Not Your Mate Anymore
Chapter 46: Give Me Blood

Sabrina's POV

I have to save Clayton and Chase, they can't die! Even if it takes all of me, they will heal. My sister won't survive this, who can?

This was the violence Cayden was talking about?

Trying to force our hand?

I'll give it to him, he had power in the human realm and it ran deep but it can only get you so far. I don't care if he's the vampire king, vampire god, today I will be having his head for dinner.

Trying to save the twins would be possible but I'd just endanger all of us if I pass out now.

I disappear with the twins, landing at the castle doors. Evan waits for me with men dressed in red robes, who take the twins from me.

"We will save them. Go save your sister's pack.” Evan says to me and I nod my head in agreement. I head back to where I almost lost my two brothers, their blood still fresh on the grass.

Josey was deep in the fight, snapping necks and breaking spines. She smashes a head against the wall, over and over again.

What she does next isn't surprising for me but it will be for her when she breaks out of this blackout madness.

Josey feeds for the first time.

She sinks her fangs in to the human's neck, draining him of blood.

She continues to do so, draining every human of blood. One body on top of another, drained of blood. Her eyes were a bloodshot red, her vampire present for all of this.

This certified her vampirism.

She may be doing it out of anger but she was now more a vampire than before. She had tasted blood and I am now worried about her.

Would she be insatiable? Would she change to what Thomas said they all become when they are turned?

Obsessed with blood?

I am frozen in place, just looking at the scene in front of me. The hunters would try to flee but what's the point in running from a vampire?

Josey was killing these hunters easily. It was a one man show and they stood no chance.

I see a hunter aiming his rifle at Josey, not wanting to hurt her, I throw a fireball at the hunter, who is then engulfed in flames as he runs around screaming until he drops dead on the ground.

This breaks me out of my thoughts, yes it was troubling to see Josey drinking blood and straight from the neck but goddess knows I'd go crazy if Xander's throat was slit in front of me.

So instead of just watching her, 1 will help her.

I will burn every body that drops on the ground after her violent feed, one by one. I will be on the lookout for any hunters who will try to use weapons to defend themselves.

Josey was in a trance, her body was in a fit of rage that I have never seen from her. This was not the giddy Josey we all know, the one that makes jokes and has the room in better spirits, this is a new Josey and she was troubled.

Get in her way and there was no telling what she will do to you.

A hunter threw a grenade Josey's way but I threw it back to him with a gust of wind. He was standing with a few men around him and they had thought this would save them but boy were they wrong.

The grenade explodes, body pieces flying around and an arm landing on my feet. Josey hears the explosion and looks at me, she looks me up and down and then proceeds on her mission to kill Cayden's messengers.

I made my way to Cj and Arianna, who were having tea in the garden.

"Arianna, is the threat still there? Will werewolves still go to war with vampires?" I ask her as I sit down, pouring myself a cup.

"I am not sure, I will have to contact my mother and my sisters, we will have to perform a ritual to also gain some clarity too. What happened to the twins?" Arianna asks and I sigh loudly.

"Cayden sent werewolf hunters to attack their pack and kill them. Jose and I arrived just as they slit their throats, knives laced with silver. I could not heal them without draining my energy and putting myself in danger so I brought them here." I say and Arianna nods her head in understanding.

"I have a bad feeling though, there's just a heavy cloud hanging over Josey. I'm not sure what it is but it is not good.” Arianna tells me as Josey comes running to us.

"Sabrina, you have to save him! Chase is dying.” Josey says and I immediately get on my feet, running to the recovery room with my siblings right behind me.

I walk inside to see Chase, choking on his own blood as an elder tries to help him. I rush to him, placing my hands on him. He stops coughing up blood, his eyes on Josey.

"Did you get all the silver out?" I ask looking at Chase's wounds. There was one stab wound on his chest that did not sit well with me, it was not healing.

"He's a lycan. Silver should not be killing him. If he could survive the slitting of his throat, why not this one?” Josey chimes in.

"There's too much silver in him, isn't there? His wolf is too weak to heal him." I say in a barely audible tone but I know everyone heard me.

"I'm afraid there is nothing I can do. He was stabbed multiple times, silver entering his bloodstream every time. Weakening him, his wolf. The stab on the chest was the final straw, that weakened him completely, allowing the human to slit his throat. I'm sorry, you will have to say your goodbyes." The elder says before leaving the room

Josey slowly gets on the bed, cuddling next Chase as she sobs. I start crying just looking at them. "Sabrina, is there anything you can do?" Josey asks me and I look at Chase.

"L can try to heal you, the chest wound.” I say and Chase nods his head, allowing me to proceed. "Wait! I know what could help. The amulet.” Arianna chimes in before I could begin trying to heal him.

She runs out of the room, Cj following after her.

"The amulet?" Chase asks weakly, one could easily tell he was in so much pain.

"Some magical necklace.” Josey says right before Clayton starts coughing up blood, so much of it coming out.

Josey and I leave Chase, attending to Clayton. An elder rushes in and helps calm him down.

"I'm afraid the same thing is happening to him as well. Their wolves are too weak to heal them.” He says and Josey falls to her knees next to Clayton's bed.

“Aren't lycans irritated by silver? Why is this silver weakening them?" I ask, looking at Clayton.

"One stab wound, is not enough to weaken them but multiple stab wounds, lead to a slower healing which allows the silver to enter the bloodstream and make it's way to the heart. Once it is there, there is nothing we can do to save them.” The elder says and Josey sobs loudly.

Arianna walks in but freezes in her tracks upon seeing us by Clayton's bed.

She walks up to us, worry written on her face. Cj enters the room with Anthony, Hunter and mother. "Oh no. Please don't tell me Clayton is.. don't.” Arianna tries to find the words.

"I will leave you all to say your goodbyes.” The elder says before walking out. He stops at the door to say something but Arianna cuts in.

"The amulet does not have enough power to save both of them. I... I thought it was just Chase. What do we do?" Arianna asks looking between the twins.

"What happened?" Mother asks and Josey chuckles.

"You let a boy grow up without a mother, used half the amulets power for whatever reason. You haven't even tried to fix the shit you have put us all through and now my mates are dying because there's a vampire with a score to settle." Josey says as her vampire comes forth.

Hunter remains emotionless on his face but a look of annoyance crosses mother's facial features but quickly disappears.

"Josey..." Chase calls out, we all look at him.

"Use the amulet on Clayton. He needs it." Chase says. We all stay quiet, trying to take in what Chase just suggested.

"No. Save Chase, I know he deserves it more." Clayton says to us.

"I want to save the both of you!” Josey shouts out loud. My heart was breaking for her.

"Arianna, you save Chase and I will try save Clayton.” I say.

"You are the moon goddess now, you can't just save everyone. Life happens and it ends, in this case, with the rules that we have, it would not be right to change fate. Disturbing the balance, will only bite you in the end.” Hunter says to me.

"I can't just stand by and watch one of them die!” I say, looking at Hunter.

"I have to agree with your father. Life and death is at a balance so by saving Chase, someone else will have to die. Someone that means just as much to you or even more.” The elder tells me.

Josey sobs even louder at hearing what Hunter and the elder had to say. I want to cry too but I must remain strong for Josey. There had to be way to save the twins without my interfering with so called balance.

I can't just stand here and do nothing. I know I can't save them without having to pay for it later and I can't afford to lose Xander or Adrastos, for they are the people I care for the most.

I will not use my powers but what else was there to do? How do I save them now?

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