Not Your Mate Anymore
Chapter 48 Prove Me Wrong

Sabrina's POV

"So you were born on earth, raised by grandfather and nana, who returned to this realm a bit after having you?" I ask my mother, who nods in response.

"I'm aware nana and grandfather moved to human town because nana was bullied. This is true because I've heard about it from pack members

back at Blue Moon but did you honestly grow up on earth?" I ask.

"I was in between. Your grandmother moved back to this realm as soon as possible, trying to get her powers back. The previous moon goddess, your grandmother was punishing her so she would not budge. Mates are sacred law and your nana broke the law, our most important one of all. I would visit the realm, giving me a few years here, wherein I'd spent half a day away from earth.” My mother explains.

"Ethia introduced herself as luna when we first met.” I say looking between Hunter and mother. "That is the name you will take as moon goddess. When you meet earthlings who have died or who you decide to show yourself to, you will introduce yourself as luna. That is the name all moon goddesses take, it has been that way since the beginning.” Hunter says to me.

"How was she able to yield moon goddess power?" I ask, still looking between Hunter and my mother.

"There is an initiation that takes place once you have completed training which will unlock the moon goddess in you. In your case, it has been unlocked already and if it isn't, the elders let you wear the ancient jewels which help center the power on you. That is what Ethia did, she had the

jewels to help her gain a power that did not belong to her." Hunter says to me, anger very evident in his voice.

"She had help, Ethia. In the time after Hunter chose me and I was pregnant with you and Anthony, she created a group. Found people who had grown tired of the first family and their rule. Those people helped execute her plan in killing anyone in her way and obtaining the five weapons that could kill anyone from the first family. Two swords, two daggers and a bayonet. Everyone in the heavenly realm has gifts, we are born with them but the first family have something we regulars don't have and that is greater strength and immortality. Ethia recruited specifically on gifts and ranking.

After the killing of your grandmother, we had to go into hiding in fear of the very same weapons that almost took your life." My mother tells me.

"So you fell pregnant and then what?" I ask.

"It was a happy time finding out I was with child or children. That solidified my place with your father and definitely made the girls after him, stay away.” Mother says to me but looking at Hunter. "The girls in this realm never liked me much. Mainly because Hunter was my mate.” Mother tells me but Hunter chuckles.

"Now that's a lie. They did not like you because their mates wanted you. Just as Ethia wanted me and she went crazy, your mother had the boys going crazy too. I had to punch a lot of boys in my day to get them to back off and even that was not enough. When I eventually claimed her, when everyone found out she was carrying my children, they backed off. Although I guess they weren't exactly given a choice. We fled, in fear of not knowing who was against us. The moment I found out my best friend's family sided with Ethia, I knew we were on our own and the most important thing was to protect the children, you and Anthony.” Hunter says me. His face held so much hurt, I could feel betrayal coming off of him.

His best friend betrayed him.

"So mother went back to earth and you?" I ask Hunter.

"We hid on earth too but on opposite ends. Although I would visit the heavenly realm from time to time." He says to me.

Although Evan would be watching from up here, I still need someone on earth to make sure he does not go kidnapping more pups for his own gain.

"And you will go with him, to make sure he does not go kidnapping more werewolf pups to create an army. This was your assignment and you will carry it through and if he kidnaps one pup, you kill him." I say and Josey smiles as if I said something that pleases her.

"I was hoping you'd say that. I will be returning with him in hopes to finish what I started and to make sure he or Thomas won't go trying to avenge their loved ones.” Josey says to me.

With what Cayden did to her mates, this was a little odd. Josey was too eager to go back to earth with Cayden but if she so badly wants to prove herself by completing this task, I will not stand in her way.

I've always been the stronger one, the smarter one. The one that everyone relies on and I know Josey just wants to show everyone she is just as capable but if only she knew that everyone relied on her. Until she can admit this to herself, she was doing this more to prove to herself that she is capable.

"Fine. I'll have Evan return you both.” I say and Josey's smile disappears again.

"Cherisse too." She says and I smile.

"There is no way in hell or earth that I will allow that cold ass blood sucking no good for nothing mate killer to leave with my sister and his. He gets to keep you and I get to keep Cherisse. You let him know I will take good care of his sister in the hopes that he will do the same with you." I say and Josey let's out a sigh.

"Huff and puff all you want. If he wants to leave that cell, he will have to do it without his sister. If you stay alive, Cherisse stays alive too. End of that discussion.” I say. Josey nods her head in understanding as Evan walks in.

"Evan, take Josey and the vampire king back to earth. Tell the king that I will keep his sister as he has mine. As long as Josey stays alive and well, Cherisse will live.” I say and Evan nods his head, walking out of the room, followed by Josey.

"You are coming into your role." Hunter compliments and I smile but I was a little troubled by Josey's eagerness to go back with the vampire king.

Just a few hours ago, she was ready to kill him and offer me his head. Now, she wanted him out of the cells and back to his rule.

"Did you guys find it weird that Josey was too happy to go back with Cayden? Is it just me?" I ask and my mother shrugs.

"I birthed leaders. Let Josey rule as queen and protect the werewolves from a vengeful vampire. If Josey sticks by him then he won't act out against us.” Mother tells me and I shiver just thinking about her with him.

"I hate to say this but I'd rather have that than what is going on in my head. I feel like I'm going to lose Josey to that world and we won't be able to bring her back.” I say, worry taking over me. "That's probably just the big sister in you talking. Your little Josey is out in the world alone.” Mother teases but it was more than that and I knew it.

"I can't tell you how to feel but if you don't feel sure about this then do something about it. You are the moon goddess, there is nothing you can't do.” Hunter says to me and I smile.

I could definitely do something, something that might prove that I was right to be doubtful. I'm just hoping that Josey proves me wrong.

"Anthony!" I call out. If anyone was to help in this case, it was Anthony.

"You called? And also, can you all stop summoning me like this? I don't do this to any of you." Anthony says in annoyance.

"I'm sorry. I only do it because father does it." I say and Anthony's eye bulge out.

"You said it! She said it, out loud.” Anthony says and I look at him confused

I look at Hunter and his face looks happy, like he has just completed the world's hardest obstacle course and came out victorious. His grin was wide and full, a happy man stood in front of me and then it dawned on me.

I had just called Hunter what I only call Christopher.

“About time.’ Athena says in my head.

Oh boy.

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