Offside Hearts (Love and Hockey Book 1)
Offside Hearts: Chapter 52

“Dammit, I have to go,” I groan.

Margo whimpers. “So do I.”

“Okay, then. Let’s go.”

Even as I say the words, I’m pulling her tighter against me, my hands groping every part of her I can reach. I was planning to leave early so I could run a few errands before the game tonight, but she feels so fucking good.

“Fuck it,” I mutter, lifting her up and carrying her to my bedroom.

Ever since my press conference two weeks ago, I’ve barely spent a minute apart from Margo, except for games and practices—and even then, she’s there in the stands, watching and cheering. With every passing day, I worry less about the rug getting ripped out from under us again, feeling more and more confident in the foundation we’ve built. I’m sure we’ll face other challenges in our lives together, but I know now that we’ll be able to weather them, no matter what they might be.

Because we’ll be together.

That’s the most important thing, always, and I’ll never fucking forget it.

Margo squeaks as I drop her onto my king-sized bed, following her down as I pepper ravenous, voracious kisses to her skin. We roll over so that she’s on top of me, our hands and mouths roaming.

When we break apart for air, I kiss my way to her ear and murmur, “Do you remember the first time I fucked you in this bed?”

She chuckles, grinding against my cock. “Vaguely.”

“Remember when I told you to hold on to the headboard?”

She shivers against me. “Yes. I think there might still be fingerprints in it, I was hanging on so hard.”

I nip at her ear. “Well, I want you to do it again. Get naked, Sunflower, and grab the headboard.”

She makes a plaintive, needy little sound, craning her neck to try to see the clock on the nightstand. “Do we have time?”

“There’s always time for me to eat your pussy. It’s my favorite pre-game snack.”

She laughs at that, and when I give her ass a sharp slap, she hisses out a breath, her pupils dilating. Moving quickly, she strips off her clothes and positions herself right where I told her to, kneeling on the bed with her hands on the headboard. It’s such a stunning sight that I have to pause to take a mental picture of it before moving toward her on my knees.

I come up right behind her, letting her feel the roughness of my clothes against her bare skin. Pressing a kiss to the back of her neck, I whisper, “Hang on. Don’t let go.”

Then I settle onto my back, scooting up on the mattress so that my head is between her legs. This is another view that nearly knocks me on my ass—a close-up of her pussy with her stomach and gorgeous breasts just beyond, and her flushed face staring down at me.

“Spread your knees a little,” I instruct her, gripping her hips to help guide her down onto my face.

When she’s close enough, I swipe my tongue out to lick her clit, and she sucks in a breath. But she stops right there, her thigh muscles clenched as she holds herself up right above my mouth.

“More,” I growl, tugging on her thighs. “I want you fully sitting on my face, Sunflower. I don’t want even a millimeter of daylight between us, you understand?”

She gives me a look, her blonde hair tumbling around her shoulders. “I’m not trying to kill you, Noah. If I suffocate you, Coach Dunaway will never forgive me.”

“You’re killing me right now, baby girl,” I plead. “Now give me your pretty little cunt before I die of a broken heart.”

“Fine, fine. I wouldn’t want to break your heart.”

She laughs, lowering herself incrementally downward. It’s a start, but it’s nowhere near enough, so I pull her the rest of the way down until she’s situated on my face. My tongue spears up into her, and the deep, breathy groan that pours from her mouth is like music to my ears.

I keep fucking her with my tongue, and my greedy girl gets the hang of it fast enough, starting to roll her hips and ride my face just the way she would my cock.

She’s wet already, her sweetness coating my lips and tongue, and I lap it up as I eat her out, hungry for every last drop.

“Oh fuck, Noah,” she murmurs softly. “That feels so… oh god…”

My balls tighten, desire blazing through me as I work to bury my tongue deeper inside her, sweeping it along her pussy walls until I feel her clench tight around me.

“There you go,” I mutter, although my voice is so muffled by her pussy that I have a feeling she can’t even make out the words. “So fucking sweet.”

I grab her hips, urging her to move faster, and she grips the headboard just like I told her to, using the leverage to bounce on my face.

“I can’t… decide… which I like more,” she gasps, her head falling back a little as she swivels her hips. “Your cock, or your fucking tongue.”

My cock twitches, as if it’s begging for the chance to remind her how good it can make her feel. Not to be outdone, my tongue lashes at her clit like it’s trying to wreck her, and she grinds against me, her body shuddering. My chin is soaked, and every time her pussy clenches, more wetness gushes into my mouth.

I fucking love it.

I love how she doesn’t hold back with me. I love that she trusts me enough to let go.

Closing my lips around her clit, I suck hard and make a noise in my throat, letting the vibrations of the sound add to the sensations. She almost collapses over me, her upper body folding forward as her orgasm hits.


She belts out my name on a ragged cry, her arms shaking as she clings to the headboard. I let up on the suction a little, swiping my tongue back and forth over her to drag out the climax for as long as I can. Her muscles finally start to go lax, and she flops onto the bed beside me, sprawling out on the blankets. I stay right where I am for a moment, wiping my chin with my fingers and bringing them to my mouth to suck the last bit of her release off my fingertips.

She glances over at me, her eyes dazed and dark. “Can you still breathe? Did I kill you?”

“I think so,” I murmur roughly. “Because I’m pretty sure this is heaven.”

“Well, you definitely made me see god.”

She rolls over, draping her upper body over my chest as she kisses me. Her tongue traces the seam of my lips like she’s tasting herself there, and I palm her ass, pulling her a little closer. When we separate, she glances up at the clock again, then back at me, a smile tugging at her lips.

“Stand up,” she tells me. “By the side of the bed.”

I cock an eyebrow at her, intrigued by the heated look in her eyes. Then I climb off the bed and stand by the side of it, watching as she crawls toward me. My dick strains against the confines of my pants, hungry for her attention. She undoes the button and fly of my jeans, dragging them down before freeing my cock from my boxer briefs. But instead of wrapping her lips around me like I’m expecting, she presses a little kiss to the head of my dick, just above the piercing, then flops down onto her back on the mattress.

“I want you to fuck my face,” she says huskily. “Like this.”

As she speaks, she adjusts her position a little so that her head hangs off the edge of the bed. The line of her throat is perfectly emphasized in this position, and the way her mouth falls open as her head tips back makes my heart jackhammer.

“You sure there’s time?” I ask, echoing her question from earlier.

She smiles, grinning at me upside down. “There’s always time for me to suck your cock. And don’t worry, I’ll make sure you don’t last long.”

The sound that comes out of me is half laugh and half groan. I don’t doubt she’s right about that. Margo has a way of completely undoing me, and my cock is already leaking precum just from the thought of being inside her mouth.

Stepping forward, I run my hand lovingly over the line of her jaw, down her neck, and over her cheek.

“Open a little wider for me, baby,” I coax. “Relax your jaw.”

My other hand fists my cock, guiding it to her waiting lips, and as I press into her mouth slowly, I can feel her tongue sliding over the top of my shaft. She’s gone down on me plenty of times, but never like this, and it’s like my body has no idea how to process the sensations. All I know is that it feels fucking incredible, and I never want it to end.

I start at a gentle pace, sliding in and out of her mouth, pushing a little deeper each time. When my cock hits the back of her throat, I can feel her tighten around me as her gag reflex kicks in.

“So fucking good,” I praise, drawing out a bit to give her a second to recover. She clearly doesn’t want it though, because she reaches up to cup my ass, pulling me back toward her. My cock glides over her tongue again, and when I reach the back of her throat this time, she swallows around me.

“Fuck,” I grunt. “Good girl. You like feeling me this deep? You like taking as much of my cock as you can?”

I rest my hand on her throat, not putting any pressure there but feeling the way it shifts under my fingers as she takes me even deeper. On the next thrust, I’m almost completely buried inside her, fucking her mouth and throat as she moans around me, clenching her thighs together.

“You look so perfect like this.” I slide in and out again, pure fire racing through my veins. “I fucking love you, Sunflower. Love every damn thing about you.”

She hums around me, bringing up her free hand to play with my balls, and it’s more than I can take. My legs shake as I drive my hips forward a few more times before exploding down her throat. The muscles in her neck work as she swallows, her fingers digging into my ass.

“Take it, baby girl,” I groan. “Fucking take it.”

I feel like I got the wind knocked out of me as I finally pull back, fisting my cock to guide it out of her mouth and then palming the back of her head and bending down to kiss her. Our lips meet upside down, and I hope she can still taste herself on my tongue the same way I can taste myself on hers.

“You’re fucking incredible,” I murmur against her lips. “Have I told you that today?”

“Actually, yes.” She laughs. “Twice.”

“Well, then, I’ll have to remember to tell you three times tomorrow.”

She lets out a contented sigh, wrapping her arms around my neck and keeping me right where I am as we Spiderman kiss again. Then she rakes her fingernails gently over my scalp. “Okay, now you really have to get serious about heading out.”

“Yeah. I know.”

I drag myself reluctantly away from her, leaving her sprawled out naked in bed. That was the perfect pre-game warmup, but I really do need to head out soon. It’s an important game tonight, and I want to show Coach Dunaway that I haven’t lost my edge.

I hop in the shower quickly, then return to the bedroom. Margo props herself up on one elbow and watches me as I get dressed, and when I catch her gaze in the reflection of the mirror on my wall, I let out a hungry groan.

“If you keep looking at me like that, Sunflower,” I warn, “I’m going to end up blowing off this game entirely so I can stay home and fuck you all night long.”

“Mmm, sounds like fun.” She gives me a sultry, sated grin. “But then again, it’d be a shame for you to miss the game. I don’t know if you know this, Noah Blake, but watching you play hockey is sort of an aphrodisiac for me. It turns me on so much.”

My cock jumps to attention, blood rushing south as I get hard all over again. Fucking hell, this woman will be the death of me.

“In that case,” I tell her, a growl in my voice. “I guess I’ll have to go play. For your pleasure, of course.”

Somehow, I manage to make it out of my condo five minutes later, heading to the arena a bit before Margo.

My teammates are all assembling in the locker room, and I give Sawyer a nod as I enter. He nods back before returning to the video call he’s on with his son. He pulled me aside not long after the press conference to clear the air between us, apologizing for thinking the worst of me, but I told him it was water under the bridge. His split with Miriam was messy and rough, and I know the emotional scars from their divorce are still pretty raw.

As I turn toward my locker, I hear him asking Jake to put the babysitter back on. Theo and Grant are talking strategy on the other side of the locker room, while Cameron and Zach are bantering as they gear up.

“Hey, man.” Reese nods to me as I grab my pads. He’s sitting on the bench pulling on a pair of ridiculous looking green socks with leprechauns on them. “You ready to kick some Bulldog ass tonight?”

“Fuck, yes.” I grin, gesturing to his socks. “New pair?”

He grimaces, shaking his mop of dark blond hair out of his eyes. “Yeah. I forgot to pack something green, so I had to make a last minute stop on the way here.”

A visible shudder passes through him, as if the idea of going a single game without his signature lucky color is too horrifying to bear.

Honestly, I’m grateful he found the leprechaun socks, as hideous as they are. People make fun of athletes for having weird rituals and superstitions, but that shit can make all the difference on the ice. I’m not gonna say the color green is magical or some shit like that, but I know Reese will play better with those socks on.

We finish getting dressed, then head out onto the ice for our warmup. I immediately find Margo in the stands, recording footage for our social media channels, and a grin curves my lips as I catch sight of her.

Green socks might be Reese’s good luck charm, but mine is Margo. Just having her here motivates me to play better.

To be better.

I want to be the best version of myself for her.

When the ref blows the whistle to signal the end of the warmup, we all troop back to the locker room. Coach Dunaway strides into the room a few seconds later with a steely look in his eyes, his voice booming as he rallies us with some choice words.

Then it’s game time.

As we head toward the tunnel back to the ice, I can feel the energy of anticipation building up inside me with every step. The crowd is already cheering, their voices echoing off the walls, and I take my place on the ice, feeling the cold air brush against my skin as I tighten my grip on my stick.

The second the puck drops, I go head-to-head against the Bulldogs’ center, jostling and using my strength to gain possession. With a sharp flick of my wrist, I snap the puck back to Sawyer, who takes control and sends it up the ice to Theo with a beautiful pass.

Our line is in control early on, moving the puck with precision and keeping it in their zone. I battle hard along the boards, using my body to shield the puck from the Bulldogs’ defenders. My linemates make a few quick, accurate passes, and a second later, the puck ends up on my stick. I spot an opening and make a beeline for the net, speeding past the opposing team’s defense like they’re standing still.

The goalie rushes out to challenge me, but I’m ready. I fake a shot, causing him to drop to his knees, and then slip the puck past him and into the back of the net.

A roar of approval erupts from the stands. The energy in the arena is electric as I skate back to the bench, but I swear there’s only one voice I hear screaming my name. I look out into the stands toward Margo, pressing my glove to my lips before pointing at her.

She waves, her cheeks red and a beaming smile on her face.

The Jumbotron operator—who’s well aware by now that Margo is my girl—finds her in the crowd so that her face appears on the screen above the rink. Little hearts dance across the huge screen, and at the bottom, there’s a hashtag that’s been floating around in fan circles ever since I called that press conference to set the record straight about us.


I grin, grabbing a quick swig from my water bottle before getting back out on the ice. I laughed when Margo showed me that hashtag in some of the comments on our social media, but it’s a sentiment I can definitely get behind.

Margo Lucas is my everything.

She’s my forever.

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