Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back by BookWise
Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back Chapter 31

Chapter 31 

Josie’s POV 

I made one silly mistake though and that was the fact that I forgot to shut the door. 

I was holding onto the sink, wanting to calm my racing heart when Ashton barged into the bathroom. 

Looking at him from over the mirror, I see the haunted look in his eyes. That and hunger. 

With fast strides, he closed in on me. 

I wanted to turn and face him head–on but he pressed his hands over my elbows. 

“Josie you could have hurt yourself more.” His gentle words washed through me in waves. 

I shook my head fiercely, then. “I’m not Josie…” I bit out. 

Hell, even if I deny that a lot of times, looking at myself in the mirror now proves I’m still that young neglected princess who loved her step–brother. Crushed on him. Dreamt about him all night. Fantasized about the things she wanted him to do to her. 

I’m that girl, broken, unloved, and seeking to find love in the arms of her mate. 

Ashton bit his mouth, holding back the name. I don’t know if he’s using it as a term of endearment 

of some sort. 

He didn’t loosen his grip on me. Instead, he tightened it, pressing his body on mine. 

Hell, I could feel his bulge, pitching a tent over the pants of his scrubs. 

This close, every scent that makes him an alpha and a man finds their way into my nostrils, adding to the butterfly wing fluttering in my belly and the rage going on in my clit and hole. 

He peered into my hazel eyes through the mirror. Leaning down to my ear level, he gushed words. that left tingles rising on my arms and back. 

“Let me check your wounds and help them heal…” 

I don’t know what he’s planning but there’s a promise In the depth of his words. I promise I also need badly to come into reality but too scared to admit. 

I managed a nod, gripping the porcelain sink like a lifeline, not wanting to lose balance as Ashton. slowly crawled to his knees. 

His touch was feather light as it scrolled on my skin while Ashton lifted my dress up. 

I wasn’t wearing anything except for my panties. Panties which is now filled with my arousal. 

Chapter 31 

Ashton scrolled his fingers all over the wound and deeper, aiming to reach for that area where my fire of need burned the most. 

He pulled his hands back down, avoiding touching my pussy. 

Shame burned through me and I shut my eyes, erasing any thoughts of shame. 

With my head thrown backward, I clasp my lips between my teeth, enjoying his touch. 

All of a sudden 1 felt the prickle of beards and hot breaths over my thigh and I trembled. 

I let out a shudder as Ashton whispered breath over my wound then up, up…to my inner thighs. 

“Hmm…” He groaned, smelling me and petting my thighs with his fingers. 

I stilled entirely when he sank his face under my dress and smelled my arousal, his beards prickling my shaved groin. 

As if that wasn’t enough, he rested his lips on my groin. 

Instinctively, my fingers found their way into his soft raven hair, caressing as I let out a pleasure- filled mo 

Just before I could enjoy it, I pulled him back. 

“Stop, Ashton.” I barked, hating that I loved what he just did. 

I drew back and I let my dress pool around my knees again, my legs shaking. 

His hooded eyes burned into mine and I swallowed the lump in my throat. 

“What’s wrong?” He asked with a graveled voice. 

Shaking my head, I gushed a breath. “You are asking me what’s wrong, Mr. Ashton?” 

At the disbelieving look on my face, he got to his feet, swiping his tongue over his pink, firm lips. 

“Didn’t you get the fact that I’m engaged? Doesn’t that ring a bell that I’m off limits?” I shouted, making him smirk. 

Why was he smirking? I hate the look of that on his face. 

“Are you, though?” He boomed. 

I didn’t understand what he meant and I threw back at him. 

“What do you mean?” 

Now, his smirk turned into a full grin 


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Chapter 31 

“Ms. Rose, you said you’re engaged and off–limits but…” He let his eyes wander down my skin. That made my nipples turgid immediately. “Your body is saying otherwise.” He hummed. 

“That’s a lie!” I bark, my heart thundering against my ears. 

“If that’s the case, Ms. Rose, why do I taste your arousal on my lips?” 

Those words made me blush to the nth degree and I couldn’t find the words to counter him again. 

Ashton leaned close, his gorgeous, firm lips a hairsbreadth away from mine. 

“This close, I bet you can smell your very own arousal. Your body is calling out to me, Ms. Rose. Says a different story to the ring sitting on your finger.” 

I swallowed hard, crunching my fingers together in anger and irritation. Squinting my eyes, I bit 

back at him. 

“Mr. Ashton, I suggest you have your sense of smell and taste checked. Maybe you already have a disorder.” 

I placed my shaky palms on his chest and pushed him out of my way. 

I gnashed my teeth to compose myself before I left the restroom, and went back into his office. 

The rest of the day went normal after my last words. While I taught Ashton he fumed and cursed. repeatedly under his breath. 

What do I care? I love that I got back at his arrogant ass right away. 

In between, I smiled mentally at my victory today, even though I wished he finished his work in me. If he had, fuck I’d have gotten multiple orgasms by now. 

I was halfway done with teaching Ashton when my phone buzzed. 

Shoving it out of my bag, I saw Jane’s text. 

Jane: Hey girl, remember that black cotton dress I gave you? There’s a ring inside it and I kinda. want it back. 

Reading that, my eyes turned owl–wide and color left my face. 

“Bad news, Ms. Rose?” His voice echoed through my thoughts. 

Yes, bad news, I said to myself. 

“None at all. Just another surprise.” I faked a grin as another look of jealousy took over Ashton’s 


Well, this sure is a surprise, because why would Jane demand I return the ring after faking my 

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Chapter 31 


Oh, goddess. This is a mess. Messier than I thought. 

I excused myself and went outside to call Jane

“What was that message you sent, Jane?” I snarled into the phone. 

“I’m damn sorry, girl. But I really need the ring. I’m kinda stuck right now. Can you bring the ring over to Hell’s Kitchen?” 

That’s downtown, twenty minutes drive from here. 

The tone of her voice doesn’t like she’s alright though.. 

“I hope you’re good?” I asked. 

Her voice sounded muffled, I don’t know why. 

To save her the stress, I agreed to head to Hell’s Kitchen after work and then we hung up the call. 

Sighing, I made my way back to Ashton’s office. 

The rest of the minutes, I spent it by asking him questions and once my time elapsed, I gathered. my bag and stood up. 

“That’ll all for today, Mr. Ashton. Thanks for your cooperation.” I noted. 

Striding out of his office, I headed to Hell’s kitchen. Honestly, how do I tell Jane I already lied with her ring? 

To be continued… 


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