Offside Hearts (Love and Hockey Book 1)
Offside Hearts: Chapter 29

I’ve never paid for a meal faster in my life than I do tonight. I already called the owner and paid for the private rental of the space, so all that’s left is to settle up for dinner. I include a generous tip to make up for the lack of other tips the server and kitchen staff will earn tonight, then scrawl my signature on the receipt and hurry back to the table where Margo is waiting.

I offer her my arm, and we head out of the restaurant and back to my car.

As I start the engine, I glance over at her. “Your place, or mine?”

She grins, as if she likes the fact that it wasn’t even a question that our date is going to continue, and tugs her lip between her teeth before saying, “Mine is closer.”

My cock pulses. “Yours it is, then.”

I pull out onto the street, fighting to keep myself from getting a full-on erection before we even get back to her apartment. It’s pretty much a lost cause though. I keep replaying the way her thighs tightened around my hand, the look on her face as she came, the sounds she made. I love that she’s adventurous while still managing to be driven and focused at the same time. It’s the perfect combination as far as I’m concerned, and it makes the moments when I get her to be a little wild even better.

Even hotter.

I speed up a little, keeping my eyes on the road as Margo gives me directions to her place. I’ve been there before, so once we get close, memory takes over and I navigate us smoothly to her building.

The second we’re outside, I throw the car into park, cut the engine, and slip out. I open Margo’s door, but instead of escorting her inside like a gentleman, I pick her up and put her over my shoulder like a caveman. Which is appropriate, I guess, because this woman makes me feel like a caveman sometimes—possessive and protective and jealous of every other man in the world who’s ever even looked at her. Not to mention, jealous of omelets and cakes and any other food capable of making her moan.

She shrieks in surprise as I scoop her up, laughing as I carry her up the steps to her building. “What are you doing?”

“Getting you inside as quickly and efficiently as possible. The other option was to fuck you in the car, but I figured we’d already hit our peak for exhibitionism tonight.” I hold out my hand. “Keys?”

Her belly flutters against my shoulder as she chuckles, and she rummages in her little clutch before depositing the keys into my hand. I unlock the outer door and bring her inside, then head for the stairs and start up the steps. She lives on the third floor, and as I round the landing on the second, she wriggles a little in my grasp.

“You don’t have to carry me the whole way. I must be heavy.”

“Not even a little bit.” I tighten my grip on her, sliding my hand over her ass as I do. “I could carry you all the way up to my penthouse without breaking a sweat.”

She makes a little noise of capitulation and allows me to keep going without putting her down—although she does take the opportunity to do a little tit for tat, groping my ass that same way I’m shamelessly groping hers.

“You’ve got a really nice butt, you know.” Her voice floats up from somewhere around my lower back. “I’ve never seen a hockey player’s ass up close before, and it’s…”

She whistles, and I laugh.

“I’m glad you like it,” I say as we exit the stairwell and I stride down the hall toward her unit. “Because I’m really hoping it’s the last hockey player ass you’ll ever see up close.”

She doesn’t answer, but I can feel her react to my words, her thighs squeezing together a little.

It might be stupid to say stuff like that, to come on so strong, but it’s a little late to hide how I feel about this woman. I don’t want to scare her off, but this thing between us almost ended before it even began because of a misunderstanding and my old reputation. I meant what I told her in the janitor’s closet. I’m not interested in anyone else, and I don’t want Margo to ever doubt that.

She’s got a few keys on her key ring, so after fumbling with the lock for a second, I finally do set her down so that she can find the right key and let us in.

The second she gets the door open, my hands come up to frame her face, and our lips collide as we stumble inside.

Fuck, I’ve been wanting to do this ever since we left the restaurant.

No, scratch that. I’ve been wanting to do this all day.

We stumble through her apartment, and I remember the layout well enough to help navigate us to the bedroom, although we slam into a wall and almost knock a framed picture off its hook on the way. Her bedroom is as homey and lived in as I remember, and even though neither of us bothers to flick on the light, there’s a good amount of ambient light coming in from the street lamps outside.

She kicks off her boots and jacket, and I get rid of my shoes before laying her down on the bed and crawling up to hover over her.

“God, you have no idea how hard it was not to fuck you back at Le Bijou,” I groan, tugging at the hem of her dress. “I was seriously contemplating offering everyone there a thousand dollars apiece just to go home for the rest of the night.”

“Do you think they knew what you were doing to me?” She sits up a little, reaching back to undo the zipper.

“Nah. I’m the only one who knew. And it was hot as well.”

I pull the dress over her head as she raises her arms, revealing a black bra and a pair of lacy panties. My stomach clenches as I realize that she’s wearing one of the five new pairs I had delivered to her apartment to make up for shredding the first pair.

She notices me looking and snorts under her breath, reaching for me and shoving my suit jacket off my shoulders. “If you wreck these, you owe me five more.”


“Yup.” She loosens my tie and slips it off. “That’s the precedent that’s been established. Five for one. At this rate, I’ll be swimming in designer underwear. It’s like some kind of panty pyramid scheme.”

I laugh, somehow both amused and wildly turned on at the same time. That’s just the effect she has on me. I unhook her bra, freeing her gorgeous breasts, and attack them with my mouth and hands as she works on the buttons of my shirt.

“I can live with those terms,” I breathe, biting down on her nipple and making her squeak.

We break apart for a second so that I can wrestle off the last of my clothes, and then we tumble back down onto the mattress. My cock is hard and aching for her, and I rock my hips against hers as I feast on the skin of her neck and shoulders.

“Condom,” she gasps, reaching down to grope my ass again.

“There’s one in my wallet. Hang on.”


She gestures toward her nightstand with one hand, apparently reduced to speaking in one-word sentences. I hesitate for a second, torn between the need to grab the condom so I can get inside her as quickly as possible, and an absolute unwillingness to stop kissing her throat.

Finally, my cock’s impatient throbbing wins out, and I tear myself away from her and crawl to the side of the bed to open the nightstand drawer.

The second I do, my eyebrows shoot up.

Instead of grabbing a condom, I flip the little switch on the bedside lamp to turn it on. Warm light floods the room, and I smirk as I gaze down into the drawer.

“Wow. This is quite the collection you’ve got here.”

“What?” Margo glances over at me, her gray eyes languid and warm. Then they widen, and she scrambles up onto her knees. “Oh, shit!”

“Shit, what? Was I not supposed to see these?” I grin, gesturing to the impressive array of vibrators she’s got in her drawer. “You’re the one who told me to look in your nightstand.”

“Right.” She flushes, putting her hands over her face. “I forgot those were there. I haven’t… had a guy around in a while.”

I like the sound of that a lot. Logically, I know it’s not fair for me to be jealous of any relationship she had before we met. I certainly don’t want her to judge me for or feel jealous of my past hookups. But the part of me that doesn’t care about logic and only wants Margo to be mine is pleased that it’s been a while since another man saw her like this, naked and so fucking sexy.

“That makes sense,” I tell her as she drops her hands. “And if you’re embarrassed, don’t be. I think it’s great that you can take care of your own needs.”

Her brows scrunch together, a little line forming between them. “Really? Philip always got annoyed that I had a vibrator. He thought it was… disrespectful or something.”

I roll my eyes. “Wow. Philip the Ten-Minute Wonder felt disrespected by something that could actually get you off? Shocker.”

She chuckles, her posture relaxing a bit. “So you’re not threatened by the fact that I have those?”

“Fuck, no. In fact…” I look back down into the drawer. “Which one is your favorite?”

“Um.” She hesitates, even though I know she has an answer. Then she says, “The Satisfyer.”

“With a name like that, I’m not surprised. Which one is it?”

She points to one of the toys in the drawer, a smallish rose gold vibrator. There’s a circular piece of silicone at one end, giving it a sort of nozzle shape. I lift it out, hefting its weight in my hand. Then I grab a condom before shutting the drawer and crawling back over to Margo.

“Lie back,” I instruct.

“What are you doing?” she asks, biting her lip as she settles down onto the mattress.

After quickly tearing open the condom and rolling it on, I move between her legs, bracing her feet on the bed and then kissing the inside of each knee.

“I hope I’ve made it clear that I care about your pleasure. In fact, getting you off is one of the things that gets me off.” I lift the vibrator, giving her a heated smirk. “So this? This isn’t my enemy. This is my ally. My buddy.”

I press the button to turn the vibrator on, and Margo’s nipples instantly harden, like a Pavlovian response. Oh, fuck. This is gonna be fun. My cock pulses at the sight of her, and I hold the vibrator up, examining it quickly.

“Anything I should know? Any favorite settings?”

“That little opening at the top goes over my clit,” she breathes, watching me with wide eyes. “And I like—I like the suction setting.”

“Got it.”

I play around with the settings for another second, getting the hang of how the thing works… and also torturing Margo a little, working her up before I even touch her as she waits in anticipation. When I’m finally ready to use it on her, I go slow just like I did the first time I went down on her, working my way up to it by lavishing attention on her entire body first, nipping at the insides of her thighs and kissing her stomach.

Her pussy lips are slick with arousal by the time I drag the head of the toy through her folds, getting it nice and lubed up. It’s already vibrating on the lowest setting, and she sighs softly as I press the silicone opening over her clit. I move it around a bit, watching her face until I get the right angle, and then I hold it there, massaging her breast with my free hand.

“Good?” I ask.

“Mm.” She nods, her face screwed up in concentration.

“Good girl.” I up the power a little more, and she hisses out a breath.

I play like that for a long while, learning not just the toy but how to use it on her, dialing the intensity up and then back down every time she gets close. When I bump it up to the highest setting yet, she arches off the bed, moving her hips like she can’t stay still.

“Fuck, Noah! Oh, god.”

“Yeah? You like that? Can you take more?”

She nods, and I adjust my position between her legs so that I can use the fingers of one hand to fuck her while the toy stays pressed against her clit. I start with one finger and work my way up to three, stretching her out and getting her ready for my cock. She’s panting and moaning, grabbing at my hair as her legs squeeze around my shoulders.

This vibe really is powerful. I can tell by the way her face and chest are flushed, by the way she responds every time I adjust the setting. It’s getting harder to back off the pressure in time to keep her from coming each time she gets close, but I want to edge her a little more. I want her so fucking desperate for it.

“Hold on, baby,” I murmur. “Not quite yet. You’re doing so fucking well.”

She whimpers, lifting her hips to chase my touch when I pull the vibe away from her for a second. “Please… Fuck, please.”

Her needy little sounds go right to my balls, making my stomach clench. I’m in fucking agony, everything in me drawn so tight that I feel like I’m edging myself right along with her—but it’s worth it to see the look of raw pleasure on her face.

I put the opening of the vibe over her clit again, making sure I’ve got it set at the right angle, then push the button to increase the power again. At the same time, I curl my fingers inside her, massaging her g-spot.

“Oh my—aaahhh!

Her words break off into a ragged cry, and a gush of wetness coats my fingers as she grips my hair so tightly that little tingles dance across my scalp. I turn off the vibrator and drop it to the bed, then hook her legs with my hands and thrust into her. I’m careful not to go too fast, but she’s so warmed up that I slide in without much resistance, and she arches her hips to meet me until our pelvises are flush, my cock buried all the way inside her.

She’s still coming, her inner walls rippling around me with the force of her orgasm, and it’s the best fucking thing I’ve ever felt. I fuck her through it, drawing out and pushing back in, clinging to the last scraps of my self-control.

When she comes again, the first orgasm tipping over into another one, it fucking undoes me. I let out a hoarse shout, dropping my head to kiss her and thrusting hard and fast until I erupt inside the condom, filling it up to the brim. My hips keep twitching forward, little pulses that press me deeper inside her. I can’t seem to stop. I never want to stop fucking her.


Margo murmurs something that’s barely intelligible, and I draw back a little, looking down at her.


“I just… came so hard I… think I blacked out for a second,” she says, her words still a bit mushy. She blinks, shaking her head a little like she’s trying to clear it, then rests her hands on either side of my face, staring up at me with a dazed expression. “I’ve never… how did you… what did you do with that thing?”

I chuckle and drop a kiss to the tip of her nose. “I used it like we were on the same side.”

She laughs, wrapping her arms and legs around me. We stay like that for a long moment, and even though I know I should get up and deal with the condom soon, I have absolutely no desire to move.

“You know,” she whispers after a while, her voice pensive, “this could really become a problem.”

“What could?”

“You keep feeding me incredible food and giving me mind-blowing orgasms. Keep it up, and you’ll never be able to get rid of me.”

A grin breaks out across my face, and I kiss her again, just because I can.

“I like the sound of that, Sunflower.”

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