Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back by BookWise
Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back Chapter 47

Chapter 47 

Diego’s POV 


I’ve never done a cooking marathon before. I never even thought I would but I’m   doing it and it’s crazy. 

Running around the kitchen, whipping, frying, cutting, putting together, stirring. Damn, it’s a rush I’ve never felt 


Back at the pack, I don’t cook. How can I when I have a cluster of servants that work at the pack house? 

That changed when I came into the city and started staying alone. I order takeouts sometimes but other times I take up the kitchen role and whip something simple and munch on it. 

But today it’s different. I finished making the beacon and eggs and then trotted to the room where Aria was in. Opening the door, I found the little princess sleeping without a single care. 

“Ari…” I called mildly, waking her up. I can’t quite explain how happy I felt this morning. Of course, the reason wasn’t far fetched. It was because Rose accepted to be my girlfriend. 

That’s a great step. I vow to make every moment count and bring happiness in her life as well as Aria’s. 

“Hmmm… Aria stirred up, waking up. 

With her groggy face, she greets me, her voice tiny and balmy at the same time. 

Such a lovely girl. 

“Cutie. Open up, I made breakfast for you.” I hummed, dragging her onto my lap

“Yay, uncle. Thank you.” 

That was it, Aria the foodie would always perk up at the mention of food. I don’t blame her, most kids are like that. 

That showed she was 

healthy. I watched her stuff the food into her mouth, chomping down on it with gusto. 

After a while, she felt full and then I told her I’d make Italian cuisine for lunch and would also take money to her mother in the office. 

Really?” She asked, her eyes bright and hopeful. “Can I follow you and take food to Mommy?” 

I contemplated on it but I couldn’t give her a straight answer. I’m sure Rose wouldn’t want her to come near her workplace. 

So, I said. “How about we go cook first and decide on that later, hmm?” 

“Okay, uncle.” She said in a sing–song voice. Then we patter our feet outside and into the kitchen where I began my cooking marathon. 

I watched cooking videos online and followed the steps as I made the tiramisu, Ribollita, and some pasta. 

Chapter 47 

“That’s too stressful uncle,” Aria said with a sigh as she sank into the stuffed chair by the breakfast bar. She had been entertaining me with her long talks. But I want to be a chef now, uncle. It’s good right?” She asked, fiddling with her long brown hair. 

I chuckled at that. The kid loved to try many things. I reached the pantry and brought out the lunchbox. Rinsing it, I plated the food, even decorating it so it’d be appealing to the eyes. 

While I was doing that, I responded to Aria. “Being a chef is nice, cutie. But don’t you want to play basketball again?” 

I heard her make some noise deep in her throat before saying, “I still want to play basketball. But I don’t have a court yet. 

Looking at her, I smiled and promised to create a small court for her at home. 

By the time I rounded up preparing to head to Rose’s workplace, Aria had slept off. 

Thankfully, Ms. Beth showed up on time and then I dashed out, driving my car to the famous hospital uptown. 

The road was stuffed as the traffic grew intense. I stayed in my car, taking shade from the bashing sun while the honk of cars coupled with the fading hum of conversation on the sidewalk created a rhythmic cacophony I found a little bit of comfort in. 

I’m always of lover of music or anything things that can create sonorous sound. I looked ahead on the road as my body zinged with anticipation. 

I couldn’t wait to hear Rose’s comment about the food, seeing as it was my first time. 

I was almost at the hospital, just a few kilometers down to my destination when a mindlink came in from my pack’s gamma. 

“Gia?” I called tentatively, shocked to know he connected me through the mindlink. Was everything okay at the pack? I wondered. 

I heard him clear his throat and I braced myself for the news he was about to let out. 

“There’s been a news, beta.” He said and I crinkled my brows. 

“And what’s the news about?” I asked him. 

“There’s an alpha looking to have a meeting with you.” He announced. 

It had been a while since I ever met with an alpha. I couldn’t help wondering what this alpha wanted. 

“Who is the alpha?” I probed, staring pointedly at the road as I swerved my steering wheel with practiced ease. 

“Nothing was specified about the alpha, beta Diego. Only that he’s an alpha from the East Coast.” 

I paused breathing a bit as the words drifted in. 

An alpha from east coast? I pondered. 

Lycanwolves and ordinary wolves like us resided on the east coast. However, lycanwolves were more in number. 

Chapter 47 

So, could it be that the alpha looking for me is a lycan alpha? If so why? 

Gathering my bearing. I heaved a long sigh and asked gamma Gia. “Did he specify his reasons for wanting to meet 


“Nothing specific was mentioned. Except that, it’s a pack business meeting.” Gia announced. 

“Alright.” I said gruilly. 

“So, are you willing to meet the alpha?” Gia’s voice boomed. 

I passed my hand through my face, rubbing my button nose. Then. “I’m busy for now, Gia. I’ll bring it to your notice when I’m chanced for a meeting.” 

He whispered his reply before closing the link. It must have taken a toll on him to connect with me. Usually, creating a mindlink when a member of the pack is not within the territory causes fever and strong headache. 

I geared on after the brief talk with Gia and headed straight to the hospital. 

Throwing my car in the park in front of the giant, upscale hospital, I brought out my phone and put Rose on call. 

She picked up on the first ring and her voice streamed in. 

The instant I told her I had the Italian dishes ready with me, she squealed. 

“Don’t tell me you did it?” She asked, a hint of delight coating her voice. 

“Of course, I did. Anything for you.” 

My lips curled up in an honest grin when Rose said she’d be out in a jiffy. I sat expectantly in my car, strumming my fingers over the steering. 

I waited a while until I saw her flounce towards the front door. Then I shoved out of the car with the lunchbox in my hand. 

I walked around the car to her side and then I scooped her in an embrace. 

Hell, her body is soft and perfect against mine and I hold on for long. 

“Oh, my goddess, I can already perceive the aroma.” She said once we broke the hug. 

A quick glance on her face and I’m reminded of her beauty. Her full eyebrows, and full lips coated a little 

with lipstick, her soft cheeks with a flick of bronzer. She looked almost natural with her light makeup. 

“I never pegged you for a chef at all, Diego.” Her words made me flutter on the inside. 

“I take it as a compliment,” I smirked and winked. 

Gratitude shone on her face as she said. “Thanks. I appreciate.” She said and I leaned I, pressing a kiss on her 


As I was about to pull away from her, I noticed the look of terror on Rose’s face. Her face went ashen as she looked from my shoulder and into the buzzing road. 

11:21 Sa1, 20 Apr 

Chapter 47 

20 Apr 09 

“What’s wrong, Rose?” I asked, getting worked on. 

What the hell did she see? 

She seemed a little lost, her eyes darting around as if something was happening to her. 

I buckle my hands around her arms, looking down at her as I ask again. “What’s going on?” 

Her fear–filled eyes danced over to me and as she moved her lips to speak, I felt that. 

I smelled it. 

That familiar scent…the very one that screamed danger. 

Alarm bells went off in my head as I roamed my eye around searching for that scent. 

The very one I smelled on Gabe that night in the middle of nowhere. 

They’re  here… 

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