Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back by BookWise
Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back Chapter 4



*Three weeks later* 

I hurried into the pub, rushing to sign my name before my boss would close the signing list for the day

I arrived five minutes late and I didn’t know if she’d pardon me for my lateness. 

I hastened my movements, rushing to barge into her office and sign my name but a wave of dizziness washed over me. 

I almost fell but I held onto the wall for 


This was my main reason for arriving late. I’ve not been myself for some time and I don’t know why. 

I took a deep breath and began trudging into my boss‘ office. 

“Shaker, please don’t make pee on my pants…” The man she was with said in between laughter. 

I greeted them as my presence was known. My boss instantly stopped laughing and gazed up at me. “Why were you late, Josie?” She boomed.. 

I hung my head down, looking for the best explanation. 

“Umm…my father requested my presence at the pack house.” 

She scoffed. 

I thought she wouldn’t allow me the opportunity to sign my name but she did. 

I ran outside afterward, hearing the man asking my boss if the rumor about my rejection and slave 

nature were all true. 

I could 

guess he wasn’t from our pack because literally everyone knew about me. 

It had been three weeks since Ashton left the pack. And two weeks since I’ve been sick, on and off. 

My day at the pub went normal. I managed to serve the customers even through the wave of dizziness. 

It seemed my colleagues noticed it. Regardless, no one bothered to help me. 

I wasn’t expecting them to. I just managed by myself. 

It was already late in the evening when, Anna, the head waitress came to me and asked 


11:40 Fri, 19 Apr 

Chapter 4 

“Are you okay?” She tossed a concerned look at me. 

I nodded, lying. 

She scoffed. “Well, you don’t seem like someone who is okay.” She said. 

While Anna was leaving the partition she said to me from over her shoulder. 

I suggest you go see a doctor if you wanna stand on your two feet!” 

I stopped cleaning the drinking glasses I was wiping and pondered over her words. 

Would it be bad if I checked on a doctor? I needed a solution to this sickness. 

Even before I could finish pondering on that, I felt a wave of dizziness again. 

This time, the drinking glasses fell and shattered into pieces. 

“Oh, goddess. What have I done…?” 

I hope you know that will be deducted from your payment, right?” Came my boss’s voice. 

I hung my head down as I spluttered. “I’m sorry, boss.” 

“Too late for that.” She said walking away. 

It was at that moment that I made the decision. I was going to visit the doctor. 

The sky was already black when I got off work at the pub, so I picked up my bag and rushed over to the nearest clinic. Actually, I didn’t want my father or stepmother to see me here. 

None of them knew about my sickness. 

Well, shockingly, the clinic already closed down and I felt frustrated. 

Just as I was about to get away, a car horn honked behind me and I looked over to see Anna. 

She waved me over and I suspiciously went to her. 

“Get in the car.” She said, jerking her head. 

“No, I can board a car…” 

“Just get in.” She insisted. 


Chapter 4 

I gave up and crawled into the car and immediately she zoomed off, sliding back into the busy road

“Guess you don’t know any private doctor?” 

Anna’s words broke the silence that passed between us since I entered the car. 

I nodded at her words and then

“I know somewhere I can take you.” 

In record time, Anna killed her car engine in front of a two–story building in a small gated community. 

I haven’t been here before and the quietness of the environment surprised me. I never knew there existed this side of our pack. 

“Go there and knock. Tell them you want to see Doctor Christy. She’ll help.” Anna rattled off. 



you,” I muttered and she barely nodded. “Why? Why are you helping me?” I managed to 

She chuckled lightly and then her answer came. “You once covered two shifts for me when I was sick. Guess it’s time I pay back.” She beamed. “You’ve got to get going.” 

I thanked her and 

t out of the car. 

Heading to the door, I rapped on it while I heard Anny’s car pulling away from the vicinity. 

“Can I help you?” 

The woman who had opened the door asked. I nodded. 

“I want to meet Dr. Christy.” 

She looked me over briefly and said. “I am Christy.” 

The woman allowed me in and I told her right away what I came here for. 

“I want to run a test. 

She hummed and took me to one of her rooms. I stayed on the cot as she examined my body. 

Afterward, I sat painfully still on the couch and it was only then that I realized how I was shaking. I’m nervous. I don’t know what the results would be but something at the back of my mind was telling me it would not be the news I wanted. 

The doctor confirmed my suspicions when she came bearing the test results. 

“Just tell me what it is, doctor?” I snapped after putting the results in my bag. 

Chapter 4 

“You’re two weeks pregnant.” 

My blood ran cold immediately and my wolf shook her Fur. 

I knew this wasn’t something I’d love. Goddess, what do I do? 

After that, 1 fell back on the street, scared and confused about what to do next. 

I can’t have a child in this condition I’m living. At least, not the one that I’d bear after my  . encounter with my stepbrother. 

I looked up to the dark sky, speaking silently to the moon goddess for help. 

By the time I returned to the pack house and was just on my way to sneak into my room, my stepmother caught up with me. 

“You thought you hid it well, didn’t you?” Her cold voice stopped me from going inside my room. 

She emerged from the dark hallway and now stood before my room door. At least, through the candlelight, I could see her face clearly. 

She had no bit of a smile on her lips as she stared at me. 

I tried to greet her but her words cut me short. 

“You can never bear any child in this house. Not after sleeping with all the promiscuous men in the pack!” Her voice sent shivers down my spine. 

I was already shaking my head, thinking of a way to defend myself when a man emerged from the darkness. 

“Take her and get rid of that bastard.” She ordered him. 

Quickly, the man came at me in full force. He took hold of my hand, forcing me back into the room. He pushed me over the bed and I whimpered. Tears had already stung my eyes while I struggled to break free. 

The man towered over me, forcefully wanting to tie my hands together but I found strength and bit into his hand with my fangs. 

I skipped the bed, standing on my feet. Within a blink of I eye, I fell back on the stairs rushing to go” down

However, the moment I arrived at the down floor, I saw seven council members and 



I drew to a stop quickly and then listened to what they were saying. 

“The moonstone couldn’t have been stolen like that. If it was, it meant someone went into the sacred room.” 


Chapter 1 

What? They were looking for the moonstone? 

The moonstone signified the sovereignty of the pack as well as the authority of the alpha. If that was missing it only meant the pack was prone to Internal attacks. 

If word got out that the alpha lost possession of the moonstone, it meant the person in possession of it wanted to take over as the pack leader. 

My father was pacing back and forth, totally restless and pensive. 

My stepmother stood beside me, her face knotted in worry. 

If you believe so, I suggest we search the whole pack house first. Before we announce the situation to the pack tomorrow.” One of the council members said. 

Pausing my father looked over at him and roared. “We can never announce that. Not on my watch.” He turned over to the bodyguards and ordered. “Search every damn room in the house and find that moonstone.” 

By the goddess, how do I escape with them clustered around the entrance? 

We have to wait until they’re all gone, my wolf whispered. 

I nodded at her and stood by the archway, hiding. 

Time dragged on and my legs grew tired. I was just about to slip on the floor when I heard footsteps. coming from the stairs. 

“Have you found it?” My stepmother asked. 

The bodyguard nodded at her words. 

“And where did you find it?” 

“In Josie’s room. She hid it under her pile of clothes, alpha.” 


Everyone there screamed and I jostled up on my feet. 

In my room? 

Oh goddess, it couldn’t be true, right? 

That meant someone had put it there, but who? 

“Find her and bring her to me! The alpha ordered and I watched pensively as the guards switched 

on their senses of smell. 

They began to ransack the house for me and I tried to crawl away from there and find somewhere 


11:40 Fr, 19 Apr t 

Chapter 4 


Unfortunately, one of the guards found me. 

“Stop right there!” 

I froze on the 

spot, my heart skipping several beats. 

Two masculine hands clamped my biceps and dragged me out forcefully. I whimpered as they dragged me before the others. 

I was shaking as I earned intense looks from 

the council members and my fathe 

The look of disgust on my father’s face killed me. 

“You stole the moonstone?” His voice came out hard and harsh. 

“No father…” I shake my head endlessly. My eyes were already dripping wet with tears. I couldn’t breathe, my lungs were drawn too tight with fear. 

What would become of me now? 

Looking over at my father I saw his lycan wolf pushing forward. Half of my father’s face had turned into furs, his fangs elongating likewise his jaws. 

The intent to kill was already taking over his features. Just as his eyes flashed red, he growled. “Lies!” 

Everyone felt the impact of his growl, most especially me. 

Unwillingly, my head tilted aside as a form of submission to his alpha vibe. I couldn’t see much again because of the blurriness of my surroundings. 

“You committed a felony.” He dragged out the words with his alpha tone. “And for that, you’ll be punished by death tomorrow.” 

“Lock her up!” He barked at the guards: 

“Daddy please…” I shouted, wanting for him to hear me out but the guards dragged me away until they pushed me into the basement. 


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