Offside Hearts (Love and Hockey Book 1)
Offside Hearts: Chapter 33

I stare into Margo’s beautiful gray eyes as my heart seems to come to a sudden stop. I can’t quite breathe for a second, and when I speak, my voice is a rasp.

“Are you sure? It’s not just because I forgot a condom, is it? Because, Sunflower, I can take care of you just fine without—”

“I know you can.” She presses a finger to my lips. “And it’s not about that. It’s about us. I’m ready. I want to feel all of you, with nothing between us.”

My cock throbs, straining toward her like it’s already dying to be buried inside her tight, wet heat. I palm the back of her head and kiss her hard, trying to express everything I’m feeling through the connection between our lips. I’m not sure it’s enough to convey everything I want to say, but words are failing me too right now, so I’ll just have to do my best to show her.

To show her what this means to me.

To show her how much I want her.

Tightening my grip on her ass, I surge up from the couch, bringing her with me. She clings to me as I grab the throw blanket that’s draped over the back of the couch and lay it out over the soft carpet on the floor. Then I set her down on top of the blanket, kissing her breathless as we grope and grind against each other.

I know we probably don’t have a lot of time before people start to wonder where we went, and the last thing I want to do is get busted fucking Margo at her parent’s house. That’s not quite the first impression I’m hoping to make. So don’t waste any time, pulling her shirt off and tugging her bra down so that her breasts pop out. I lave her nipples with my tongue, my fingers already working at the button and fly of her jeans. She kicks them off, sliding her panties off as I unhook her bra and get rid of it entirely, and then we work in tandem to yank my clothes off too.

“I can’t wait to feel you, baby,” I murmur roughly, sliding my fingers through her wet folds and using her arousal to coat my cock. “Gonna feel so fucking good.”

She nods, reaching down to squeeze my shaft. She runs her thumb over my head, circling the balls of my piercing, and I throb against her palm.

“Fuck me, Noah,” she begs. “I need you.”

I nod, bracing my hands on either side of her head and angling my hips. “Then put me inside you, Sunflower.”

She brings my tip to her entrance, teasing her clit with it for a second, dragging up and down her wet slit, and I think I might die from how fucking good it feels. Then she lines me up, her pussy squeezing around me as I press inside. Her chest rises with a sharp breath, and my arms shake from the effort of going slow enough to not hurt her.

The second I’m sure she’s ready for me, I stop trying to hold back. My jaw is clenched tight, and my hips piston as I drive into her all the way, pressing my lips to hers at the same time to muffle her gasp of pleasure.

“Be a good girl,” I growl against her lips. “And stay quiet.”

She whimpers into my mouth, her nails raking down my back, and I pull back and punch my hips forward again, feeling her slick, velvety walls squeeze around me.

“You’re so fucking wet for me,” I groan. “This pussy was made for me, Margo, I swear to god. You feel so damn perfect.”

“Uh huh.” She nods fervently, her voice barely above a whisper and her gaze locked with mine.

I don’t look away from her, staring down into her eyes as I fuck her into the floor, giving it to her hard the way I know she likes. Each snap of my hips forces a little groan out of her, and I drag my thumb over her lower lip before slipping it into her mouth. She sucks on it, clamping her teeth down on the tip of my thumb and swirling her tongue over my skin.

“There you go,” I praise her. “Get it nice and wet.”

I slip my thumb back out of her mouth and switch our positions quickly, rolling onto my back and bringing her up to straddle me. Her hands go to my chest, her hair already a bit disheveled and her face flushed, and I use the thumb that she just sucked on to massage her clit, working tight circles over the little bud.

“I wanna watch you ride me,” I rasp. “Let me see those tits bounce while you take me as deep as you fucking can.”

Her chest heaves with a deep breath, and I can’t look away from the sight of it. Her nipples are stiff and peaked from how turned on she is, and since one of my hands is currently occupied, I use my free hand to alternate between the two of them, tugging and rolling her nipples between my fingers as she mewls softly.

“Ride my cock,” I demand. “Come on, Sunflower. Show me how much you like it.”

She doesn’t need any more urging. She starts to lift and lower her hips, sliding up and down my length, and my gaze drops to watch my cock disappear inside her over and over again.

“Fuck, look at you taking me like a champ. Look at the way your pussy swallows me up. So greedy.”

“You make me greedy. Feels… so… good.”

She rides me harder, and I can tell she’s chasing her climax because of the way her face tightens. The way she bites her lower lip, her gaze going out of focus a little as she loses herself in it.

I’m about to explode too, but I grit my teeth, working to hold back the pressure building in my balls. I won’t finish until she does. I want—no, I need—to feel her fall apart on my cock before I fill her with my cum.

My thumb works her swollen little clit faster, my other hand falling to her hip to help steady her as she rides me hard and fast, practically slamming herself down on my shaft with each stroke.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I chant under my breath. I’ve got no idea if the slapping sound of our bodies is audible from anywhere else in the house, but even if I was worried about it before, there’s no room for worry anymore. There’s no room for anything but the sight and feel of Margo.

She slaps a hand over her mouth as her head suddenly falls back, her body arching as she cries out against her palm. I’ve felt her come like this before, with me buried to the hilt inside her, but it’s so fucking different when I’m bare like this. The slick pressure of her walls clamping down around me like a vise sets off something inside me, and I flip our positions again, putting her on her back and pressing her knees up to her chest.

I fuck into her hard and deep, my thrusts becoming jerky as she goes so tight that it’s like she’s trying to choke my dick. And when I spill inside her, it’s like a piece of my soul goes with it.

“Margo,” I groan roughly. “Fuck, baby.”

I collapse on top of her, my face tucked in the crook of her neck, and we breathe together for a long moment, each of us gasping for air.

“Holy shit,” she whispers after a second. “If I’d known it was gonna be like that, I would’ve told you to stop using condoms a long time ago.”

“Nah,” I murmur against her skin. “Today was the perfect time. Because you were ready.”

I kiss her neck and chest and I slowly lift my weight off of her and pull out. A thick dribble of cum spills from her pussy as I withdraw from her, and without even thinking, I gather it on my fingertips and press it back inside her, watching her sweet cunt accept it.

The most possessive, primal feeling of satisfaction rises up in my chest, and I shove my fingers deeper, pushing my release farther inside.

“What are you doing?” Margo chuckles breathlessly, looking down the line of her body to watch as I fuck her with my fingers.

“This is fucking hot,” I murmur, entranced by the sight of it.

She wrinkles her nose. “Is it?”

“Yes,” I say emphatically. “You look so damn good like this, Sunflower. You look… you look like mine.”

My voice drops on the last word, and the skeptical look melts away from Margo’s face as she shivers.

She spreads her legs a little wider, and I drag my cum-slicked fingers out of her pussy long enough to slide them over her clit. When I go back to fucking her with them, I circle my thumb over the little bud, using my cum as lube and rubbing it into her skin.

She whimpers, her head tipping back, and I keep going, my fingers squelching in and out of her as I work her up to another orgasm.

“Oh,” she breathes. “Oh god, I—ahh…!

She whisper-screams her climax, her mouth dropping open as she writhes beneath me. Her inner walls clench so tight that her body ends up forcing out more of my cum, but I don’t let a single drop spill, stuffing it back inside her again.

Then I drag my fingers out and hold them up to her lips, giving her a crooked grin. “Help me clean up.”

She grabs my hand with both of hers, holding it in place while she wraps her lips around my fingers and sucks, lapping up our combined release. When she finally lets go, I lean down to kiss her, tasting myself on her tongue.

“That’s my good girl,” I murmur against her lips.

She lets out a contented little sigh, and it’s the best fucking sound in the world.

We break apart after a sustained moment, and she sits up.

“We should probably get back downstairs,” she says.

“Yeah. You’re right.”

It takes us a bit of time to get ourselves put back together and presentable enough for the party. I help Margo gather up her scattered clothes and smooth down her hair, and when she asks if she smells like sex, I tell her no—even though I’m not sure she believes me. She does, a little, but I don’t think anyone but me would notice it. It’s not like her family or their friends are going to be leaning in close and sniffing her.

She grimaces a little at the wetness between her thighs as she pulls her panties on, and I glance over at her.

“Do you want me to sneak down and get you a towel or something to clean up with?”

“That’s okay. Thanks. ” She hesitates, then adds, “It is kind of hot having your cum inside me.”

“See? I fucking told you.”

I pull her in for a hungry kiss, and then we finish getting dressed and head back down the ladder and to the first floor, where the party is still in full swing. We step into the kitchen, trying to blend in with the other guests, but Margo’s mom glances over at us right away. She’s sitting at the table with Heather and a few other older women I don’t know—probably friends of the family.

“Ah, there you two are!” She gives us a curious look. “I wondered where you got off to. You disappeared after the cake.”

“Oh. Uh…” Margo glances at me, a slight tinge of pink rising in her cheeks.

“Didn’t you say you were going to show Noah around?” Heather asks, covering smoothly for her sister. “You were giving him a tour of the house, right? I saw you in the garage earlier when I poked my head in.”

“Yeah.” Margo nods, flashing a bright smile, and I can practically feel her relief. “I just wanted to show Noah around.”

“You have a lovely home,” I tell Carol.

She beams at me. “Thank you.”

Heather smirks at us behind her mother’s back, sharing another meaningful look with Margo. Then she pulls April onto her lap, amusement still glinting in her eyes as she pats the now empty seat beside her.

“Come on in. Join us.”

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