Chapter 583

She then ignored Carl's surprise as she used the cover of the night to rush toward the villa on the other side. She was so fast that she reached the limits of a human being.

Carl shrugged helplessly and accepted his teammate's unconventional plan. He stood up and leaned against the wall as he approached the two burly bodyguards by the door. Just as one of them was not looking, he choked out the bodyguard closest to him and then slammed a karate chop on the other bodyguard before the latter could even shout. The two slumped onto the floor, and Carl was pleased with his handiwork before darting into the Thorne family villa. He darted around the shrubs in the garden to approach the main hall and quickly climbed onto a windowsill by the side. He then used it as a launchpad to jump onto the second floor before hooking his leg onto the wall and hanging himself upside down.

This posture would hide him from sight from anyone on the first or second floor.

Plus, he had also chosen a blind spot between patrols, and it could be said that he was extremely experienced.

Carl was a little puzzled. He did not know what the occasion was today that the Thorne would deploy so many guards as if some kind of war was about to break out.

Their deployment looked more like they were trying to stop the people inside from coming out rather than people from coming in.

With this suspicion in mind, Carl placed a small squarish instrument onto the wall as the miniature headset in his eyes automatically connected to it, allowing him to listen clearly to what was being said inside the villa.

The first ten minutes were nothing but a cacophony of voices, but Carl waited patiently as he waited there quietly, not unlike a still statue. It was until half past one when the crowd was slowly trying to disperse but was instead being held inside the villa.

Many then let out angry voices.

"Hey, asshat, what are you doing trying to keep us here?"

"Rhein Thorne, what are you thinking? You're actually the Intercontinental Party's lapdog?"

Stop! Amidst the uproar, Rhein's red hair looked particularly conspicuous.

He gently dug his ear as he irritably pulled something out and pulled the trigger.

A loud bang soon rang out, and Carl immediately frowned.

This was a sound he was most familiar with.

A gunshot! He disregarded the risk of being found as he quickly flipped over and descended without a sound.

After positioning himself at an angle where he could see what was going on inside, he then stopped moving.

The moment Rhein took out the gun, everyone went silent as an awkward silence cast a pall upon the villa. He then laughed out loud, seemingly thinking that the entire fracas was interesting, before hissing brutally.

"This banquet is a setup so I can get rid of all of you!"

Looking at their fearful faces, Rhein was very satisfied. It was only until when he saw Jared, who was still sitting there fiddling around with a dagger with an inlaid dark ruby in it.

The latter was calm and gently tapped the blade against the tabletop, his eyes locked onto the gleeful Rhein.

As if he had no fear at all.

A look of disbelief soon appeared on his face, and seemingly thinking of something, he took a cold and menacing look as he looked at Jared and sneered.

"Of course, even if I want to get rid of you lot in the name of my faith, there is still a sequence."

Immediately after, he looked at the bodyguard-like figure who had been silent since the start of the banquet and whispered a question to him.

The man nodded after hearing that as he took off his cap, his cold icy gaze then stared sharply at Jared, his tone stereotypically business - like. "Greetings, I'm of the Interpol."

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