Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back by BookWise
Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back Chapter 29

Chapter 29 

Josie’s POV. 

Aria began bonding with Diego again when she found out he had returned. Today, sho be the one to take her to school to which I didn’t object. 

I’d do whatever she wanted just to see her happy. 

When I finished dressing her for school, Diego came by and picked her up. 

insisted he’d 

Bye, mommy.” She smiled, waving. I  her head, loving how cute she looked in her school uniform. She clutched her lunchbox tightly and went down the steps and into Diego’s arms. 

He pecked her cheeks and took her to his car. 

That’s when I knew, it’s about time I headed to work. 

I took my time bathing and fitting into another of the dresses Jane gave me and then, I locked the door and went into the streets.. 

Cabs were a little scarce but I was lucky to get one. I sat in the car, looking through my lesson notes with Ashton and what I’ll teach him today. 


got my attention until we arrived at the hospital and I made my way to his office

I didn’t knock on the door because Ashton had told me not to, so I just fluttered the door open and… 

“Oh, goddess.” I gasped at the sight before me and quickly shut the door. 

My heart roared as I started running from him and down the hallway. 

“Ms. Rose, wait!” I heard him screaming my name but I dared not stop running. 

I couldn’t process what just happened back there at all. 

What was he thinking acting so immodest in his office? 

Even though I tried not to feel hurt, my heart was burning. 

Just stop it! I scolded my heart which was beating erratically. 

We are not together, so he had the right to do as he pleased. Still, the bile rising in my throat. refused to budge, making it hard to breathe. 


I didn’t know somewhere at the back of my mind had believed Ashton had changed. How could that happen? 


Chapter 29 

I knew his words some time ago about me taking him back was all a lie. 

Ashton… was  a woman in his office? 

 , I hate him for doing that but I hate myself more for even feeling an ounce of trust in what he 


I didn’t stop weaving through the throng of people in the hospital hallway until I got to the courtyard. 

“Rose…wait!” He called, still hot on my tail. 

I was almost there when I felt him clasp my hand with his wrists. 

“What!?” I barked, panting. 

His brows were creased, and his lips thinned in a straight grim line. 

“Let me explain, please.” He crooned. 

I chuckled humorlessly, fixing the stray strand of my hair. 

Ashton ran his fingers over the corner of his lips, gazing at me. 

“Thereing there to explain.” I retort, wanting to sidestep him but he blocked me. “Ashton 

move. Get off.” I tried to push him back but he held me steady by my waist. 

No…no, he shouldn’t hold me. I could melt and forget myself with his hands clasped intimately around me. 

“Josie…listen.” A deep baritone in his voice made me water between my legs. 

The way he called my actual name made every hair on my body stand erect. 

 , he still had such a great effect on me. I  hate him for that. 

Pulling back a little, he peered at me with an intense look in his eyes. 

I could hear his heart hammering against his chest. 

I’m alive in all parts of my body, especially those areas that begged for more attention. 

Bringing up his hand, he tucked my ringlets behind my ear, standing nose to nose with me. 

“It wasn’t what it looked like. I didn’t  her.” He whispered desperately. 

My senses returned a little and I pushed at his chest, putting three steps gap between us. 

“Why didn’t you then? Not like I care anyway.” I bit out, feeling frustrated. 


Chapter 29 

This time though, I shoulder past him, walking ahead. 

“Because she’s not the one I want…” He said, his words stopping me. 

Ashton’s POV 

I watched as Josie glared at me and all I could feel was the pang of pain hitting my chest. 

 , I don’t understand what just happened back there. 

I arrived at the office at my usual time and went to the wards to heading to my office

check on a few patients before 

Well, it’s normal for me and Doctor Sanders to go on a round check but this morning it was different. 

She kept on telling me how she missed having a nice bedroom activity because her boyfriend broke up with her. 

Hell, l’only offered her some advice, telling her to take a break and heal and get some bones back. 

“But what if I don’t 

heal real quick?” She had asked as we walked through the empty hallway on the second floor. 

“You’ll definitely heal. Shits happen.” That was all I said. 

“But doc.” She called as we took the elevator down. “It’s not as easy as it sounds…” She said. 

I nod in agreement. Yeah, the breakup hurt like shit. I remember how hurt I felt when I broke up with Josie. 

Now, that made me wonder how much hurt she felt. I knew it had to be a lot and that’s the reason she changed. 

“Like I said, Ms. Sanders, no matter how long it takes, you’ll be fine,” I said, pushing the door to my office open and walking inside. 

She followed me in tow, shutting the door behind her. 

“Doc, that sounds hard. Have you ever been hurt before?” She asked. 

I considered my words before letting them out. 


Chapter 29 

“Somehow yes.” I agreed. 

“Oops, whoever left you 

don’t know what they missed. I mean you’re an incredibly hot man.” She 

bragged, twirling his fingers on the table and biting her lips. 

I found that sleazy but didn’t know how to voice it out. 

“So, how were you able to…pleasure yourself, doc?” She had asked. 

I rubbed between my brows and shrugged. 

“It deepens,” I told her, pushing my focus down to the drawer where I stacked all my files in. 

Before I could raise my head, I saw Sanders before me, tilting forward with her top buttons undone, showing me her full breasts. 

I visibly swallowed and cleared my throat. 

“Ms. Sanders, I think you’re 

going a bit far…” 

“You do? But…this is what I want, doc. I’ve not had a man between my legs to pound me since we broke up.” She inched her fingers around the collar of my scrubs. 

“Doc, I’m full of nectar and I want you to suck on me and make this feeling stop, hmm?” 

I shook my head, drawing back. “Listen, Ms. Sanders, you’re not in the right state of mind now. I need you to calm down. Besides, this is my office. We’re here to work.” 

She still circled her arms over my neck. She leaned really low wanting to  me. 

“Doc, just a   and I’ll be able to concentrate on my work today…” 

“That’s never going to happen, Ms. Sanders…” I snapped. 

Just then, my office door fluttered open, and that familiar lavender scent danced into my nose.. 

Looking back, I see Josie looking at us with a horrified expression. 

Shit!” I cursed under my breath and began racing towards her. 

Remembering how this shit started, I sighed and scrubbed my hand through my face. 

Josie still stood in her spot, staring at me because of what I just admitted to. 

“Jo…” She raised her hand and stopped me from calling her that name. “Ms. Rose, she isn’t the one I 


I stepped closer again, holding her gaze. 

Chapter 29 

“The one I want is you, Ms. Rose…” 

She hissed, hearing my words. A disbelieving look crossed her eyes as she shook her head. 

“You can’t be serious…” 

I took a step closer, staring into her hazel orbs. “I’ve never been more serious about anything than I am now. I want you back so  much.” 

Her eyes rolled heavenward as she crossed her arms over her chest. Her face frowned as she looked behind me and I had to look back too. 

There, stood, Ms. Sanders, worrying her lips between her teeth while throwing daggers at Josie. 

When she saw me staring, she huffed and took off in a dead run. Bringing my eyes back to Josie’s, I clear my throat. 

“You can’t want me, Mr. Ashton. That’s impossible.” She stated without budging. 

“Ms. Rose, listen…” I tried to hold her, maybe it would make her feel me. Make her understand just how much she meant to me. 

Instead, she stepped away from my reach, looking headstrong. 

“If I remember correctly, I told you, Mr. Ashton, I already have a man.” She bit out. 

“We love each other so much no other man could ever come in between us.” 

I still doubted it though but at that moment, Josie turned up her left hand, and sitting on her finger was an engagement ring… 

Even though it didn’t look expensive, it showed truly, she was engaged to another man. 

‘No!‘ My wolf howled at the sight before me… 

Josie has been taken… 

To be continued…. 


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