my feet sharply as his words stung. I inched over to the window, looking down the busy streets of the city. 

Were his words true

Was she indeed dead? 

I didn’t need any more conviction as Mason stood to his feet and uttered. 

“My job is done, alpha. If you could let me go.” 

I cursed under my breath as I released him. 

“Go!” one word other and he flew out, leaving me to my thoughts. 

Chapter 7 

It took me hours to round up my shift at the hospital and now I was heading to my big 


The road was tight, 

with cars dragging as a result of the traffic. 

I made sure to always head over to the pharmaceuticals to know how the production, marketing, and whatnot were going. 

To be honest I never once thought I’d be in this line of work but one mistake I made years back made me choose this

I managed to overcome the traffic and then, I began driving through the streets. 

Soft music played in my car but only Mason’s words replayed in my 


So, she was truly gone? 

Finding her had been my mission since my return from Eastern Europe. But nothing seemed to work. My life got messed and I needed her to help me fix it. 

Of course, no one knew why I was desperately asking about her. Only I knew. 

When I bumped into Mason while he was on a mission in the pack, I knew that was my best chance. of finding her. 

Unfortunately, that glimmer of hope had dimmed. 

In record time, I arrive in front of the company. An elegant skyscraper that screamed money. 

Gently, I handled the wheel and threw the car in the garage. 

I got off and padded into the company. My employees sent a cable of greetings my way as I made my way over to the elevator. 

As I landed on the top floor where my office was, I heard the production manager hurtling towards 

  1. me. 

“Alpha Ashton. Welcome.” 

“Wesley.” I recognized, pushing, the door to my office He followed me in tow. 


Wesley smiled lightly, watching as I took a seat. 

I nodded for the tense young man to go on. 



“Alright, let it out.” 

And Wesley started with details about the problems they were facing and shortages in production: 


In all, he just said, I picked only two things. 

“You mean, our buyers in Europe preferred we deal with them in their language?” 


Yes, alpha.” He replied. 

“And getting experienced people in Asia would require us to communicate in their language?” 

“Yes, alpha.” He nodded again. 

I hummed under my breath. 

I guess it was time I learned languages. But where do I start from? 

“Alpha, may I suggest a good language tutoring and translating agency?” He asked, looking hopeful. 

I sighed. I’m quite disinterested but this was about my business. 

“Go ahead.” 

“The Almac. They’re adept in the services they offer.” 

Wesley went ahead to drop details on how I could contact them. 

Relaxed over my seat, I pulled out my phone when Wesley left and called the agency’s number. 

“Yes, hello?” 


person from the other side said. 

“This is the CEO of Erstwhile company. I heard you offer tutoring language services. I need your 


The man from the other side gasped, hearing that it was me. That was to be expected as my company was the biggest in the city as well as my hospital. 

“Oh, Mr. CEO. Of course, we’d love to work with you.” He hummed. “What are your preferences?” 

“I’d decide when you’re here.” 

He shrieked, and I rubbed my 


“I’d send out best and bright over to your company in a short moment sir. Is That Alright?” He asked. 

14:41 Fri, 19 Apr 

Chapter 7 

“Alright. I’m waiting.” I crooned and cut the call. 

Now that I was alone again, I had to bring out her picture. Watching it. Lusting. 

I know how much this feeling was forbidden. 

I shouldn’t want someone like her. But in all honesty, the feeling I felt can only be sated by this forbidden fruit. 

It’s too much, not even getting a masturbator could stop it. Nothing can. 

But the question I only happened to ask was why would the moon goddess give, only for her to tal 

it back

I crave something I could never have. 

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