Not Your Mate Anymore
Chapter 43 Crazy

Josey's POV

I was stupid to think this man lured me in to his bedroom to talk the history of vampires and where he comes from.

It was foolish of me to think that this man would tell me about vampires and how they came about. Instead, there he was feeding off not one, but two naked females and he was inviting me join in on the fun.

"Call it your initiation. Judging by your actions earlier, you have never feasted on a human before. Nobody wants to die a virgin, Josey.” He says to me but I scoff in response.

Greatly disgusted by his actions and how these women were pretending to enjoy having fangs pierce their skin and be drained of blood

"I will pass on that offer, thank you kindly for sharing your food but I am stuffed from my dinner earlier, fried chicken.” I say and he just smiles as he slowly undresses himself.

It was wildly erotic watching him undress in front of me and the other ladies. Vampires were gifted crazy speed but he sure took his time, making it all the more suspenseful. He was putting on a show and we were all captivated by it.

His body, a complete work of art. Not one scar on him to brag about or a hair out of place. He invoked feelings I did not want to feel. In no way did I want to cheat on my mates or act on the how I felt but they were there and I could not ignore them.

“We are sultry creatures, vampires. Sex is a work of art for us. We rush everything but when it comes to sex, it is enjoyed slowly. I try to prolong it as much as I can and feasting on your partner brings about a different kind of euphoria for our kind, it is like a drug. Highly addictive but we are granted immortality and cursed to roam the earth drinking only blood and doing nothing else. It is not like we can waste away like humans.” Cayden tells me, clearly enjoying the show he is giving us.

"You said cursed?” I ask and he smiles.

“Caught that one, didn't you?" He says and this time, I smile. For me to better defend my kind, I have to know the enemy. Funny thing is that enemy is also now my kind.

"A very long time ago, a pale boy was born. A boy born with fangs that killed his mother when he was full term from the inside. A boy that drained his mother of every drop, killing her and forcing the doctors to cut her open and save him. Little did they know that I was my mother's killer, taking care of me but my body would reject the food or milk given to me. This troubled everyone but my father, for he knew why I was this way. My mother was cursed to give birth to a demon child. One who would cause chaos and bring about death every where he went and to everyone around him. My father would feed me his blood at night away from prying eyes until I was old enough to compel people to do my bidding. When I became a man, I turned my father in to a vampire, inflicting a pain I never knew existed.” Cayden says and I sit on one of his bedroom chairs, completely engrossed in this tale.

Ignoring the fact that another woman was giving him head right in front of me.

" Josey, my father killed for sport. Feeding off the weak and vulnerable because he could and creating an army of vampires that would bring chaos in to the world, just as it was prophesied. Yes, I was not the doom bringer but I turned my father so I take the blame. He later introduced the vampire kingdom, placing himself as king above all immortals. The vampire army forcing every vampire in to submission and those that did not agree with him were slaughtered. He turned his brother in to a vampire, who turned his family. That's the house of Wordsworth that your sister so famously slaughtered by the way. The news reached me before Thomas even knocked on my door asking for an army to take down some fierce werewolf girl who has magic powers! Imagine our shock to hear that wolves have superpowers besides the fact that they are inherently stronger than us, they can call on the elements and torch us to ashes. We did not believe him obviously because in my years of living, I have never come across

“Nobody wants to be called a curse, trust me, I would know. Now, what about you?" Cayden says, taking us back to that one question I want so badly to avoid.

"I was born in a pack as a beta's child. My father will always put himself in danger to save the alpha so that explains me being here as a vampire. I have two mates who I love more than anything and a family I care for. My mother died a few years after having me. My father told us that she was a weaker wolf so her body suffered after carrying me and eventually it gave out so if you want a buddy to drink with and host a pity party with, I am your girl. We both killed our mothers and it has bothered me for some time but my father moved on from losing her and I had to do the same.” I say, Cayden smiling at me.

"Josey Trent, I am no fool. I know exactly who you are so unless you can be completely honest and transparent with me, get out of my room.

You have two hours to go think it through before I have to use maximum force. You are a rich girl so I can't pay you to speak, You are a hybrid so I can't entice you with blood to get you talking so violence is the only way. Trust me, I am not your normal vampire.” He says to me, annoyance all over his face.

I walk out of his room, making my way down the stairs and out of the castle to meet up with Anthony. It was almost time to meet up with him and I needed him to get a message to mother and Sabrina. If they wanted to make things right then Mother needs to come here and prevent a vampire army killing innocent wolves who had nothing to do with Cayden growing up without a mother.

"Wow! Still alive I see...” Anthony says jumping in front of me.

"Yeah, you are looking at the new queen of vampires but that's not what is important right now. The vampire king can walk in broad daylight and he is the first ever vampire, making him that much more dangerous. He also has a very interesting story, please ask mother if she knows a woman called Shadow and if she does, then the war we are all trying so hard to prevent can be prevented if she comes here and puts an end to the vampire king's hatred. He did some digging on me and I don't know how much he knows but you tell mother if the name means anything to her then she and Sabrina better hurry here. Now go!” I say gently pushing him and he gets the message, disappearing off.

I decide to walk back inside the castle to confront Cayden. If he wants violence then I will give it to him and he better be able to handle it.

As I close the door, I feel a figure behind me. I turn around quickly ready to attack, only to come face to face with the king.

“Look, I am Josey Trent. Daughter of Christopher Trent and Kimberly Trent, I have two siblings. An older sister, Sabrina and a brother by the name Cj. I have two alpha mates, an alpha for a brother in law and a witch slash wolf as a sister in law. What do you want to know?" I ask looking straight in to his eyes.

“I want to know how you came to control the element water and how your sister was able to burn and defeat The Wordsworth household single handedly. I want to know your full history and not who you and your siblings are sleeping with.” Cayden says and I nod my head yes.

"My mother is not of this world and my sister is the moon goddess, giving her insane strength to defeat a weak vampire kingdom, no offence but when you meet my sister, you will quickly understand what I am talking about. Just like you, my sister comes from the first wolf family, giving her immense power and strength. My mother being of a godly realm, allowed me to inherit water powers and crazy strength that you have not yet felt. What I did to your queen was child's play but I am sure you will surprise me too." I say, feeling lighter after telling the truth.

I really hope mother comes through for the werewolf population and fights it out with this little demon. I do not see him defeating her in any way as she is from a different world but maybe he will challenge her and she should not underestimate him since he is the first vampire.

"Your mother is from a godly realm? She is powerful and you inherited her powers?" Cayden says to me and I nod my head yes as his skin changes color from pale to a blueish color. His fangs clearly visible with his mouth closed. His entire body felt cold, the whole room felt cold as if I was placed in a freezer.

Cayden looks frozen, he looks like a dead body at a mortuary. His eyes were now crystal like and I finally understood what he meant when he said he was not the average vampire.

He missed one thing though in my entire confession, that I am no ordinary wolf. I am the scary kind too, the kind when you mess with me, I can be the monster they write about in storybooks.

I release all of my power, having Cayden step back from me. He thinks he can intimidate me and I would just cower away? Yes, granted I have a big mouth and this honesty thing I have going on is probably what got me in trouble today but I honestly believe that honesty saves time.

"You look dead but are you seriously trying to scare me? Like I scare easily but from the tv! I don't watch horror movies because the bad guys like you always pop up out of nowhere and start killing people but obviously in this case, with me and you, I saw this coming. Now we can tango all day until your subjects wake and realize they finally have someone that can defeat you or you can chill and listen to what I have to say.” I say cheekily and Cayden laughs.

"What makes you think you could possibly defeat me?" Cayden asks.

"Excuse me? Do you not feel all this power? Don't let this pretty face and great bod fool you, I pack a mean punch. Like deadly and even if I can't exactly drown you for good, I will have fun trying over and over again." I say smiling.

I was buying myself time. Enough time for mother to get here and settle this because wow.

"You went from seriously handsome to just blue. Do these humans know they are sleeping with a dead body? How does your thing stand to attention? Oh wait! It is always ready right? I mean if you are this cold, rods gotta stay hard but no does it not shrink? What is actually happening here?" I ask chuckling between questions.

"If I decide not to kill you, maybe you can find out how my rod works.” Cayden jokes but his face void of any emotion.

"KILL ME? Ha! Not today son maybe in the next life but since you don't age then I guess this is the only lifetime for us huh. Yeah no fun in that so I will let you punch me on my stomach. No wait, No, just break my arm, I love my tummy." I say jokingly. Cayden however seems to be contemplating my offer.

"Hey! no! I was not serious so you stop right there, I am not letting you anywhere near my body. You do not get to touch anything. "I say and Cayden chuckles before roughly pushing me against the door, My body instantly freezing. I can not move a limb, not a finger.

I can not speak as my tongue is frozen in place and Cayden smiles at my stillness.

“Oh finally! I honestly thought you would never shut it..." Cayden says. I can feel my wolf trying to release enough heat to thaw the ice keeping me still but this would have been faster if i was in wolf form.

"Now let us send your mother a message, yeah?" Cayden says as he licks my neck before piercing two holes in and drinking my blood.

His intrusion wakes something in me as my body fights the stillness. I break free from his hold, grabbing him by the neck and twisting it. That should render him unconscious for some time. I carry him to his room placing him on his bed, covering him in tons of gasoline and I keep the lighter in my hand as I take a seat on one of his bedroom chairs waiting for mother to show.

Time to put this age old vendetta to bed as Cayden lays on his bed.

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